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Ask your urocer f ir Jaxon crackers. OCR 25 CEST t'ltl.l'MN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three ltnes, can be inserted three weeks lor 25 en is. mi i' imi:ii. etc. WaNTED- Two Girls lor house-work and Store, 43 State-st. WANTED- A servent Girl at 44 Miller Ave., City, will pay good wages to competeut ilirl. Apply atoiice. WANTED- At No. 2 Packard st.. a Girl to do honnework. WOUD CONTB CT open till Dee. 20, 188S, for lOCordseach of Dry body Oak, and Green bodv Oak. James Toms' Greenhouse, Miller Ave. and Chapín t.. Ann Arhor. i.osr LOST - On Thompson or State Streets a Black Silk Umbrella; F. Fould marked on Handle. Finder rewarded by leaving at Mr. Sessions, on Williams st. FOR SII.K. TfORSALE- Vyundivided one-balfofa Farm, F situattd three miles E of Anu Arbor, and knowu as the Howe and North Farin. wnuld exehange for pruperty in or near Kan.-as City Mo. Address me al 1Z23, Grand Ave., Kansas I City, Mo. rs. tliza North. L'OR SALE: - 40 Acres of Improved Land, two miles lrom Wayue Villaje, House and Barn, flrst-class soil. Geo. Olp, Aun Arbor. FOR SALE- A Portland Cutter, at $11'. Apply at 4Fat;kardbt FOR SALE, VERYCHEAP- Nice feeding Carrots. Will be delivered if desirtd. AUdres Box 1484, or apply at the Norgme Farm, Pittsfleld. L""OR SA'E - Drivmg and general purpose 1 Horse. weight, eltven hundred ; 6 years old; will be 9old ciieap. Lew H. Clement. IOR SALE- The best Grocery Store in YpsiI lanti. Apply by letter to Box 4R6, Ypsilanti, Mich. pOR SALE OR RENT- My residence, No. 49 8. University Ave. House very convenieutly situaled. Enqulre of Hurlson T Mormn ÍT'OR ALE OK RENT-Several Hou-es Ín diflerent parts of the city. One new, conveniently üituated for roomtrs and boarder ; Also Be-eral very desirable buiidii g hits., situated in different parts of the ciiy, lor s de o long tiine or monthly payments. if desireii, at reaswnable Drices. Enquire of Huilson T. Morton, 49 South Uuiversliy Ave. I?OR SAI.E- Fruit Farm 19 acres, at Ann Arbor. Michigan, for saie at a bargaiu. Only reason for Helling ia uuable to tend tu H. Choicest land. highcst cultivatinn. 11 acres in rasberries and blackbeTies; i In rapes, pears andjpeaches 2ingrove pía tation two yeais oíd. Cash tales this year SlriOO. Ahundant water; House c.t Í5. 00. Elegant lawn. hedges and shmle. One mile from C'ourt-house. Te ms easy. J. H. Clough H'OR SALE.- House and lot o. 44 Wsshingtonst Apply ol N. W. Cheever. No. 10 Nortu 4th st HOR SALE- Building Lots, frontitig wtst side Mann st. Extra view; Sizes to suit; long time for paymeuts. J. D. Duncnn. 76 Miller Ave ÍAROE NEW HOUSE, wfrh o e or two lots. -J for sale or exchange for smaller propeay If not sold, will be for leut. J. P. Judson, South University Ave. FOK RENT. FÍ"OR RENT.- A. Suite of front rooms, newly furnished, very dtsirable, 71 East Washlug ton St. H'iURNISHED Rooms with Board, at No. Bowery-t. rpo LET- A good Suite o' Unfurnished Rooms X at reamnable rales. 44 Miller Ave. City rpo RENT - A Cottage, suitable for a small family.or two or three Stu leuts, who womd wish to d tnemxvtís in a retired place. Enquire of J. D. Baldwin. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Housen and lots valued froin tl 000 to iii.uOo and i'omxini g froin one flfth ol an acre lo iw?"iitv acres- al. in the ciiy limita Hou-es rei'ted un reasonable term in central localitie. harmnexchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A..SESSION8, o32t' Attorney at'd Real Estáte Agetit. Office over Express üflice. Main Kt., Ann Arbor. ■ISCBIiLARBOITN. C UBSCR1PTIONS for American and ï'oreign k Periodicals handled with accuracy and dispatch at luw rates. w. W. Byman, 19 S. 5th st. I -0 THE L DIES of Ann Arbor: I wish to a'ate I that 1 am the oulï aulhohzed and competent agent h. re teaching the Livingston Svsiem and that all othem advert.sing to teach this System are fraudulent and incompetent. Prmjf ol this assertinn can be iveu at any time This city was advertised and paid forby me amianyoneatb m -tlng to teach aiterttm notice shall be deal' with according to the law. Ii would be well for the person who latei advertl-ed to learn dow to cut a garmeut perlectly befoie attempting to teach oilurs. Pattern8 01 all kluds cut to measure and ptiaranteed. Lizzie M. Foley, 95 E, Hurou-st. "yHE Dweiling over Bmwn & Cady's Store, on X State-st. is just Hnished, will be rented to a good family on very rcas-.nablo terms. Apply to J. D. haldwin or Browu & Cadi. Leave orders for Ice-Crkam, Fruit-Ices, and Frozkn Chocolate Packed in Fancy Moulds, Bricksand small Individuáis. HANGSTERFER & CO., 2S Sottlh Main St., Ann Ardor, Mich. FROM NOW Until January lst, 1889, We oífer Pianos and Organs at prices lower than even before, for cash, or on In8tallments There 8 no nonsense in tliis statement. We simply mean just what we say. A large Stock to select from. Cali early. ALYXN WILSEY, 35 S. IIIi St.


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