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Rend the Dcalta Roll Whieh the bilis of moitality of any large city may be fitly d(-signaied, nd you wil fiüd that rennl and vescal radiadles, tbat is to -sy, lbote ibat a ff' et tbc kidnt-ys or bladder, have, a lemsirkable pr miuence - we liad almot soid - preponderance. Bnght's disease Dd dial,eteiü the cnron)c sUge are inrely oured, and gravel, catarrh of the bladder and tnuream, jlay many. Yet at the OU tiet, when the trouble merelv fimounts to inaoiivity tA the orgaus involvri, the dunger may btnulliBed bv that plesat;t reimi tomo ai.d diurctic, Ho8tetr'a Stomach B tter, which imprt8 tle rtquiite amouut ot tone to the oigii), witbont over exciting them, and the u-e of which is couvenient, and involves no t abúrate preparation. Dysptpsia, a usual coi cornitant oí'reii'l oumpliuiite, and debilttv, which they inYtribly produce, are remedied by it. So alpo aie corit-ti[;aiion, njhlarial, iheumatic and i.erïous ailments. The nunibei 3 vms ttie j ertect nuinber of the Pythagjreai s, who iaid it repre8ented the beginnine, mirtdln and end. Piles ! Piles ! Itcbiug Piles. Stmptoms - Moisture; intense itchine and gtiijgiiig; most at r;ght; worse by scratching. If allowed to c intinue, tumors form, which otten blecd and ulcérate, beeomiog veiy sore. Swayke's Ointment stops the Helling and blteuiug, liels ulceratioo, aud in mil i moven the tumors. At druggists, or by mail lor 50 cents. Dr. Swayne 6i S n, PhiUdelphia. The number 9, besides being recarded as a lucky one, u possessed of mysteii jus properties, inteusified Irom its being the product of three times three. Honent. In these dsys of adulteration and fraud, in all branches of busques and pursuite, il is pleasing to know that ihere is one medicine prepared which is sirictly pure. Such a medicine is Sulphur Bitters in curmg sciofalo; you eau depend on thera every time. W. B. Everts, A. M , Ohareston, S. C. Barbers have 10 h-ten to a good many "eutting" remrk. H bat Am I To lo? The pymptoms of Bihousuess are unhappily but too well fcnown. They differ in different individuáis to some extent. A bilious man is seldom a breakfast eaer. Tóo frequently, alas he has an excellent ppetite for liquors, but none for Folids, of a morning. bis tougue will bardly Dear inspeotion at aoy time; it it is not, white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digeative By.stem is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipaiion may be a sypmtom, or the two may altérnate. There are ofien Hemorthoids or evea loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headacne and acidity or flalulence and tendernes in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this, if not effect a cure, try Green's Augast Flower; t cosía but a trine and thousands attest its efficacy. In the Faroe Islands there is a gueerstition that seals cast tff their skins every ninth month and assume the human sbape. IK 1889 THE 1 1VIX AGE intern upon it'iixthyear. Approved in the out et by Judge Story, Chancellar Kent, President Adams, historans Sparks, Pietcott, Ticknor, Banrrolt, and nany othtrs. it met wilh constant cominendation and success. A WEEKL1 MAOAZINE, it giïes more thaD Tbree and a Qnarter Thousand doublé column octavo pages of readinp-matter yearly. It presents in au injxpensive fiirm. considering its (reat amo int of matter wüh freshne8s, owing lo its wvekiy issue, aud willi a cumpleteness nowhere elte attempted. 1HE BFST ESSAYS, REVIEWS, CRITICISMS, TALES, SKETCHES OF TRAVEL AND IISCOVIRY PUETKY, 8CIENTIFIC, BIORAPH:CAL, hlS OR[CL. AND POLITICAL INFORMATION FBOM THE ENTIBE BODY OP FOKEHiN PERIODICAL LITERATÜKE, AND FKOM THE PENS OF THE FOREMüST LIVING -WRITERS The ablost umi mout nlli vat 1 inteleti, in every department of Literature, Science, Politics and Art, line expression in the Periodic] Literature of Europe, and especially f 6 eat Britain. Tlie Living s, farming four large volumes a year, furnishes, from the preat and gen erally inaccessir Ie mass of this literature, the oiily compiltinn that. while wilhin the reach of all is satifartory in the (OMPLETEES wilh ■which it embraces whatever is iil immediate interest, or of solid, permanent value. It I lhir forr ■■lfMiiNnl!e to every one who wishes t keep pace with the event or iutellectual p ogrei-s of the t me, orto cultívate in himt-elf or his family general intellígence and titerary tast. Oplïilon.s, " No man who understands the worth and valué of ihis sterliuü publioation would Ihink of doing wilhout it. Nowhere elf-e can be found üuch a comprehensive and perfect view ot [lie hest literature and thni ht of our times."- ( 'hrintian at Worlt, Kew I'orfe. 11 It i one of ihose few publioations, weeltly or monihly, wh ch seeni indispensible. Thtre is nothing notewoithy in science. ar1. literature, biograpby, philosophy, or religión, that cannot be found ín it. It oontains neariy aU the goud liter ature of the time. Such a publicaron exhausta our Buperlatives."- The Churchman, New York. "Replete wtth all the treasurea of the best currcnt thought. 'he hen tictinn, and the best pnetry uf iheday. It stands unrivailed."- The Presbyterian. Phüadelphia. " In ii we find the best produetions of the best writers upon all mbj, els ready to our hand.' - PMla. lnquirer. "The readers miss very little tb at is important in theperiodieal domain."- Batían Journal. "It may be truihfully and cor ially .-airt that it never orléis a dry or valueess paire."- New York THlnme. " It is edited with grat skill and care. and its weekly appearauce gives it certain advautages over it' moi'thly rival." - Alhany Aryun. "In this weekly magazine the reader finds all that is worth knowing in the realm nf curreut literature."- Canada PresbyUrian, Tonmto. ' It is indispensable to all who ke p abret of ourmanirold progress. It is absolutely without a rival "-Moñtreal Gazette. Published Wlekly atïb.00 a year, f ree of posicfle. Club-Pnces for the best Home and Foreip lilTKRATlllK. I " Possessed of The Living Age one or other of ur vivacious Amtriuian monthlies, a aubscriber will find hiinself in command of the whule nituaUon."-Phiia. Eve Bulletin J For tlO.M), The Living Agk and one of the American S4 mouthlies (or Harper's Weckljj or Bazar) wlil be sent for a year, pitxtpaid; or, for 19.50, The Liv.'Nii Aof. and the St. A'ichulas Oï Scribner's Magazine. Address, 1.1 ITKI.I. A CO., Boston. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plante, Fruit and Ornainental Trees, Paars and Grape vines a Specialty. feyrups and Home-Made Wines. Syrnp of Rapberry ; Birtlett Pear Syrup, Bone Rett. Dandelinn and Kaspberry Wints and Shrubs forLiver and Kidny troiibles; Sweet Red Concorcl and Martha White Wines, especially prepared lor Invalide. Order Trees and Planta early, as we get most of them from the best Nurseriea eart. E. BACK. West Huroll St.


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