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i:-er.n;i, Itchy, hcaly, Skin Tortures. The Miupitj uppiicaiiou uL "fciWAYNE's Oiktment,' whuhuutany ïnterualnjedicmt, will cure any case of Tttier, SU Kneum, Sitgwumj, Piles, Pimples, tíczeiua al, Scaly, lloiiy Skm Erupuon?, no matter how ubsliuaie or luiig Mauuing. It is potent, eflective, oud costa bui a trifle. The anuiente not only noied the importance ot Beven as an astrunuojicnl penod, tut also coautCLed wnh the seveu piauelt the seven roeuls ttieu knuwn. Wliat is said Abwut lt. There is no medicine wmch has been offered to fue people ot' Hik pt flftj yenr thatna&attaiued tüe popularny of fomeruy's Hasier. it is an exlernai Kciueuy that relieve at uncu Kht:u m Neuralgia, bnckacliu, una au cowniun Üls ihat are sureuj come, wmch do not iieea a doctor, bul must be uuendeU u. aud i& o bimpLe aud liarmless Uiat auyboily, old or youug, eau use it As a guarautee oi tneir wortn, physiciaus every wbere recommund tliüui, üini 111 man y ïnsttuiCt. s ihey use Uieui m Uieir owu piavtiue. ïiiey are au indispensable houtsehoid reuicdy, aud uo lamily should be wiiuout tuein. For ijaie by hl. J. Bruvn Dist. Agl. lor Arm Arbor. The seven days of creation led to a septenary división of time to all ages. m :r dd it. iatV Cured atuong ollicrs Ilie lollowin. They write: 81ÜContrul AïC.Ci.i m:: :.: ,: .. Januarj iili. 18S8: Atttloiihoros Pilis have cdred meof l:vr coniplaint umi dypepeia. 1 gai e tvu of tb HU toa friendwhoia tronbled vith '-■ --tioii aiid lic hiis improred wonilerfully. r. H. Kowekakp. 16 Rot-ett" Bt, New Haven. Ct, Í Febraarrl0tL,188B. ) AtMoplroroa P:lls worked wonderfl in n;y pa of dyspepaja. Emma L. ('laiïk. Atii-lo-plio-ros Pilis are email aml ileasant to take, yet wonderfiiUy ffi-ctive. Iiivaluablc for kidney and liver oomplaints, dyspepsia, indigestión, constipation, headache, etc. They'll take nwuy tliat tired feeling iri ving new life andstrength. 4SöScnd t rvnts for tho beautiful oolored picture, " Sloorish Maiden." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt N. Y. BUSINËSFCARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON AlloriK'y at fnw. Will practicein both Siate aud United 8ttt Courts. Office RoomB, one and two, lst floor u' the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Offieover First Xational Bank.) Houbb: 10:30 to 12 M. and 2:30 io 3:30 p. m. Can be reached at refidence, Wes.t Huronst., a the "Prol. Mchol place"; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. r R. WILLIAMS, Attornry at l.un. JMilan, llicli. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal business given prompt attentiou. O. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEOK. Office rN Masonic Block, ROOM 4. l'iU'pliono ConncctionH, Ann Arbor. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Court House Squaie. Teetb extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. fe RUPTURK! LSWWmni EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRU8S. JB'M WÊË} Spiral Snring with gradea pn sure 1 to 6 pounrts. Worn dy an 7 night by an Intant a week olí i" adult ot 80 years. Ladies' Trusso - , a speciaity. iLuclos stampa lo H ftTestimouials of Cures, measurt ■ments, etc. EGAN'8 IMPERIA' TKÜSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Micb. WM. BIGGS. Contractor S Buildsr Arxl all kiiuls of work in oonnectlon with tlie alve ir..inpl!j expcutefl. $& Shop Cst. of Church-st and Univcrsity ave. Telephone 9; V. O. Box ViVi. n_ _ i FRESCO PAINTING ASPECIALTY, AT OSCAR O. 8OB(i'S, DF.ALEE IN All Painter's Suppliee 70 S. Main Bt. Hans for FrescoitiR furnishcd on appiicfiiiun. %... f,.,,!l ÏSXABLISa 1351. .) Merrill ilirfl UWL3 1 ƒ Detroit, Mich. 1 Block. y, The Regular Old-Establlshed áEr-HpHYSICIAH AND SURCEON jEt WÊË UstlllTreatlng with the Greattst Chronic, Neryons and Mate Diseases. -NERVOUS DEBILITY, Lost Manhood, Failine Memory, Exhausting Drains, Terrible Dreams, Hcad and Back Ache and all the effect! leiding to carly decay and perhaps Conaumption ot Insanity, treated scicntifically by oew methods witb never-failing success. S YPHILIS and alt bad Blood and Skin Dicases permanently cured. - KIDNEY and URINARYccmplaints.GIcet, Gonorrhoea, Strictu re, Varicocele and all discases of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomach, Kidneys or other Organs. JÉè No experiments. Age and experience tm portant. Consultation free and sacred. = Send 4 cents postage for Cclebrat cd Workt 03 Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. 4Those contemplating Marriaee send for Df. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female, each i5 cents, both 25 cents (stamps). Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or calfmay save future suffer ing and shamc.and add golden years tolife. 4SBook 'Life's (Secret) Errora," socents (stamps). Medicino and writings sent everywhere, secure frora expoaure Hours, 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE, M. D.t Varrill Block, DETROIT, MIOH.,


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Ann Arbor Register