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DIortas Sale. Deíault having been made in the conditloiw of a Mortgage executed by Jefferson Lewis arA Rachel Iiewis, his wife, to Adelia C. Cheevw bearinir date Octobcr 21, 1886, and reeorded in the office of the Register of Peeds for Washtenaw Connt', Michigan, ictober 21, 1886, in Liber67 of Mortgages. on page 102, which Mortgage u assignod by aid Adelia C, Cheever to Le Roy C. Noble by deed of assignment, dated December. 1 7. and recorded in sald Pegister's office, la Liber 9, of assignments of morigages, on page 398, by which defanlt the power of sale rontaiued in said Morutige became operative, and no solt orprnceeding in law orcqnity having been !■- stituted to recover the debt kecured by mM Morigage or any part thereof, and the sum f two hundred and thirty-three and 50-1U0 dollao-($333.50) bein now claimed lo be dne upon mió Morigage. Notice is therefore hereby given thal said Mortgage will bc foreclosed by a Bale f the Morigaged premises therein detcrirjd or some part thereof, to wit: All the followine described land sitnated in tbe City of Ann Artoor Michigan. viz: Lot No. Three in Block No. Pif Nortli of Huron Kireet ín Range No. Founeem Kast aeiording to the recorded plat of dfce Eastern ddition losaid city, at public vendue o the Sixteenth day of November next, at tea o'cloek in the forencoon, at the Haron street entrance to the Oourt House, in the City of Arm Arhor. in said Coutityof Washtenaw, that beine the place of holding the Circuit Court ín saia County. Date'd August 14th, 1888. Le Koy C. Noblk, Aêsignee. N. W. CHEEVER, Attorney. W. B. WARNER, 24 STATE ST. NFw NEwTooTnnf No better place in the city to buy your GROOERIES Business conducted on CASH basis No Goode pold on credit to anyone, but prices are low enouh lo iniikn it an object for yon to trade with bini. Telephone Connections. All Goods delivered fCgs PENNYROYAL WAFERS ■ WÍJ Are sucrewfully u-il mjathly by ovor O,!XX1 ■ fflI.iirtles. Are Safe-, Kjtrriuil anfi Pu ai..t. tí Ir íper box by muil, or at druisus. tteaUdfarM J" ticulara2 posuifíe slumps. Adilress W THE El'KEKA CHKM1CAL Co.MIMVV, Fishnr lilock. 1M Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlcta. Sol l by II. J. BKOWS CO. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! I rea i:iiïIM l're-rlption wllï restore that lost Vttality and a Rugged Healthy C'ond.tioii follow lis use. Buy at your drugg'sf's, one patikaue. L1 ; six for $5 EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detkoit, Mich. SüiJ bv II. .. lirnwn t Vu. "CHICAGO TRUSS." Sexo Svtral Spring Truss. Hard Rkbber tad; Clean, íí Durable, Cheap. Approved gi ny the highesi Medical AuIhorlly. Worn day and nlght oy au Infanta week old or an Adult S0 years. Eauüy adjiuted. It meeu all forma o! SiTotal Fermoral.Ingninal and Umbilical Hernia, lm both Infants and Aduite. Sutisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Any ilcsirable pressiire obtained. If your druggUt does uot keep thi.s Tiuss, endose stamps aud addre-ss, 111'. 'A TUI Si ., III. OFFICE AND FITTING ROOM, 122 E. RatuUilph St , T. Y. KAYNE, Manageb. Sold by Ann Arbor Liruggists. I nlo rUr Hl" ""' nw"pp" aJw ■ IIIW fiSLfiSjtlslngAgenoy of KeSBn. N. W. AVER SON. our aathurized axcals. THEMARCH OF PROCRESSr OUR LATESTIMPROVEMENTS "Competí tlonla the Ilfe of trade," and lfyou have notgeen oarlatestlniprovedgoodA, yoacattnoc imagine how liTïly trade ia, or how hard our cumtwtitors nave to work to kerp wlthln alitht of u. Aak Tour retailer fur the Jarne Mcans' (3 Sboe, or the Jamen Mean' %i Shoe, accorainft to your needn. Posicively none genuine uiiIcaü havin pur name fcnd pricc stampcd pUiiily on the soles. Your retaller wiU supply yoa with shoes so stAmped lf you HwUt upon bis tioing Boj if you do not insist, 8ome reiaJIcrs will coax you Int buylng inferior Hoes upou wnick t bey nuike a larser pruilt. írf JAMES MEANS' ffpMÍ %. $3 SHOE M N KSTYLE UNEpUALLEa KiNDURABILITr AlAMFo, and - SJtOy XVpERFECTlOU JAMES ME ANS71 8nch has been the reeent projrress In oor brmncb of industrv that we are now able to afürrn that the James Mean'"t4 Shoe Is in every respect equal to the shoes which only a few year ago were relailed at elgnt or ten dollars. If you will try on a pair yoa will lx oonvinced that we do not exasgerate. Ours are the original t' and $48hoes.anG tnosewno imítate our systeui of business are unable to compete with us In quallty of factory producís. In our linea we are the largest manufacturera In tn United Statea. Shoesfrom onr celebratetl faelory are sold by wide-awake retailern in all partsof the oonntry. We vill place them easily wiihin your reach in any state or territory if you will invest ona cent in a postal card anj wrlte to us. .lame Means X t'o.,41 Lincoln St, Boston. Mi. 1 . irnn r, nlu at.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register