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Jl___ - bat Am I Xo Do? Tne pymptoms ot Biliousiiess are un'aappi'y i.ut too well fcnown. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A bilious man is seldom a bnakfas t, ea er. Too frequenily, alas he has aü excellent gppetue Lur Lqaors, but none for eolids, of tnorniug bis tougue wül liarüly oear inepeciiun at any time; if it is noi white cd furred, it is rough, at all events. The dif;estive sysum is wtiolly out of i „rder and Uiarrhea or Constipaiioa may i ),e 8 sypmtom, or the two may alteruaie. There are ofien Hemjnhoids or eveo loss ef blood. Thre may ba giddiness and often headacae and acidity or. flaiulence and tenderiie-s in the pit of the.stumach. To correct all thi?, if not effect a cure, try (Jreeu's Augjst Flower; t cosía but a tiifle and thousands attest it3 tfficacy. 'l'he Önow line - It crosses the, sidewlk at the divUinn fence. The dog-star - The bloodhound iutrcuced in " Ui de Tom'i Cabin." She 7 "ried 'and Knows. A leatlina chemist if New York naya: " Nu plasten f such nierit as the Atli-lo-plio-ros Plasten haveever before been produced." They are : novelty beca use tliey are hot made simply to sell clieap, tliey are the best tliat seience, wkill and moiiey can produce, and will do what is elaimed tbr tliem. Kor sprains, aches, weakness, lamouess, etc, lliey are uneiiualed. 404 Fnlton St.,8an(1uBky,O .,'ov ül . 'HT The Athlin'fHinia Raster acted UI ■ mSrlc. It is Ul bg I nn;Y"i -1"'1 huve used mny kimls "'■ '"■■.. said "plüBte e all about the same' luit I aon't toto do dow. I uiy anii a:itl Bhoiilrti r In -Tnly. ml it hiw b i n painful iince.butlt ifomi not Mi ■ ■ ■ al „ow. Mía n.i.i. M.uui i ■B Bcnd " eeöte tor the beantiflil roloted plourn', ■■ HoorLsh Malden. THE .'1 THL0PH0R03 CO 112 IVaISt. II. f BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney t Luw. Will practicein both State and Unitecl Btutf B Oourtó. Office Rooms, one and two, let floor r.f the neyï brick block. corner of Huron and Fourtt Jtreetê, Ann Arbor, Michigan. IDE,. H. JUSTJDi:. (Office overTFirst National Bank.) Hoüeb: 10:30 to 12 m. aDd 2:30 io3:30 p.m. Can be reached at reficleiice. West Huron-st., a the "Prol. Nicho] piare"; ty telephone o. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. p R. WILLIAMS, Attorney t La. Milán, M !■■■ Mooey ■loaned for oatside parties. AU legal i.usiness given prompt attention. O. HOWBLL, M. D., PHYSICIAN &, SURGEON. OmcK in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Telepbone Connectlon. Ann Arbor. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bant oppoeite Court House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. tïtTT PTTJ KS ! EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRÜS8. Spirl Sortng with gradea pre sure 1 ts 6 pounrts. Worn day auc nicht by an lnlaut a week oH ■ adultolHO yeare. Laclies' Truwea Kiiecmity. Kuclose slamps 10 sssrssr Asrvm TKUSS EO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor.MIch. WM. BIGGS. Contracto I lik And 1I fctnds of unrk in eonnectlon illi t ■■ livc irniiilj Xt'CIll"!. W Shop Cor. of Church-st and ünivcrsity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. o. Box 148. jj LL FRESCO PAINT1NG A SrECIALTY, AT OSCAK O. 8OKUS, DEALF.K IN All Painter's Supplies 70 N. Main SI. Plans for Freseoing funiishcd on appilualion. DELÁBKE , , i, ESIiBUSaïD 185L ) Merrill Son Con!} "roí mu, i bu. ÉThe Regular Old-Establlshed [PHYSICIAN AND SURCEOH Is stlll Treatlng wlth the Greatest SKMandjüGCESS Ctironic, Irvous anü Private Diseases. a-NERVOUS DEBILITY. Lost Manhooi, Failing Memory, Exhausting Drains, Tembló Dreams, Head and Back Acfie and all the effecti to early decay and perhaps Consumption ot Insanity, treated scientifically by new methods witl "í SYpgmul and all bad Blood and Skln DlS. KDNBYÍd URlNARYcon.plain,. Gleet. Gonorrhoea, Strictu re, Varicocele and al dbeaM ofthe Genito-Urinary Organs curcd momptly wlthouí injury to Stomach, Kidneys or other Organs. asr No experimcnts. Age and experience Ira. portant. Consultatioo free and sacred. Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Workt oa Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. J-Those contemplating Marnage send lor 1JT. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female, each 15 cents, both 25 cenU (stamps). Consult the oíd Doctor. A frieniíly letter or cali may save futuresuaer. ing and shame, and add golden years to life. ff-"" "Life's (Secret) Errors," socents (stamps). Medicina and writings sent everywbere, secure from expOSUT Hours, 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Addres F. D. CLARKE, M. D., I WmtIII Block, DETROIT, MIOH.,


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