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Wngbt'í Myrrh Tooth 8op uives prly white t ,'th, puriSea the breath, prevenís teetti froan riecay. SoM by U druggists. OUR 35 (i:l COLITHN. Adveitisemcnts, such as To Rent. For Sile, and Wants, Hot exoteding three liues, can be inserted thrce weeks for 35 nt. HEI.P WAJTTED, ETC. WANTED - Employment as a Housekeeper. Object, a home. N. E. HÏ, Registek office. WANTED AT ONCE - A glrl competent to do general boufe work to whom good wages will be paid, 44 Miller Avenue, Uity. FOR BALE. ÍX)R SALE. UIIEAP- One Gasoline Oveu and 1 one Heating Drum. Inquire 43 S. Ingalls-st. I7OR 8A.LB- M mile routh of Salem station ou V tne Detroit & Lansing road, 50 acres of tim ber. Euquire of Erncst E. frenwick. ■pRIVATE sale of funiitnre at No. 8 North X 8tate-st. ■piANO FOK 8ALE- Students wishing a HrftX class Piano very cheap, should see this one, at No. 18 Spring-st. IARM FOR SALE- The farm known as the 1 Grant T. Perry farm of 200 Aeres of first-class land, sltuated in the township of Lodi. Inquire of Comstock F. HUÍ, Administrator. IORSALE- My undivided one-half of a Farm, 1 Kltuated three miles E. of Anu Arbor, and known as the Howe and Nortli Farm.would exchange for property in or near Kansas City, Mo. Addrexs me. at 1223, Urand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Eliza North. FOR SALE, VERY CHEA11- Nice feeding Carrots. Will be delivered if desired. Address or "PP1? at the NorguteFarm, PittsSeld. Í70E SALE- 'I he best Grocery Store in Ypsilanti. Apply by letter to Box 4f6, YpsilanU, Mich. ITOR SALE- Fruit Farm, 19 acres, at Ann Ar. bor. Michigan, for sale at a bargain. Only reason for seliúi is unable to tend to it. Choicest land, highest oaltívation. 11 acres in raspberries and blackberrie; 4 in nmiít'", pears andjpeaches; 2 iu grove pía' latiim two yoars oíd. Cash sales tliis year 51fX Abundan! water; House cost b..t;. Elegant lawu, hedges and shade. One mile from (kxirt'house. Terras easy. J. H. Clough POR SALÍS.- House and lot No. 44 WsshingtonV st. Apply oí N. W. Cheever, No. 10 North 4tU6t IARÜE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lote. j for sale or exchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be for rent. J. P. Judson, South Cniveislty Ave. FOR RENT. 1JAKT of a large House, snitable for taking boarders, or lor small famüy, to rent low to good tenant. 5 N. Utate-st. I70R RENT- Suite of rooms In the Hamilton f block. 2ud floor. StPam heating and water included. Apply to A. W. Hamilton. FOB RENT- Two pleasant suites of furnished rooms with north, east and south Windows, on westside of Observatory st., first house south of Observatory. Lower suite $1.50 per week ; upper fuitc $1.5 per week. fTX) KENT- One pleasant Iront room wiih closet, X well furnished, at No. 22 Catuarine-st. Í7OR RENT.- A Suite of front roms. newly ' furuished, very ilciiable, Tl East Washington St. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Housesaud lotsvalued froin il, (WO toSfl.iiOO and contaiuiug from oneflflh of an acre to iwïuty acres- aü in tlie city limitó. Houses remed uu reasonable terms in central looalities. Farms exchanged tor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SES8ION3, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte AEent. Office over Express Ofllce, Main SL, Aun Arbor. iiiM ki.i..i:oi . LOST - Moltled pocket book conUiuing about 3H.0U cash and pckg. Holmes' hack tickets, between (..'ook House and Baeh & Abel's. M. E. Cooley. MISS L. M. FOLEV, of 95 E. Huronst., desfres the Iadies of Anu Arbor and surrounding territory to kuow that she is stlll teaching the Livingston üystem; and ia the only person in thls city competent to teach it, as one mast undcrstond a thiBg thoroughly themselvcs before they undertuku to teach it to others The cuttiug of Wrajis, Cloaks, and Chiklren's Clothes, also taught. Patterus cut to measure, walst cut and basted. MONEY TO LOAN- Good Beonxltf. Addrcss, A. D., box 1127, Anti Arbor. riX THE LADIES OF ANN A1ÍBOR- Be it J. known that Prof. J. W. Livingston, of 916 Uroadway, New York, the fgreat Inventor and patentee of the new Frenen combinatlon of squares for cutting all kinds of garments for ladies and children, has appoinlcd Miss Maggie L. Norton, of No. M N. 12th st , as general agent for Ann Arbor and surrounditi(;. Miss L. M. Foley in no longer agent. Trof. J. W. Livingston, 910 Broadway, New York. SUBSCKIPTIONS for American and Foreign Pcriodlcals handk'd witb accuracy and despatch, at low rales. W. W. Heman, 19 S. 5thüt. Notlco. The annual moeting of the stockbolders of the First National Bank of Ann Arbor, for tne election of directors, wül be held at their banking house on Tuesday, January 8th, 1889. Polls wil! be open frora 10 o'elock a. m. until 12 m. By order of the Board. 8. W. Clarksos, Cashier. Ann Atbor, Deo. 3, 1888. Kotlce. Ank Arbor, Mich., Dea 10, 1888. Tbere will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the Ann Arbor Water Co. at the office of said company, in the city of Ann Arbor, upon the fitteenth day of January, A. D. 1889, at eleven o'elock a. m., to vote upon the question of increasing the capital stock of said company, and to transact euch other business as may properly come before said meeting. Ai.ex. W. Hamilton, Chas K. Hisoock, President. Secretary.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register