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Mak k No Mistare - If you have made up your mind to buy HoodV Sarsaparllla do not be indaced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla ia a peculiar medicine, possessing, bv virtue of ita peculiar com bination, proportion and preparation, curative power superior to any other article of the kind before the people. For all affectione arising from impure blood or low gtate of the syatem it ia unequalied. Bi eure to get Hoorl's. Speaking of stock booka, the pedigreea of male sheep should be kept on the ramPa8e- - - "I gpeak within bouoda, iir," suid the prisoner in the doek. when addressinï the jurv. We speak knowingly when we declare with enthusia8m the great benefits of Dr. Bull'a faraoua Cnugh Syrup. A Dakota paper tella of 8 man at a political meeting who was " fired with indignation." We suppoge thia is only another way of saying that he waa put out. 'dont scold a man for groaning when he has Iiheumatism or Neuralgia. The pain is simply awfol. No torture in the .meient times was more painful than these twin diseases. But - oughtn't a man to be blamed if, having Bheumatism or Neuralgia, he wout uae Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have sufl'ered in the same way ? It has cured hundreds after physicians have pronounced them incurable. "The Bldll of flve physiclana could not cure me of Rhenmatism whiuh had Hettled in the hips. neck and shoulders. So intense was tbepain that sleep was almost imponible. The first dim of Athlophoros ave me relief, and the third enablea me to sleep for four and a half houre without wnkint. I continuad itR usb. and am now well." Rev. 8. H. TROYER. New Albany. Ind. asScnd 6 cents for the beautifiil polored picture, " Moiri jlaiden." THEATHLOPHOf- 0. 112 Wall St. N.Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at I. . Will practico in both State and United Statíí Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of the new briek block, comer of Hurón and Fourth Streete, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Office overJFirst National Bank.) Hodrs: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 lo 3:30 p.m. Can be reached at residence, West Huron-st., a the "Prof. Nicnol place"; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evenlng. p R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at l.ini. Hilan, Mlcli. Money.;ioaned for outsidv parties. All legal busineis given prompt attention. O. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Telepnono Connectlons, Ann Arbor. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over SavinK8 Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. tRUPTURK ! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS Spiral Suring with graded pret sure 1 to 6 pounds. Woru day anc night by an Infant a week oíd o adulto!' K0 yeare. Ladies' Truss a spcclalty. Uncióse stampa lo Testimonial of Cures, measur ments, etc. EGAN'S IMPERIA' TRUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Albor, Mich. WM. BIGGS. Wractor ! Uier And all kinri of work i conncctlon wltli thc attuve pr i:iitiv OXfCllIflI. Shop Cor. of Ohurch-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1Ü43. _ II l'll - FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY, AT OSCAR O. SOH. S. DEALER I.N All Painter's Supplies 70 N. Main Ji. Plans for Frescoing furnished J on appiioaiion. DLARKE _,, p_,,,n iaiABLaiB 51. I Merrill SUre CUPOS ! ƒ Detroit, Miert. iBlock. i Ibe Regular Old-Establlsbed br-HPHYSIClAN AND SURGEOH SP WÊ' I stlll Treatlng with thoGreatmt Clironic, Nervous and Private Diseases. #- NERVOUS DEBIL1TY, Lost Manhood, Failing Memory, Exhausting Drains, Terriblo Dreams, Head and Back Ache and all the effect leading to carly decay and perhaps Consumption ot lnsanity, treatcd scientifically by new mcthods wiül ncver-failing success. SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Di. eases permanently cured. S-KIDNEYand URINARYcomplaints.Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Strictu re, Varicocele and all diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly withoul injury to Stomach, Kidneys or other Organs. No experimenta. Age and experience im. portant. Consultation free and sacred. Scnd 4 cents postage for Celebrated Work on Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. S-Those conttmplating Marriage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female, each 15 cents, both 25 cents (stamps). Consult the old Doctor. A friencfly letter or calí may save future suffering and shame, and add golden years to life. 43-Boolc "Life's (Secret) Errors," 50 cents (stamps). Medicina and writings sent everywhere, secure from exposurc Hours, 8to8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE, M. D., NTarrill Block, DETROIT, MIOH.,


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