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Laura once had an afflaent beau. Wlio eallcd iwicea luitnight, or so, Nnw BhuSllb, Snurtuy tve, All lo ciy tu grieve. Oh. wlierc In her recreant beau, Aud why did he leave Laura so? Why h sw lint Liur was alangutíhDg d.-lioa'e gul, sinj-ei to sick headaühes, -en-i'ive nerves and uncen hiu teroju-rs; and tcnowii g wbat a life-long trial is a fretful, sickly wife, he trar sferred bis attentiona to áer oheerful, hpalihy coa-in, EIIbd. The secret is hat Lauras helth i and 8trei);tli are sapped by oöronic we ki es, [leculiar (o her ft-x, which Ellen Hveris and avoid hy iheu.-e ofDr Pit-rot-'s Fsvoriie Prescription. This is the uuly remedy, for woman'a peculiar we :knee nd HÜmeiiis, Bold by diu;gsts, umler a positive jjuarantee frotn the rnanufaetur'-}., thut it willgive saii!ajiion in every ea-e or mont-y will be refutided. See guara::tee on boitle wmpaer. A dead WW - A K iim gravoyard. .Inxl llii.ri.d. How Iovíd" ihev nrc; ihis 8alwav8a pure sien. After the first year soineliines it dou'i hold good. When Ctiarles comes home to you ri.u'y ai:d cross, 8Dpping and snartiní, u able to relish the nioe dmner you have c oked, and feels as it tlieie wa a ton cf pi; iron ia bis stomacb, he is iroubled with dyspepia, and Sulphur Bitlers is the ouly medicine that will cure him. _______- 1 Come uu 10 tiitíSüiatoti" - l'he unpop - ular candida'e. XK vx w Of the good thinps of this VMVVWVV life are gorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, indigestión and Constination ; sold on a positivo guarantee at 23 and 50 cents, by -Iohn Mohrb. UruggisL A. gtern - f--." f. - " ' ter. Th" Po[ uUuuii ot Aun Ai tior, is about 12,000. and we would sy thnt at least oi;'e half are iroublel wilh some afTr-ctlm ut' the Throat ari'i LunRS, M thoge com[Uinisare, accdrdiog to stati-tict, more r umtrous thun oihers! We ould advise all our readers Bot to neglect the opportunity to cali on :heir druagists ani üt boule of K-mp's Bilsm tor the Turoat and Lang. Tri 1 ize tree. Liigs Bottle 50c and $1. SU by a'l iiruests. A paste pot - Sham diamuuds siake at poker. _____ lor the l.iMlic. There a-e some to whfch women are peculiarly liable, and tr..m whicta they will sufler ins.Uncefor yers. when they cou d be easily eured by the use of P"ineroy's l'etroline Plastuiu. lts healiiiK and soothinu proptriien have met, w th universal and unquliHtd cmuiendation from all iising them Ladies who have never LSed them will tind it to ttteir advantagu to try them If they once do o. they will never be without them again. For Sale by H. J. Brown. Dist. Agt. lor Ann Arbor. The prize-öghtcr livts a Kort of duel ex isieoce. _________ Morristown, Tenn.. Jnly 4, 188The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen - Five years ago I was so tra fortúnate as to contract an extremely bad case of blood poison. My bones ached and my muscles began to swell and contract. I was under treatment of the physician from the inception of the disease until I found that he could do me no good. Then, through the advice of a fricnd I began taking S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to havo an mmediate effect. I took six bottles, and to-day am sound and well. That was two or three years ago, but I have seen no evidem of the return of the disease, and I take this opportunity to thank you for what it has done íor me. It saved my life. Yju can reía any one to me. R. M. Wall. Farmersviixe, Tex., June 22, i388. The Swift Speciric Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen - The mother of a member of our lirm was afflicted with a canceroui gore on her face for about twenty years. Liuring the past few years it troubled her very much by continued pain and itching. She nsed your S. S. S., and the sore ha disappeared and is apparently well. Should it break out again, will advise you. Very tnily, IV..:f.ton, Yearly & Rii.ev, Druggists. Three books mailed frce on application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atbr.ta. Ga. A sign wrrer - Tn tnogrphar. Q Vjhe Best and Purest MedicineS filtSL EVER MADE. I íü. rtwiilrtrivethcHumorfromyourl I I AxNsy--'om, and make youri skinl I 11% VL1" aml emooth. Thosel I I fe.v5pr. Pimples and BlotehesU U, ö y At whii'h mar your bcautyw H et ei Karo cjiused liy inipureM ■S1 e 1c ei OjLblood, añil can bc I -'o, , ''t A!lr(;nmvclinaBhoi-tl I III %■ % o v t""0.' lf yu aru III SS The Poso i. V ■% j Hl mediciii. Trv i , aatT %, I U Get it of yonr Drugglst V v J3 I If yon ave ndferiDg from K'' ' I Hl They nevei' fail to cure. Ijl Spnd 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Onlway _& Co., Boswl Mass.. tor best medical work pubhbheU


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