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A FINE PIECE OF IS INDEED A LUXUFOT FiMZER'S { JVU COMES AS s - rg-NEARBEING KUOBACCO 'AND IS S y to KNOWN ASA j A MAK E IT grand AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET Ifo ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG-THE i MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN POCKET PIECES OR CARRYWHOLE. JNO. FINZER & BROS., Louisïille, Ky. INSURANCE, KEAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON ' Ofiaoes, No. 1 and 2, First Ploor, Hamilton Blook. Partios deslring to buy or sell Keal Éstate wil. flnd ittotheir advaiitage to cali on me. I represent the following flrst-class Fire Insurance Oompanies, haring an aggregate capital of oyet (8,000.000: The rand Rapid Fire Ins. Co., Tin Ohlo rofiurr' Ins. Co., (tusares only dwellinieí). The htrman Fire Ins. Co., The Concordia Fire Ins. Co., The CitizniN Fire Ins. Co., Tne Hirloliosicr Fire Ins. Co., The Milwaukee Medíanle' Matnal Fire Ins. Co., The New Hampshlre Fire Ins. Co., The Aniuon Jt'ire Ín. Co. Rates Low. Losse llberally adjustad an oromptly paid. I alBO issue Life and Invosínieut PolicieS Ín Ule Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A ■ets S55,000,000. Persons desiiing Accident Insurance, can have yearly Pollcles WTltten for them or Traveier's Coupon Insurance Tickets issued a: Low Rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Compan; of North America. Money to Loon at Curreu' Ratea. Office hours from 8 a. M. tol2M. and 2 to . m ALEX. W. HAMILTON, H aro 11 ton Blook l"Df7 ft3V Q K ■ OOIiD W1TCBBB ■% ■ ■■ I S&ÍZSSEliEAn wtCÜ tb world. Pr-I III 'JSVw_ tr. '"■' '""" ■ Hkb giiiiiniïUJBK FKtK. How Ib thiapOMibl il'TiT'yi son tu ech lorallty, to ket Id fthtr homes, ftüd utiow to t;aoa who cH, complete llo oonr lQabieDd very usefuj BULNEUOI. SAMPLES Thss sftmptes.sB well i th watch.we send free,Dd rtr ron h kept them Id your home for tt moaths snd stiowo tbm lo thos wbo my bsTa c slled.they bicorne yoor OTO prOfWrty; It ts posslbls to nke t.hls (creot offrr, sendins tbe HOLID COLDwttcbíDd COSTV ssmples Tres, ss theshowiotof Ibe ssmptes Id soy loes Jity, 1 wají resnlts lo Urce trad for tu; after oor SkIDples luwe been ID n locAtlty fora moatbortwo w aswlly get from L toou to 80OO lo trsde from th arrouDdlDS country. Thls, tbe most womlerful effar tw mftde Id order tbt onr Sftmples my be placed at ofic wtan tbey can be seen,, all over Araerica. Wrfte at oDoe.aod make sor of tbe chance . Reader It win be bardly any trooble for jou toshow tbe samples to tbose who muy cali at your bon and yoor reward wlll fc most satlsfactory. A postal card OQ wblcb to wrlteoscosu bal l cent anl aftrtr yoaknow all, Ifyoa do Dot care to go furth r, why do barm Is done. But If yoo dn MDd yonr addreas at ot ioe. Jon can secare FBEE oo of tb bsst soltd gold watches In tbe world indour larga Un oí' COSTLÏ MAJII-I.H. We pay all IWIibt, elr. dors OW). BTIM8O1I 00., Box 11, TÜBTLAMD, MAJHK LUMBER LT7MBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall s'. FERDON LDHBERTARDI' Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., antí get our figures for all kinds ot LTTMBEK We manufacture our own Lumbcr and ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES 49-Glve as a cali rnd we III make H o tour intereNt, as nr larve and weli icratled stock fnlly siu nins onr aasertlon. JAMES TOLBEKT, Pr. T. J. KKKII, Nuvl. II l_f f Q 15 fl TT?TJ Tti&r To rrmnci on nïO at Gtoou iaxo xrarsua, p. ftoweii jvs Nersppe Mtneti raar beuwda tor itiXtfitSW YOSUCL


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