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EBSTAND CHEAPEST ORANGE LAND IN THE WORLD. For Particular and oxcriptlve Olrcnlar dtlress the BARTON LAND AND WATER CO., IOS t -W.K1.KV C 1.. GO TO MONTANA VIA THE St. lid, Mtaapolis & Múi RAILWAY. A MAGNIFICENT Daily Train Service! "The Montana Espress." WILL BE INAUGURATEO NOVEMBER 10, 1888 j Elegant Dining Cars, Drawing Room Sleepers, Handsome Day Doaches, AND FREE Colonist Sleepers WITH KITCHEN AND LAVATORY THE ONLY LINE TO THE THREE GREAT CITIES OF MONTANA, GREAT FALLS, HELENA AND BUTTE. For Maps and general infurmatiou intuiré of your own Ticket Agent, or F. I. WHITNEY, Gen'l Pass. and Tk't Agt., St. Paul, Minn. Je v Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS A liet of 1000 newspapersdivided into STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on application - FltKt. To those who want their advortising to pay, we can offer no botter medium for Ihorough and ettèctive work than tue various sections of our ütelert I.oia' l.isl. UKO. V ROWELI. A CO., Newspapcr Advertising Bureau. 10 Spruce street, New York. ."onk" fotton Root Compound.-Oora. éfe&r? posrrt of t'otton Root. TansT and PennTmtSm&m roval Ruccessfvlly usctt vutnthli. Rare. fl "HUTA E-tal. Ploanant. 1 bv mail, or 4rnnV Tiart.lro9 POND Lll-V CCMPANY, V.J' i;i Woodwara ave. Detroit Jllch. So2d in Ann Arboi c all druggtMs Dr. A. P. Sawypr. Slr:- After sufferlng four years wlth female weakness ï was pursuaded by a frlend to try your {astilles, and afler using them one year, I can say I am entlrely well. I can not recommend tneu too hlghly. MRS. M. S. BBOOK, Bronson, Betbl Branoh Co.. Mlcb. Dr. Sawyer:- I had not used half a box before I was relleTwl, and ara now well; soreness, pain, discharge, all In this particular, goni1, only uslng one box. I was iistonBlu'd. I inake the statement hoping it may be of use to some poor sufferIng femal& Rpspectfully, J. M. PEASE, Beadlng, Mass. Dr. A. P. Sawyer. I think your medicine one of the grandest dlscoveries that was ever maiin for women. We can otter tUank you enough. Respectfully, LIDA C. BRADÖUAW, Falrüeld, 111. Dr. Sawyer. Dear Slr:- Havlng used your Pastilles. I can recommend them to the public. I have been attended by four different doctors, but one and a half boxes of your medicine has done me more good thau all of them. Yours respectfully, MRS. MAGOIB JOHNSON, Dronson, Braneli Oo., Mlch. Cures lndisrestion. BiliousnesB. Constipation. Kidney difficulty. Nervousneas, and ruriüe the Bloed. No faniily shnuld bo without it. Sample and oiroularglTing particulars can be bad of any drtiirfftst. 0r. A. P. SAWYER MEDICINE C0., Chicago. tl.OO O.NÏ MONTU'S TI1KATMÍNT $1.1)0. 5 Hál HSaSBBi


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