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Wnght's Myrrh Tooth Soap gives pearly white teeth, purifies the breath, prevents teeth from decay. Sold by all druggists. ODR 35 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent. For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted three weeks lor ti3 cents. HELP W4STED, ETC. T m NTED- Two Girls lor house-work and VV Store. 48 Statest. LOST ■ LOST- A Green M uff tied with brown ribbon, on the evening of the 4th of Dee. Please leave at this office. F4K SAUS. Í7OR SALE- % niile south of Salem station on the Detroit S Lausing road , 5u acres of tiui ber. Enquireot Eruest E. Frenwiek. DRIVAÏE sale of furniture at No. 8 North A Staie-st. 1JIAN0 FOR 8ALE- Students wishiug a firstciass I'iauo very cheap, should see this one, at No. 18Sprlug-st. FARM FOtt SALE- The farm known as the Grant T. Perry farm of 200 Acres of firstclass land, situated in the township of Lodi. Inquire of Comstock F. HUI, Administrator. FORSALE- My uudivided one-halfofa Farm, situated three miles E. of A nu Arbor, and known as the Uowe and North Farm.wouïd exehange for property in or near Kansas City, Mo. Address me at 1223, Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. hts. LI iza North. L"OR BALE, VERY CHEAP- Nlce feeding Car" rots. Will be rielivered if deslred. Address Box 14&4. or apply at the Norgate Farm. PittsHeld. i.-uR SALE- The best Grocery atore in Ypsilanti. Applj bj lutter to Box 4(K, Ypsilauti, Mich. FOR SALE- Fruit Farm, Í9 acres, at Ann Arhor. Michigan, for sale ut a bargain. Only reason for selling is unable to lend to it. Cboiceftt l&nd, hlghest cultivation. 11 acres in raspberries and blackberries; 1 in umpés, pears and)eaches; 2 in grove pla tation two years old. Cash sales this year ílliOO. Abuudam water; House cost $5,'i00. Elegant lawn. hedges and sliHde. One mile from Court-house. Teims easy. J. H. Clough IjORS ALK.- House aiul lot No. -U Wiahingtonr st. Apply of N. W. Cheuver, No. 10 NortU 4thBt. IOR SALE- Building Lotó, fronting west side F Iann üt. Extra view; sizes to suit; long time for paymeuts. J. D. üuncun. 76 MUIer Ave. LARGE NEW HOU.SE. witli one or two lots. for sale or ezchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be for rent. J. i'. .ludson, -South University Ave. Kilt RENT. FOK RENT- Suite of rooms in the Kamilton block. 2nd floor. Hteam heating and water iucluded. Apply to A. W. Hamilton. tOR RENT- Two pleasant sultea of fumished 1 rooms with north, east and south Windows, onwestside of Observatorv M., Best house wiith ot Observatory. Lower salte 1.60 pt-r week; upper suite S1.2S per week. a ''O RENT- One pleasant front room with closet, well fumished, at No. 22 L'athariue-.-t. F111NISHE1) Suites of Rooms to rent, 87 S State-st. FOR RENT.- A Suite of front ruums. newly furnished, vcry dcsirable, 71 East Washington tit. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Housesand lots valued from f 1.000 to Í5.U06 and contaiuiug from ouefifth ol an acre to iweuty aeres- ali in the city limits. Houses rented n reasonable terms in central localitiee. Farms exchanged tor city property. f 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Áeent. Office over Express Ornee, Main St., Ann Arbor. M ISCKtVLAB IOI s. MONEY TO LOAN -dood security. Addrts", A. 1)., box 1127, Aun Arbor. mo THE LADIES OF ANN AllBOR- Be it L known that Prof. J. W. Livingston, of 91G Broadway, New York, the ígreat Inventor and patentec'of the new Frenen combination of niares for cuttiug all kinds of garments for ladies and children, has appointed Miss Maggie L. Norton, of No. 14 N. 12th st , as general agent for Ann Arbor and surroundings. Miss L. M. Foley is no louger agent. Prof. J. W. Livingston, 91(i Broadway, New York. SIR-CRIPTIOXS for American and Forcign Periodicala handled with acouracy and despatch, at lw rates. W. W. Heman. 19 B. Sth st. jfatlee. The snniiii' meelicfr oi the stockbolders of the First National Dank of Ann Arbor, for the election of direotor, will be held at their banking home on Tuesday, January 8lh, 1889. I'olls wil! be open frorn 10 o'clock a. in. uotil 12 m. By ordtr of the Board. S. W. Clarkbon, Cubier. Ann Arbor. Dpc :;. ltiW. PbÉsÍttÍÑT'cOrSETthe WORLD"! FDRSALEBYLEADINGMERCHANIS. I MAYER, STROUSE & CO. - I


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