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The station agent at Pittsfield, D. G Senger, is now station agent at Manchester. The combined age of the five pioneers who have died in this place the past week is 407 years. Au average of about 82 years. Truly a ripe oíd age, but still we caunot well spare them. - Saline Observer. Wilteie Post, G. A. K., of Saline, elected officers as tbliows: Com., L. S. Pierce; senior vice coin., D. Simmons; junior vice cono., J. A. Dunn ; adjutant, C. N. How; quartermaster, S. H. Moore ; officer of the day, Lorenzo Haight ; surgeon, A. H. Howard ; chaplain, J. II. Fish. The Milan E. P. Allen Camp, No. 137, Sous of Veterans, elected officers as follows: Captain, Geo. P. Whaley; lst Lieutenant, Charles H. Robison; 2d Lieutenant. Charles A. Taylor; Camp Councü, Charles Davis, Frauk Jackson, Arden Vealey ; delégate and altérnate to State eneampment, A. B Smith and C. H. Robison. Meridian chapter, No. 48, R. A. M., of Manchester, elected officers as follows : H. P., C. W. Case ; K., Frank Spafard ; S., B. G. Lovejoy ; C H., J. H. Kingsley ; P. S., J. F. Ñestell ; R. A., Mat D. Blosser; M. 3d V., A. F. Freeman ; M. 2d V., A. G. Case; M. lst V., C. F. Kapp; treas., J. D. Van Duyn ; sec'y-, Gr. J. Hseussler ; sentinel, S. Hammon. At the annual election of Acme tent, Knights of the Maccabees, of Saline, elected officers as follows: Past com., David Sears; com., Alfred Miller; lieut. com., John H. Bortle ; R. K., Frank E. Jones; F. K., David Sears; prelate, D. A. Bennett; M. at A., Henry Gaumer; lst M. of G., Wm. Derindinger; 2d M. of G., A. H. Howard ; sentinel, Howard T. Nichols; picket, Wm. Minnett, Jr. The Women's Relief Corps of Milan elected the following officers: Presidett, Mrs. W. Robison; senior vice-president, Mrs. F. M. Thorp ; junior vicepresident, Mrs. Wm. Whaley ; secretary, Mrs. H. A. Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. Dan Case; conductor, Mrs. Charles Davis; assistant conductor, Mrs William H. Whaley ; chaplain, Mrs. Hiram Jacobs; guard, Mrs. E. II. Davis ; assistant guard, Mrs. J. H. Brownell. The Germán workingmen's society held a special meeting on Monday evening and decided to purchase the Goodyear hall blook, alsoagrove, of Goodrich Conklin. The grove is about quarters of a niile north of town on the Sharon town line. The papers have not yet been drawn, but it is expected they will be in a few days. The society will make needed repairs and some changes in the building, and will fit the grove up for holding picnics, etc.- Manchester Enterprise. Rev. Fr. Reiehenbach, the new Catholic priest, after looking over this and the Freedom charges, concluded thathe could better serve his flocks by residing in Manchester than if he went to Freedom to live. The plan suited the Manchester people yery well and they went to work arranging for his location here. Horace Case's house has been rented, the goods from the Freedorn parsonage moved in, and many new things bought, and the ladies are busy at work putting the house iu order. - Manchester prise. Wtlllniore l.iikc. The skating season has commenced. Miss Maggie Dodge, of Laingsburg, is visiting at F. M. Dodges'. F. S. Horner will spend his vacation with his friends at Cherry HUL Our new feed-mill is now running, is doing satisfactory work and lots of it. It is a pleasure to announce the rapid gain in health of Mrs. Rev. A. F. Hoyt. Our merchants are showing some unusually nice holiday goods, the season. Al. Stevens, proprietor of the Lake house, has issued invitations for a New Year ball. Geo. Lavender took a cool bath last week. The ice was too weak, or he was too bulky. The corn donation atllev. Robinson's, last Thursday evening, was a success both financially and otherwise. The proprietors of the Clifton house are inaking arrangements for a grand New Year ball, on New Years night. The M. E. people are taaking preparations for theirChristmas entertainment. A splendid program has been arranged by Mrs. Rev. Robinson. Cbelaem. Thelinkling of Christmasbelleismoie and more distinct every day. The diBplay of holiday goods in some of our stores is "just splendid." J. J. Raftrey, Chelsea's accomplished tailor, was in Detroit, Wednesday. Miss Alice Sergeant, of Detroit, spent Sunday among her Chelsea friends. Church congrugations last Sunday were small on account of the storm. Mrs. G. A. BeGole and Miss Nora Guerin, were in Ann Arbor on Tuesday. Rev. J. E. Reilly is engaged to preach for a season at Lima on altérnate Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dancer, of Stockbridge, wereguests of Mrs. Dancer's parents last Sunday. , Mrs. Philip Clark, one of the oldest residents of the town of Lyndon, was buried Wednesday. Miss Lyra Hatch, who is teaching at Bbllevue, is expected home next Saturday to spend the holidays. C. II. Keinpf, county superintendent elect of the poor, was at the county house on Tuesday, acquainting himself with his prospective duties. Charles C. Baughman, of Sharon, formerly of Chelsea, is apparently very near the close of Ufe. He was 79 years