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Lord Dufferin has been sueceeded by jord Lansdowne as England's Viceroy of india. The civil-service stores in London were, nearly destroyed by flre on Tuesday. Loss, $200,000. Reports of rich flelds of gold in the Ïarqua-Hula mountains in Arizona were made on Monday. A panther. supposed to have escaped Trom a menagerie, is preying upon stock in Southern Wisconsin. Charles Boyle, recentlv appointed Chief Justioe of Washington Territory, died on Saturday at Seattle. While playing with a saw on Saturday Addison Workman, a Lebanon (Ind. ) boy, had his left hand cut off. John G. Whittier, tke Quaker poet, celebrated his Sist birthdavon Monday at Oak Knoll, near Danvers, Mass. DThe corner-stone of the Good Ramaritan Hospital for colored people at Cnarlotte, N. C, was laid on Tuesday. DA firo on Tuesday at Manchester, Kan., destroyed the school building, post-office and several business houses. While rendering tallow near Reading, Pa., reoently Mrs. Albert Kaufman and daughter were burned to death. In the Germán Reichstag on Friday a resolution for the suppression of the East African slave trade was adopted. The Honorable Artillery Company, the oldest military organization in the world, ■was disbanded in London on Tuesday. John Ferguson shot and killed his wife. Marv and himself on Saturday at Toddtown, Pa. He was temporarilv insane. A negro who shot and fatally wounded Captain Dunnavant on Tuesday nenr Chat-, tanooga, Tenn., was cauiht and lynched. Legitinüst gun-boats bombarde! the village of Cape Hayti, doing great damage to the town and killing over twenty persons. The saloons and bar-rooms of the hotels of Syracuse, N. Y., were closed on Sunday by an order issued by Mavor William B. Kirk. W. W. Smith, one of the Justices of the Arkansas Supreme Court, died on Tuesday at Little Rock of msumption, aged 50 years. There were 303 business failures in the United States durinj the seven days ended on Vriday, against 305 the previous seven days. The tweniy-first annual meeting of the Freecmen's Aid and Southern Education Society was opened at Columbus, O., on Monday. Eviction notices were served on Tuesday on sixty-four tenants on the Marquis of Lansdowne's Luggacurran estates in Ireland. Manufaeturers of indurated fiber goods! in ixckport, N. Y., and Portland, Me., have formed a trust with a capital stock of $500,000. William Johnson threw a brick through a window of a New York jewelry store on Saturday and stole a 46,000 necklace. Ha was captured. At Hinsdale, N. Y., on Saturday, Harvey Luddington, aged 15 years, threw a chair at his fathor, fracturing the old man's skull and causing death. The California National Bank of San Francisco suspended payments on Monday, caused by the unfortunate loans made by. the cashier, C. H. Ramsdon. According to a New York commercial agency there is a general improvement in business throughout the country with a confident feeling for the future. A trestle abovo a stand-pipe which is being erected at Stevens Point, Wis., for city works feil on Friday, killing four men and wounding one other. Anna Langley, aged 18 years, who was said to have been t;fe tallest girl in the country, diedin New York City on Friday. She was seven feet two inches in height. □The fcurth annuai meeting of the National Indian Defense Association was held in Washington on Tuesday, and Rev. Alexander Kent was re elected president Chief, Forepaugh's giant elephant, wa3 choked to death at Philadelphia on Monday by order of the manager of the show. The elephant had become unmanageable. Clay Kelley, a 5-year-oLd boy, was killed by a grip-ear at Kansas City. His mother was ill and the shock threw her into convulsions, from the effeots of which she died. By the derailing of a train on Friday near Tallan sse, Fia., Engineer Scott Seabrook and Fireman James Convers were killed and Brakeman Rice was fatally injured. At a mass meeting of Germán Evangelista in New York on Tuesday a crusado was inausurated against the power of the Roman Catholic church in ttie TJnited States. The plants of the Rechtold Printing Company, Little & Becker and the Nixon-Jones Company in St. Louis were de-, stroyed by fire on Saturday. Total loss.i tl50,000. Rev. Frank Alfred, of Jasper, Ark., a Methodist minister, and nis two children, aged ten and six years respectively, died from the effects of drinking milk í'rom a diseased cow. Erland S. Parker, sentenced October 15, 1872, from Erie County, N Y., for murder in the second degree, to life imprisonment at Auburn prison, has been pardoned by Governor Hill. C. V. Strong killed William Houx, a stockman, at Hawk Croek, M T. Houx had threatened several times to kill Strong, but the latter got the drop on him when they met. E. N. Yelland, of Philadelphia, who has several times made giita to Wüberforce University (colored), hasnow transferred to the trustees 1.0D0 acres of mineral lands in Eastern Kentucky. Tho recent storm on the Isthmus of Panama greatly damagted the can I works. Several miles of the railroad bctween Panama and Colon are inundated, delayingthe transmission of mails. Rev. Joseph Lieht, pastor of Zion's United Brothren Church in Reading, Pa., dropied dead Saturday evening after preaehing a revival sermón in nis church. He was ibout 53 years of ngv. The South Carolina Senato rejected a bilí eslablishing a home for disab'.ed Confedérate soldifirs and passed a pension bill calling for 550,000 per annum. Pensione will receise Í60 a year, Timothy Sullivan was fatally and six other railroad laborers slightly hurt by b"ing thrown down an embankment near Cincinnati Saturdjy. They were riding oa a hand-car, which jumped the track. J. S. Fussell's farm residence near Charles City, Ia., together with a larga barn, torty tons of bay thlrty head of cattle, some horses and hogs, wero destroyed. by fire on Saturday. No insurance.


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