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Houd's Slaapunit cures C;iinrrh bv ex jjelliüf; imjuuiy Irom the blo d, whiob is ík cause ot liie ootnplai t. Give us a tria). Ttie Keuiu ;kiuu a er w:i .111 ihe oljest Sraud ot whikv nnmed is dead. "But Joini 1' KobiiiMiU, he pez, they riirin'i kriuw ivtrjiliin' d )n in Judee" Tht-y certamly k'ifw lit;le. if they did ■ot know thal tüe Mifm-t, quicke-t and B0.-1 iileae:nt cm e lor croDp, hronohMs, cough, gold in il e thcst, ie, is Dr. Buil s O iKb Syiup. Pnce twenty-five cenis a kottle. A Brighton, Micn., wumto diys fortyIve bichéis of putaioes a dy and comea jp smiliug As a retueny l.r commnn to 6Tt-ry day lift-, sueli as cats, biuises, spnáns, burn, Bcalds, aiid fio-tbit--, STatiofi Oil fias no equül in ihe cnaket. It Isteraily annihil ii jiam. P ice 25o. ftainetvillr, Fla , is tne otily city hnving jellow fevt-r wni :h hns not, been proffered lid trom cut-ide uuren. NnflTered tor Nix Years, Wife B'iöeied six yeurs trm t-uppresed nenstruation. Hi8 been treateil by ilie kest physiuians witli ut b'-nSt. Two bottles ol'Brudáe'id's Female Regulator rtüeved her. VV. A. Simmon , McNatft, S. C. Write the Bradfiehi Keg. C., AiUnte, Ga. Sold by all druist The Cleïelaud PUin Dealer favors the Ktabluhnieot of a hm-e of Industry, wherem men wh' won't work and support tiioir íainilie8 shall be made to do it. A Taluable U.duiil 'I rcutimc. The edi ion for 1889 oí the sterling Medical A B naai, knowu as Hnsti-tter's AlManac, is r.ow ready, and may bu obtained, Iree of cost, of dnu'gists and pptieral country déniers in a!l parta of the Uüitd St.iles, Mexico, and indeed in every eiviüxed portton o! the We-tern EleinisphKre. TbiB Almanac has betüi ismed rt-gularly at the coiumencement oí eveij year fur over one fouith of a oentury, ït combines, wilh the soundest prnciionl advije for ihe preservation and r-storaá n of healtb, a laige inoum ot inleresiing and amusing iight readinp, and the CBlrjdr, astr .nomioal culouUtiuns, chronological iteins, SlO., are prepared with greai care, and will bH found entirely accurate. The isue of Hostetter'H Almanac for 1889 will pr.ibably be the laigest edition uf a medicnl work ever puhlished in any country. The proprietors, Messr?. Hostetter & Co., Piusburgh, Pl, on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cnnnot procure one in his neighborhood. A Chicago judge has bad the papers state he is not ilie man who has beea intimiditing ladies in the suburbs. Il was ome other man bv his name. Used one bjttle ot' Muther's Fnend before my first cor;finemei)U It U a wonderfidremedy. Looked and felt so wdl aueiwards triends remarked it. Would not be without Mother's Friend for any coníiderauon. Mus. Jos B. Anderson, üchoopee, Ga. Wriie the Bradfiel.i Reg. Co., Atlauia, Ga. Sold by all druggists. A repórter nt Mam hettr, Etürlaud, bemg unble to fií.d stnrtling news attempted suicide aud wrote a culutnn about it. Core Yonrst'li. Don't pay largn doctor's hill. The beet medical book published, 100 pges, elegant colort-d p!a;ep, will fie se t yuu on receipt ot three 2-cent statnps to pay postage. Addresa A. P. Ordway & Co., Bostou, M. A Chicago adveruser set forth that he üM a diainund ring to exchnntre íor coal. The Haadüomnsi Lady in Ann Arbor, rema.ked to a trirnd the othor day that ghe knew Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lurigs was a superior remudy, as ii stopped her cough ïnsiantly when other tjough rí medies had no effent whatever. 8o to prove this and convinee you ol its merit, any druggist will give jou a Simple Sottle Ftee. Large siza 50c aud $1. A Frenchman spent ten years of his life to iDvent a noiseleas clock, aud when he ld succeeded no bndy wnulH buy it. We lel! Yon l'lainl.v that Simmuns Liver Rgulat-r will rid jou of Dy.-pepsia.Headacne, Cunetipation, and Biliuusuesg. It will break up chills nd ft-ver and prevent the return, and is a complete anudóte för all maWial poison yet enurely frea from quitnne or calomel. Try it, and you will be atouished at the good resulta of Siramons Liver Regulator. John Swan ut S roüd, EugUud, drowned himsel; through derBageaient, owing to overhappinesv athis approachmg marnage. PileNl Piles! Pilen! Dr. William's Indiaa Pile Omtment is tíse only sure cure for Bliiid, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever Dicovered It never iail 10 cure oíd chrotiiu caseg of lone tnding. Williams Mf g &., Clevt-land, O. A single shaH produces 10 000 eggí, nd only abuut 5,000 are htching naturally By the artificial inethod i),8U0 are successfully batched. Eczema, IK-hy, Seal, , Skin Tortures. The kimple applioation of ''Swaynes Oiktment,' whithoutany internal medicine will cure any case of Tetter, Slt Rheum' Ringworm, P.lea, Pimples, Eu-zema all fcoly, Itchy Sitia Eruption, no matter bowr obstinate or long standing. U ie potent, effective, ond costs but a trifle. There ought to be a Ihw of six tnouthg nd mne days for a man at table d'hote who undertakes conversation with his aiouth f uil.


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Ann Arbor Register