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C. C. King, of Saline, bas sold his stock of groceries to his brother Mart. W E Boyden, of Delhi Mills, was elected secretary of the short-horn breeder's association last week. The newspaper Washington dispatches of Dec. 30say: "The star service between Webster and Whitmore Lake has been increased to three times a week. Mr and Mrs. Benj. Kelly, of Ypsilanti township, last week were surprised by 70 of their friends, that muchliked couple having been marned just five years. Milan lodse, No. 323, F. & A. M., elected the followint; officers: W. IVL U. il. Burt; S. W., W. R Smith ; J. W., Mell Barnes ; treasurer, Myron Wilson ; secretary, D. A. Jenning; S. D, G. W. Hitchcock ; J. D., Wm. Whaley ; tyler, Samuel C. Hunt. Saline lodge, F. and A M .. elected officers as follows: W. M., D. P McLachlan; S. W., J. M. Young; . J. W., A W Warren ; treas., J. McKinnon ; sec, C. N. How; S, D., Orin Paron.; .T D., W. F. Larzclere ; stewards, BW. Wallace and A. C. Clarke ; tyler, W. J. Jackson. , . ,, The Manchester lodge, F. and A. Al., Dec. 17ih, electad officers as folio ws: W M , J. F. Nestel! ; B. W., Mat D. Bloser; J. W , Frank Spafard ; S. D.. A. t. eeman; J. D., A. G. Case; treas., George J. Hscussler; secretary, Ed. E Root; stewards, Fred Spafard and J. C.' Gordanier; tyler, S. Hammon ; organist, C. W. Case. ïhe Dundee Reporter says : "The price of property in vicinity of the gas well is advancing. Winfield Scott King hasjustsold fromthe back portion of his farm 10 acres to Geo. D. Gnffin for 520 per acre. Before the location of tlie well the same property would sell at a much lesa price. The balance of Mr. King's farm is held at a much higner Manchester tent, K. of M., Dec. 14, elected officers as follows: 8ir kt. com, N Schmid ; lient com., W. L. Watkins ; past com., Frank Maginn; prelate Fred Ste nkohl ; puysician, #■... -rrj finance keeper, T. B. Bailey ; record keeper T. B. Bailey: sergeant, A. Ir. CasT; 'masterat-arms, A. W. Spen.-er ; lst inaster guards, S. F. Twist ; 2d master guarda, H. K. Berger ; sentiuel, L. Hoöman ; picket, Fred SpafarU. Tlie South Lyon Picket says: "Anoth.-r paper is in circulation to raise money for a flouring mili. Elmer loncray and Thos. Yallop will build one of 60-barrel capacity if $1,000 can be raised. Where, oh, where are all those fellows who were so anxious for a mili a few months ago? It ought not to tak e 24 hours to raise this unt and the mili would be 20 times 1.000 benefit to our merchants every year. Think of 1 1, and think of it in the nght light and give liberally." a nonr HpvicR is sDrune on the bles held this winter. Each gentleman is given a card on which is written a certain number of names present, and be is required to talk five minutes with every lady whose name is on his card. Object, to make you sociable, elimínate wall flowers, break up diques and prevent you "choosing the one you love best" and being spoony all the evening. It will be quite an ordeal for young ladies to pass tlirongh, but they will, no doubt.- Manchester Enterprise. The South Lyon Picket ia mad. It " We wonder how long our citizens'will qnietly submit to the measley way in which the T. & A. A. R. K. Co. use us in regard to train service over this end of their line. We tlunk the time has come fora vigorous kick. Ihe matter should be laid before the railroad commissioner whose duty it is to see that railway corporations comply with the law. ïhere is not a day that they do not lay themselves hable and we see no orthly reaSon why they should go unpunished." The Saline farmer's club was organited in January, 1887. It now has the following memoere: J. b_ Wood, B. N. Smith, C. C. Warner, H. W. Bassett. B. R. Crittenden, G. C. Townsend, Isaac Shaw, Theodore Josenhanse, Gilbert Hurd, E. P. Harper, Serino Bassett G. L. Hoyt, Ira Wood. A. A. Wood, J. 8. Kyte, D. A. Townsend, N. A. Wood, G. R Cobb, F. C. Wood, Geo. B. Wood, A. G Cobb, H. Tower, Leonard Jsenhanse, David Cody, Geo A Shaw, H D. Platt, E. C. Warner, J. N. Cross N. H. Isbell. The last meeting was held in York township at the residence of Geo. A Shaw H. W. Bassett read a paper on "Therelation of the farmer to his hiredhelp." Mr. Burnham is confined to his houjie by Bickness. Miss Nettie Latson spent a short vacation home. Rev. Jas. E. Butler, former pastor of the Webster Congregational church, is spending his vacation among nis many friends. A surprise party at the residence of Mr and Mrs. Boyden last Friday evening was a siiccess. An agreeable time was experienced by all. The reading circle meets at Mr. Blodgett's Salurday evening, Dec. 29. A lui attendance is desired, as the annual election of officers will be part of the program. The Webster fa-mers' club " public will take place at the Webster Congre gational churrh tomorrovv night. Cyrus M. Starks will give his sequel to put money in your purse." Dorr Q„eal w 1 1 give a recitation, and also . _Mi Mam e Blodget Miss Jessie WIUtaM readan essay. Ky M.Coll and J" nson Barkns will tryto determine VVliat i8wealth? and Rev.G.K. Lineo and E A Nordman will struggle with the important quprtion, "Are the tendencies of the age helpful to the farmers? Cbelsen. Mrs. Hiimilton.of Lima, is very low with scarlet fever. Miss Kate Hooker Rpenthohday week with friends in Detroit. Geo. E. Davis hs been engaged to lead the Congregational choir. Miss Maud Freer spent Christmas with her brother in Jackson. Mrs Hook. from England, is visiting her dauhter. Mrs. Jabez liaeon. Mrs. Kobert Boyd and Mrs. Libbie Newton will spend holiday week at Mason. M J Noyes' claim for loss by a recent fireTon his farm in Sylvan, four miles south of town, has been disallowed by ?he Washtenaw County Mutual Insuranee company. Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Brewer, of East Saginaw, are guests of Mrs. Brewer s párente. Rev. Dr. Holmes is spending this week anaong relatives and friends in Aun Arbor. Mrs. L. S. Holmes spends holiday week with her sister, Mrs. Hickman, at Battie Creek. A fine toned bell.though rathersmall, was put U in the belfry of the town hall last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoover dined on Chriatmas day with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Sparks, at Jackson. H. S. Holmes and family ate Christmas turkey with his sister, Mrs. J. J. Tuomey, at Jackson. Geo. Fallen, for some time an employee on the Chelsea Herald, but now of Detroit, spent Chiistuias here. The many friends of Thos. G. Spears of Detroit, were made glad by his presence among them on Christmas day. Wilber H. Bowen, student teaching in the Normal school, Ypsilanti, spends nis hohday vacatiou with parents in Lima. Chelsea has a good oíd fashioned singing school in which the boys and girls learn 10 read music. Geo, E. Davis u teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Kempf are visiting fnends at Bluffton, Ind., during holiday week, and will probably callón General Harnsou within the time. A crowded house, some of them from several miles distance, listened most att.ntivilv and ariiuirinelv to Rev Mr. Reilly's Christnias sermón last bunday evening. O rrin T. Hoover, of the Saline Observer, speut Sunday here with his parents; butcouldnotbeabaentfrom his work lon enough to eat Chriatuias dinner at home. Whltmore lhc Henry Djdge spent Christmas at Laingsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, of Port Clinton, O , are visiting at E. W. Üneü's. F. W. Eane, of Columbus, O., college, is spending the holidays at hotne. Mr Elmer Bixby, of LaingsDurg, is visiting bis sister, Mrs. F. M. Dodge. Prof VVill Lazemby, of the Ohio State Uuiversity, bas beeñ a guetst at VVm. Rane's. Mr Hues had his arra quite badly injured by a íalling limb wüüe chopping, last week. Orín Button and wife, of Everett have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King. J. D. Stevens, jr., and wife will leaye for Denver, Colo., soon. Ho goes in seareh of health. Harry Lumbard took a cool bath, Cbristmas day, and bad a narrow escape. He was carrying a can oí oil, which together wiui his hat, staid in the lake. The Christmas entertainment, Tuesday eveuiug, was a grand success in everv particular. Thelilerary exercises were' most tilly selected and all excellently rendered under the direction ol Mrs Rev. Kobinson. ïhe church was neatly decorated, and some very beautiful presenta were distributed by the real Santa Claus. . Saline. Sager Hall is home from Maryland. Arthur Rouse isspending theholidays wilh hisfainily. Ashley VanDuser spent his Christmas in Grand Rapids. MiRs Luuise ïaylor is spending the holidays at her home in Aun Arbor. The cantatta of Queen Eather vvill be giveii again in Salme this winter. Mr and Mrs. A. C. Cole left Tuesday for a visit with ineuds at Leslie, Midi. Mrs W. E. Caldwell and Miss Fannie CaldweÜ lelt Munday to vitsit relatives at Uenlreville, Mich. Miss Ida Webb, teacher in the second erammar department, was presenled by Lrpupils witha tiue clock, Uüristmas. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Isbell attended the wedding of the.r Bon Ed who was was married to Miss Flora l'almer, of Si. Johns, l)ec. lti. The pupils of the first grammar room pre-ented their teacher, Miss Ida Burrougl.s, wilh a haiidsome water-set and soufe ilver nut-picks as their Chnstmas gift. A Heil Hole Ín Milán. It has long been known that soine nnuaual thing was beiwc done in some room in the three-story building on Mainst in Milan. Attention was firsl called to it on Thanksgiving day. hince Sen it has been watched in a quiet way. Sundays there has been an unusual nucnber of people goiug in an out there. Christmas was but a repetí ion of Thanksniving. "the maitiha had an eve half way open he could but no?Le thia. Toe is no legitímate buainebens carried on in thatbmlding which requires this unotmal inflow on Bundaya and holidata. But the character of the ingoers tella theahameful story. Can't the marshal see it f


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