of age on Wednesday, 19 inst. Oar "city fathers" have done a gool work in changing the names of some of the streets, giving names to others that have heretofore been anonymous, and placing the names of the streets conspicuously at the corners thereof. Miss K. BeGole, of Marshal, and Miss Myrta Kanouse, of Vassar, who have for several weeks been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. BeGole, left for Detroit, Tuesday morning, where they will visit friends before returning home. Eev. Dr. HolmesJ attended a convention of Congregational ministers at Jackson on Monday evening. The object of the convention was to take into consideration the adviBability of founding a theological seminary in Michigan, for the training of young men who have not had the advantages of a cUtBsical education. The snit of Parker vs. Glover, tried before a jury in circuit court last week, plaintiff claiming that he had loaned defendant $90, with which to take up a Bohemian oats note, but for which he neglected to take defendant's note at the time, was decided against plaintifl', to the surprise of many of our citizens. Moral.- When you loan money, take a note for the same then and there. Saline. Rev. and Mrs. Caldwell spent Monday in Ann Arbor. Mrs. A. W. Lashier is somewhat recovered from her recent severe attack of neuralgia. Miss Mildred Cole, the little daughter of A. tí. Cole, has been very sick, but is now much better, Christian scientists seein to be on the increase in Saline ; there is now quite a little circleof them. Meetings are held once a week. The Lidies' aid society of the M. E. church gave a very pleasant social Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. H. Mooie. The Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists will have a Christmas tree at each of the chinches on Christmas eve., with appropriate exercises. Geo. Geer, of Livingston, Montana Ter., has been renewing his acquaintance with old friends here. He came home to attend the funeral of his mother. The Farmers' club held tlaeir last meeting at Geo. A. Shaw's, Friday, Dec. 14. A very enjoyable time is reported by those present, also a good attendance. The next meeting of the club will be at N. H. Isbell's. Friday evening, Dec. 21, the young ladies f Saline will have a chance (probably the last) to improve the rapidly departing opportunity of leap-year, as a leap-year social is given at the home of Miss Florence Ruckman. It is to be hoped this opportunity will be taken advantage of, if only for the sake of our bashful bachelors. mían. Our artist has taken a very fine view of tlie railroad wreck at this place last week. Notwithstanding that we are overrun with curs, there was a dog show here on Monday evening with quite a drawing capacity. Mr. Stewart, who carne here from Detroit in the fall and erected a house, has now opened a flour and feed store in the Palmer building. The account of the collision on the Wabash here last week was slightly incorrect. Instead of two engines meeting on the track as reported, a freight train was left standing on the main track while the engine was doing some switching. While so standing a train coming behindthem had becomebroken leaving the conductor and brakeman, so that when the train got on the down grade the cali for brakes was not answered ; henee the runaway train ran into the the caboose of the standing train. The peculiarity of it was that the moving train was the one wrecked, while the standing train was little harnied. This wreck, together with the Ross accident, should give us a reuutatioD. Ypsllantl. Harry Lanib, of Belden, is visiting in the city Mrs. Charles King died of pneumonía Saturday morning. The Presbyterian ladies' Bociety is doing a thriving fair business at present. Geo. Spenoer, of Charlotte, U visiting his [jarents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Spencer. The Hungarian (iypsy band called out a large audience to Normal hall Tuesday evening. An organization of Sous of Veterans, called the Phil Sheridan camp, No. 152, 8. V., is now in good running order. The Young VVomen's Christian Association have opened an assembly room on Washington-st ,and hopetoestablish a library in same room. Manchester. Eepairs are in progress at the cemetery in the way of fences, trimming the trees, etc. The fire company are talking of having a tongue put in the fire engine so tb. at horses can be used. J. M. Kingsley is now building a new feed mili in Éast Manchester, where the pulp mili was to stand. The mili is 20x30 feet, and is a two story building. There is a fine water power with a fall of ten feet. The mili will be ready to run in about 30 or 40 days. Boiler Explosión in Salem. The boiler of a portable saw mili on the farm of John Renwick, of Salem, exploded Wednesday morning, Duc, 19, instantly killing Joseph Weed, the owner, ánd fatally injuring S. D. Burch, a farmer. Joseph Weed leaves a wife and five small children. He was a son of William Wsed, a prominent farmer of Salem township.


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