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A hurricane moves 80 miles per hour. Kever Abandon Old Jf you had a friend who haB been constant to you and stuck to you through good and bad fortune, would vou soon forget him? No, you would not Well, Pomeroy'8 Petroline Piaster, your old friend has served you many years. Rely on the old remedy. it wilt never faíl you. It is your faithful constant, 6teady friend. tried and trve, always uniform, never misleading by false pretences. It goes right along. more firmly settled every year, as the Great Family Remedy of the country. When you ask for it. always ste and be sure yöu get Pomeroy'8 Pelroline Piasters in envelopes. Sold by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. ___ . A brasswoiker - An ins'íranne agenl. Don'l let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thin'g. But it may run into i;atarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or consumption. Citarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia ig dangerous. Oonsumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy aml clear of nll obstructions and offensive matter O herwise there is trouble ahend. AU the di-eases f these parts, hesd, nose, throHt', bronchal tubes and lunes, on re delíyhtfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschoe's Germán Syrup. IL you don't know th's alreaiiy, thousands nnd thousandK of p-ople can telt you. They have been cured by it, and " know iiow it i', tberaselvej." Bottle only 75 cents. A-k any riruggist. If suddenly aubmerged the stiöest liat at once becotnes docked-tile. A span ík 10} inches. Di-, lluïs's Family Oinliueiit Never fnils to soothe and heal Cuts, Burns, Bbüises, Flksh Wounds, Inílammation, Spbains, Pimples. Chilblaiks, Salt Rheüm, Ciiafped Lip or Hand, Frost Bites, Cold Sores, Sore Nipples, and all diseaes and rruptions oE the Skin. There are 2750 lancuagt-8. CLfVvvO ihe Cliildren. They are esv5VVrV pecially liable to sudden Colds, Conghs, Cronp, Whooping C!ough, etc. We guarantee Acker's English Bemedy a positive cure. It saves honre of anxious watching. Sold by John Moobe. Druggist. A storm move 30 miles per hour. The HoinelicHt Han Ín Ann Albor As well ihe handsomest, and others are invited to cali on any drns;gst and get free a trial bottle oL Kemp's Balsani for the Throat and Lunga, a rfinedy that is selluiK entirely UOOn ts merits and is gusrauteed to relieve and cure all Chrotiio and Acute Cuugh, Asthma, Bronchitits and Coüsmnption. Large bottles 50 ots. and $1. Unur's Magazine For 1889. The publisners of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to make it the most popular and enlerprising of periodicals, while at all times preserving ita high literary character. 25,000 new reader have been drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway anieles), and it closes its second year with a new Ímpetus and au assureé success. The illustration8 will show some new eflecte, and nothing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE atuacilve and interesting will be neglecied. THE BAILROAD ARTICLES will be coutiuued by several very strikiug papers ; one especially interesting by Ex-Postmaster-General Thomas L. James on "The Railway Postal Service." Jiíitsíraícd. HK. RiiRKRT I.OUIS STEVENSOX'S serial novel "The Mister of Ballantiae," will run through the greater part of the year. Bcgun in November. A COHRESPONDENCE and collection of manuscript rnemoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern l'RI'.X H PAIiKTERS will furnish the substanoe of several anieles. Illuttrated. Many valuable LITER4BY ARTICLES willappear; a paper on Walter gcott's Melhods of Work, illustrated from original M8S., a second " Bhelf of OÍA Iiooks," by Mrs. James T. Fields, and many other anieles equally notewortliy. IUuxtrattd. Arliclesou ART SIKJKCTS will be a feature. Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. U. Blashfield, Anstin Dobson, and many others. lÜvstrated, ll.l.l si ie V I i:i AKTK ■,!: of great variety, toiiching upon all marnier of subject travel, biography, description, etc, will appear, hut not of the conventional eommonplace sort. llluittrated. Among the most interestiug iuthe list of scientiiic papers for the year will be a remarkable artlcle by Professor John Trowhridge, apon the most recent developements and uses of PIIOTOGBAPHY. Iümtraled. A class of artlcles which has provecí of special interest will be contined by a group of papers upon EL.ECTRICITY in most recent applications, by eminent authorities a remarkable paper on DEEP MlJflWtt, aurt otherinteresting papers. l'iüque lllustrallon-s. A SPECIAL, OFFER to cover last years numbers, which include all the RAII.W'AY ARTICLES, as follows : A year1 subscription (1889) and the numbers for 1888 u 30 A year's subscription (1880) and the numbers for 1888, bound In cloth, . . $6 00 $3.00 a year ; 25 cents a uumbor. Charles Scribner's Sons, 274-715 Bronilnn.r, . Y.


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Ann Arbor Register