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State of Orno. Cm of Toledo, ) Lucas County, S. 8. Krank J. Chenny oath tbat ue is il" enior partner ot the tirm of F. J. Ohekkt l Co., doiu business in the Cuy of T1 - o, County and State aforesaid, nd 'h aid firtn will py trie s-Jin of ONE HUN)RED DOLLARS tor caen ud ever se ot Cntnrrti ibat onnnot be cured b he ue of Halls Catarrii Cure. FRaNK J. OHENNY. Sworn to before tn and subscribed in my preseuce, this 6iM dy of D'cembei A. D '8. A. W. (LEASON. - - Notary Public SEAL i Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internall and acts direcily upon the blood and muius surlacus of tlie system. Send for tcs'i momals, free. F. J. CHKNNY & CO , Toledo, O UgjP'áolil by druegists, 75 ceuts. The Ërst steel pen wis m kIh iu 1830. Blood Will T. 11. There is no q ie tion aboui t - bloni vill teil - especia ly if it be impur blood. ilotcheo, eruptions, pimple, and built-, re alt syuiptorns of ni.iure blooJ, luj u he improper cuon of tne liver. Wliei. important orgen til9 to prop"rly per orm its tuooiiou ot pur fyidg uid oleausng he bl od, iinpuntie are jairird t ki iurts o: the sjsteiij.and the syinptcnisabovt ef. rrt-d to are merely evidemea ot ht trugt;le of Nature to tnruw ff tl e poi )n ius genns. Unie- hf r warni ,i; b leedfd iu time, ser:oin le-iilts are certMii o ti.'llow, euhn'natiiiy in lier or kiilnedisorders, or ven in cnnifnuiori. Dr 'ierue's Gr ldon Meuiuil D 800 'erf will ireve: t and cure th-e chestf8, hy re toiing the livcr ia to a healthv üOnditioD. Measure 200 leei n each side and you will have a square Rere witlun un inch. - iehoboth Sunday Ht-r.ld Suacobs on TRADE ÍH MARkVÍ REmÏdy"AIIsI For Soreness Stiffness. prompt, Sure, Safe, Recent. Sore Limbs. Swygert, 111., May 18, 1888. Gaught cold in limbs and back; stiffered 6 months; Bt. Jacobs 011 cured me. JACOB SCHULTS. Stiflf Neck. Friendahip, Wia., June 14, 1888. My wife had violent pains in her neck; very sor and stuf; tured entirely by St. Jacobs 011. JAMES ST0WE. Stiff Ankie. Cedarville, Ohio, June 25, 188S. Strained my ankle; nezt morning could not pat foot to floor; got a kottle of St. Jacobs 011; used it. In two days was entirely Teil; stiffness all gone. B. G. RIDGWAY. StiiT Knee. New Athent, HL, Jane, 1888. Stramed my knee; became stiff; could not walk for a month; used crutches; after using two bottlei of St. Jacobs Oil, threw crutches away; cured. GUSTAVE HAPPERT. Amei Mfg. Co., Chlcopee, Mass., Terrible Pain. Jone 18, 1888. From over exertlon caught violent cold; very bone was stiff and sore; in terrible pain. Cured promptly by St. Jacobs Oil. J. C. BUCKLET. Paymasttr. At Dbüggists and Dejlers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Balttmore, Md. Piso's Remkdy fob Catarrh I I gives immediate relief. Catarrhal I I virus is soon expelled ÍVom the sysI I tem, and the diseased action of the I I mucous membrane is replaced by I I healthy secret ions. The dose is small. One package I I contains a snffleient quantity for a I I long treatmeat. A Cold in the Head is relieve by I I an application of Piso's remedy for I I Catarrh. The comfort to be got I I from it in this way is worth niany I I times ite cost. Easy and pleasant to use. Price, 50cents. Sold bydruggista I I or sent by mail. E. T. Hazkltine, Warren, Pa. I (gjKRADFIELP'3 W?b TÉMALE MOiSTHLYSICKNESS. IT TAKT.W 'ÖVKVHG ChTVGE. or lIfB 00KWXO "WOAVaXMAILO ssviSKADFiaDBEGULATORCfÖ.. fcU.'ÖV.J'toVST. JiTUlNTJL.GA iloriïiiïc Kale. Whereas, William A. Masón and Elizabeth ason, bis wife, of Noittifield, in Washtenaw County, Michigan, executt-d a mortgage to Edward Treadwell aud Noah W. Cheever, execuiorsof the will of Hiram Arnold, deceased. to secure the payment of certain principal and interest therein mentioned, which mortpage bears date January25th, 1886, and was recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigau, on the 25th day of January, 188fi at '% o'cloek, p. m., in Liber 69 of Mortgases on page 74 aui whereas default has been.made for more than sixty days in the payment of an instad ment of interest whic.h became due thereon on the 25th day of January, 1887 as well as the succetding ii.stallment of interest which became due thereon January 26tb , 1388, aud by reason thereof and pursuaiit'ioihu termsofsad mortgage, the principal sum unpald 01 sald mortgaee of twenty-one hundred and len dollars with all the arrearage oí interest thereon, at the option of said mortgagees became due and payable immediately therealter and the power of sale contained In said mortgage became op ratiye. and the sald mortg gees do hereby declare ittneir option ani do hereby elect to have the principal sum of said mortgage aud all inteiest theieon become now due and payable. And whereas there is now claimed to be due and payable as aforesaid upon said mortgage and the note secured thei eby at the date of this notice the frum of two thousand four hundred and fiftyfive dollars (f2.455 OU) in additiun to all other legal costs. and no suit or proceeding in law or equity haring been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, Notice is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be loreclosed by a sale ol the mortgaged premises therein described or rorae part therof, towit: All of the following described land situated in the township of Washtenaw Oounty, Michigan, riz: The Ntrth-East qiiarter of the South-Weft quarter of Section No. Thirty one 31) in township No. One South, in Range No. Six, Kast; also the South serenteen 17) acres of the West half of the North-East quarter of said Section No. '1 birty one, it being divisious No one, two, three, four, and one acre off of the south side of división No. Five in the partition of the estáte of Pótrick McMahon, deeeased, as appears by the report of the commissioners on file in the Pn bate Office for Washtenaw County, all iu township or.e south, in range six east, aud containinK in all sixty-eight acres of land, more or less, at public rendue on the tweut.v third day of February, 1889, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, at the Huron street entrance to the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circu t Court In said County. Dated, November 25th, 1888. Edward Treadwei.l and Noah W. Cheever, Executors of the will of Hiram Arnold, deceased.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register