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It Is Csplem fur ) ounp; l&dies who ure troabled with freckles, pimples, motu and tan ard a bad ► kin geuerally, to u-e lUjuid pain's or dry powdere, for Uie ■ : v ranke ibe skin look well for the linu' beiof. To have a good oomplexion you must hav pure blond. Use Sulphur Bitters and yoar skin will be luir Rnrl compli xion rosy. - Young i.adies' Magazine Tliere we; e Boven wisa men iu nntiquiy anii snlj" wondera in the wotM. CW iV am' "' ;:lI)It' Medicine.' arr thebest VJVVX todependupon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been pr scribed for years lor all impurities of the i; ! ood. In every f om of Scrofulous, SypMlit ie or Mercurial diseases, itis iavaluable. For Kheumatism, has no equaL John Moork. DrupigisL In Frunce aseverrh pon in üireot succi -■: i is c.ilied r murron. ■ Pile! Files! Viles! Dr. Witliam's Indmu Pile Omtaie;it is th only wire cure for Bliiid, Bleftói'iei or Itching Pile5 ever Discovered Ir. never iU 10 pure oli chrooic cases of long staíiiliuf. Willinni Mf'g Oo., Clev land, 0. To we niüe mspies is extremely unocky. LEGALS. Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 COUMY OF WASHTENAW. ƒ SS. At a session of the Probate Court for the 3ounty of Washtenaw, holde at the Probate Office, in the city nf Anii Arbor, on Tuesday, lic eighth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and eightynine. Present, J Willard Babbiit. Judge ol Probate. In ihe matter of the Estáte of Norman Dwight, deceased. On rcidingand filing thepetHion duly verifled, of James W. Wíiik, ilmimsirator, with the will annexed praying that he may be licensed to sell the tteal Estáte whereof said deeea-sed died seized. Thereupnn it, in Ordered. That Monday, the lih clay ot February next. at ten o'clock in the brenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said etition, and that Ihe devisees, legaiees, and ieii at law of said deceaed. and all other ersons imeres-ied in said elate. are required to ippear at a session of said Court, then to be hold■n at the HrobMXe Office, in ttieCity of Ann Arbor, n said county, and how cause, if ai y inere be, wby the prayer ot' the petiüoncr yhould uot be grauted : Aud i( is further ordered, that said petitie uer give uoiice to tne perbons interesled in said tstate, ol pendency i said petition, aud the leariig Ihereol, by causing acopy ol this order to publlahed in tii Ann Arbor Kkoitek, a news'uyc prlnied and diculated iu said county. nr. e suceeisive week previous to said day of hearing. .1. WILLAED BBBITT. A truc copy.J Jndge U l'robate. W M. G. Dol Y , Probate Resistor. I'rolmte lotice State of Michigan, I ('Ol NTY OF WaSHTIÏNAW i ' ' At a ,e&ston of ihe Probate Court for the Ciunty ol Washte aw, holden at the Probate OQice in he city of Anti Arbor. on Tuesdty, the eight day ol Jaiiuiry. in the year oue ihuiisaud eight hundred aud elghty uil e. r-resent. J. Vil:aid Baubitt, Juiige of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Oliver Kimberly, deceased. J' hnson Backuv.the administratorof said estáte, comes into court and represents, that he is uow lrupared to render his fi::al account as such administra tor. Therenpon it is ordered ,thnt Mondav, the 4th day )l Februaiy ten u'ilock in the forenoon, jc assigued for txaniining and aliowing t-uch accouui, a"d that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte are lequiredlo appear at a session ol said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Offire, in the City of Ann Aruor. in said County, and show any ;here be, why the said acuount should not be alluwed : And il is furlher ordeted that said Administratorgivenoiice to the persons iDterested n said estáte, of the i endency of said account, and the hearinj; thereof. by caustng a copy of ihis order to be published in the ann abboe Reüistkr. a newspaper pnnted and circulating in said County, three successive weeks previous to feaid day ol hearing J. WILLARD BABBITT. [A true cnpy.l Judge of Probate. VVm. .. Doty, rrobate Register. Morts'nitf Sale. Whereas, William A. Masón and EliZ'ibeih jraBon, hi? wife, of Nojthfidd, in Waih'.enavv Couuty, Michigan, executd a moitgage to Edward Treadwell and Noah W. cheever, execuiors of the will of Hirain Arnold. deceased, to secure the payment ol certain Principal and interest therein mentioued, which montage bears date Januarr2."tli 188ti. and wos recorded in the office ot thé Register of Deeds lor Washtenaw County, Michigau on the 2üth dy ot January. 