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The university will cloge tomorrow for two weeks. Mrs. Amelia Drke, wife of Bradley Drake, of Delhi, died Mnday morning. Austin MuGuire, a dental student residme i Ann Arbor, feil last week and fractured his ariü. Prof. M. L. D'Oege preached at M. E chureh, laat Suiidny Enorning, and Rev. A F. Bourns in the evening. The Won. Sweet who wag fined for dru'ikenne8 lat week, was not the Wm. Sweet of Ann Arb.r town. Polhemus & Saxton re charged before Justice Pond wi'h telling liquor to a minor, and they will he iried Jan. 19. John Schaible, 8'., nrar Saline, recently lost bis eyesighl very suddenly, and is no-v undergoing trextment in Ann Arbor. Rev. Mr. Sunderland will preach a sermoi. appropriate 10 Cnristmas next Sunday mor' ing, on " The influenoe of Great Souls in Hi8tory." A former buoinesR man of thia city gays that a more costly hnd auractive display of hi lirtay good never before on exhibition in Ann Arbor. Rev. M. C. Hawkes, pastor of Simpson M. E. church, of Detroit, will occupy the pulpit of il. E. church, next Sunday. Charles H. Harrison and Charles Smith; vags.; Justice Frueauff sent them to Detroit house of correction for 90 days. A. J. PaisUy has been appointed general passecger and ticket agent of the T. & A. A., and will begin his duties Jan. 1. Orín Cady, having resigned as director of the Methodist choir, Prof. Geo. W. Eenwick has been secured for the positiOD. The case of J. W. Harnilton against Dr. Frothingham has been turned over to the Livingston circuit court, and probably will be tried sgain in the spring. The T. & A. A. R R. has issued its new time table. One can leave Ann Arbor at 7:35 a. m. and reach East Saginaw at 10:55 a. m.; leaving East Saginaw at 6:05 p. m., and reaching Ann Arbor at 9:20 p. m. This week Capt. Munly sold an undivided two-thirds of his abstract books to Judge Harriman and W. G. D ty for $6,000. He haa been engaged 11 years in making them and the black books alone cost $800. Secretary Childs, of tbe Washtenaw Mutual, has received word of the loss by fire of John P. Merker's house and oontents in Syivan laat Thursday. The house was inpured for $225 and its conteDts for $150. Last week, Miss Edith Huddy and Miss Cecil McMillaB were out horse-back riding. On State-st, the horses became unmanageable, and Miss Huddy was thrown to the ground, where she lay for a moment stunned but not seriously hurt. Last Saturday about noon the house occupied by Mrs. Maggie Sheridan, at 28 E. Jefferson, was in danger of going up in smoke. The chimney was detective, and the roof was slightly scorched, but the fire company promptly suppressed the flames. The Ann Arbor water company has purchased a new pump that can tupply 2,000,000 gallons per day. It will come from the Gordon steam pump company, Hamilton, O. The agent ot the pump company who secured the contract is W. T. Angelí, a brother of President AngelL The Helpers Band of the Preshyterian church are just now engaged in the laudable enterprise of gathering up 600 pictures to be distributed among as many children in Rangoon, África, by Miss Harding, a former gradúate of the U. of M , and now a missionary teacher in that región. The Knights of Pythias, Monday evening, elected offlcers as follows : C. C., John Lindenschmitt ; V. C, Fred. Barker; P., Benj. Barker; R. of R. and S., James Ottley ; M. of Ex., Stafford Nickels ; M. of F., Gilbert Bliss; represen tative to grand lodge, GilbertBlis8. New uniforms have been ordered. The Channing Guild will hold a public meeting next Sunday evening. The firet part ol the meeting will be devoted to music, Scripture readings, readings from Channing and Whittier, and a paper on "The work of the Woman's Chiistian Temperance Union," after which Mr. Sunderland and others will speak upon "Jesús, his character and work." Frank Hogan is a young, hardened tramp ; ome in from Chicago, Tuesday, and got drunk, he says, because it was a cold day; work was not lying around loose, he said ; home in "York state"; had been in jail two or three time?; was on his way to Detroit; didn't care to take three months now; Jugtice Pond gave ten days in jail. The Ann Arbor Knights Templar commandery, '0 strong, went to South Lyon, Tuesday, to agsist in the burial of C. M. Hagadorn. The train was a little late, and they found the church well fllled, waiting for them, They escorted the remains to the church, and then went through the whole burial service in the church instead of at the grave. Chas. E. Hicock, Eminent Commander, John R. Miner, Prelate, assisted by W. G. Doty and J. E. Beal, offjoiated. It was a very impressive service. C. H. Kempf, Loron Babcock, and R. S. Armstroner, as trustees of the Kavanaugh lake club, of Chelsea, have deeded lots about the lake in Syivan township to member8 of the club as follows : Herman M. Wood, Henry C. Palmer, Colhn E. Babcock, Geo. W. Palmer, Timothy McKune, James L. Gijbert, Jabez Bacon, Geo. H. Kempf, Geo. A. Begole, M. J. Noyes, Loron Babock, R. S. Armstrong, Geo. W. Turnbull, E. L. Negus, Geo. J. Crowell, Jno. A. Palmer, and C. H. Kempf. Mrs. Dr. Sophia Hartley was driving on N. Main-st, near the old jail, last Friday, when she met three team?. One of them was a large lumber wagon which did not turn out at all. In order to avoid it, she turned out too near the side of the road, and her buggy was overturned. Mrs. Hartley was dragged some distance, and was seriously hurt. She was taken home in an insensible condition, and remained so for some time. She does not know who the driver of the wagon was, but thinks he must have been drunk, or he would have given her a part of the road. At 3 o'clock last Saturday morning Mrs. Mary Bliss, at 42 Washtoaw Ave., was awakened by a sound that seemed like the crackling of burning wood. She was not mistaken; the house was iu flamen, and had probably caught fire from the chimney. A student named Wm. Blincoe, from Fort Scott, Kan., slept up stairs and three lady studeuts were in the house. They are Miss Evelyn Hills, Cleveland, O., Miss Cora Waite, Traverse City, Mich., and Miss Anoie Oliver, Onowa, Iowa. All had but scant time to partially dress and escape the flames. Mrs. Bliss lost everything but a few chairs. The house was insured for $1800 in the Ohio Farmer Gompany, at Le Roy, O., and the household goods at $500 in the Sun Fire, an Eiiglish company. Miss Hills lost diamonds worth $150, besides a fine collection of books and a valuable wardrobe. The other youug ladies saved much of their effects. Mr. Blincoe was a heavy loser in the way of clothes and books, aad as he is earning his own way through college, a purse of more than $100 was raised for him.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register