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Real Estate Transfers

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Charles Vnung (by heirs) to Georee Albert Yuung, Sylvan 13,200 Challes Youug (by heirs) to Ruth J.Brooks Sylvan 1,000 Charles Young (by heirs) to Elizabeth D. Cobb. Sylvan 1,200 Emily J. Wnalin to Martha A.Glenn, Dexi ter village „ 500 Julia K. Krapl to Frank Vandawaker, A. A. City :,200 Mary K. Winans (by sheriff) to Sarah E. Reed, Chelsea vill _ 730 Catharine Dwyer to Michacl W'alsh, Dexter 475 Geo. and Henry Gerlaeh to Juo. C. Gerlach, Northfield M.K. Broek (by ex ) to Elrner L. Brown, Ypsi town f,000 Harvcy D. Hews to Godfrey Butler, Sharon 3 500 Elmer L Brown to Ann J. Brock, Ypsi. towa ?COO Jennie h. Smaley et al. to J. F. Miller, Manchister 700 Sarah J. Bei'ey to H. r. and S. Seney (contract for deed) _ Eli VVani to.Tohn P. Merker, Sylvan 200 Jcihn Cirifford to John Kramer, Augusta 1,181 Elliott Mc;arier to John P. Merker, fcylvan - 225 Leonhard Gruner et al. to city of Ann Arbor 1 Arcbie McCoUum to F. K Glazler, Cheleea 565 Wm, Coulson to Dan'l Scripter. Lvndon .. 1 140 W. A. Van Brocklin to J. and F. ljiedrich, Augusta 800 D. C. Eckard to A. S. Culbertson, gharoa... 3 600 L. U. Watklus to Ruth M. Patthen, Manches'er J. H. Feldkamp to T. D. Feldkamp. York.. 9,600 A. H. u. Goodman to Deunis Warner, Webster 500 Oscar Easlon to School Dist. No. 1, Lima... Elnathan Kkidmore to Michael Stapish Lyndon _ W. J. Parsons to O W. Cushing. Web'ter... 1,300 W. E. Howard to Kmily Howard, York 1 400 Calherine Krause to L. A. and M. A. Blake, A. A 475