1880 at ?■% o'clock, p. m., in Liber 69 of Mortgises (.n page 74 ani where' as default has been.made for more than sixty days in the paymeut of an iustailment of interest which became due thereon on the 2Sth day of January, lsiv as welt as the succetding i, si allment of interest which became due thereon January 25th, 18.1. and by reason tbereof and pureuantiothe termsofsad mortage. the principal sum unpald ot said mortKaee of twenty-one hundred and ten doilars with all the arrearage of interest thereon. at the option of said mortgagees became due and payable immediately therealter and the power of sale contaitied in said mortgage became op rative, and the said mortg gees do heret'y declare itthcir option an 1 do hereby elect to have the principal suui ol said mortgage and all inte, est theieon become now due and payable. And whereas there is now claimed to be due and payabie as aforesHid upon said mortgage and the note secured thceby at the date of this notice the mm of two thousand four hundred and fifty five dollars ..J2.4ft5.00) iu addition to all other Ie gal costs. and no suit or proceeding in law or tqutty having been instituted to recover the debt pecured by said mortgage or any part thereof, No ■ tice is therefore hereby given that said mortgaee will be foreclosed by a sale ol the mortgaged premisos therein described or some part thereol, to wit: All of the following described land situated in the township of N' Washtenaw County, Michigan, viz: The Nrrth East quarter of the South-West quarter of Section No. Thirty one ,31) in township No. One South, in Range No. Six.East; also the South seventeen 17) acres of the West half of the North-East quarter of said Section No. '1 hirty one, it being divisions No one two, three. four, aud one acre oft' of the south Birie of divisimi No. Five in the partition of the estáte of Potrick McMohon. dec'eased, as appears by the report of the commissioners on file in the Pr bate uflice tor Washtenaw C'ouiuy, all in township one south, in range six east. and contaimiu: in all sixty-eiebt acres of land. more or less. at public vendue on the twenty third day of February. 1889, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at the Huron stroet entrance to tlie Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said (,'ounty of Washtenaw, that being the p;ace of holding the Circu t Court in said umnty. Dated. MoTember25Ui, 1888. Edwaki) TituADwti.i. and Noau W. CBBEVBB, Executora of the will of Hiram Arnold, deMortKase Male. Deiault having been made in the conditlons of a Mortgage exceutcd by Jeffereon Lewis and Kachel Lewis, his wife, to Adelia C. Cheever beariiiï dte October 21, 1886. and recorded In the office of tbe Register of Peeds for Washteuaw Count' . Michigan, .ober 21. 1886, in Liber 67 of .Mortgages. on pace 102, which Mortgase was assjened by said Aáelia C. Cheever to il Koy C Noble by deed of assignment. dated December 6 18 7. and recorded in said Pegister'e office, in Liber 9, of asignments of mortgages. on page S9S by which default the power of sale contkined hi said Morttage became operative, and no suft or proceeding in law orequity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage or auy part thereof, and the sum f two hundred and thirty-three and 50-100 dollars (8233.50) being now claimed to be due upon said Mortgage. Notice íb therefore hereby elven that said Mortgage wil! be foreclosed by a sale ot the Mortgaged premises therein decribd or some part tbereof, to wit: All the followiBg described land situated in the City of Ann Arbor Michigan, viz: Lot No. Three in Block No Five North of Huron Street in Range No. Fourteen East according to the recorded plat of the Eastern ddition to said city, at public vendue on the Sixteenth day of November next, at te o'clock in the forencoon, at the Huron street entrance to the Court House, in the City of An Arhor in said County of Washtenaw, that beine the place of holding the Circuit Court in sai County. Dated August llth, 1888. N. W. CHEEVER, AtS,&V C' '


Old News
Ann Arbor Register