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Jennie, the famous lioness of Central Park, New York, died recently, aged 30 years. Queen Christina bas offered the Pope an asyiuin iu JiaJiid if he dec.des to leave fióme, The United States steamer Ossippee saiied fruta Fortress Monrue on Monday for Hayti. Tho membera of the Servían Ministry tendereu thjir resiguatijn to Kmg Aiilan on baiuiday. Matthew W. Burchard died at his home in Djtroit on fcaturday at the age of 109 years and 0 mouths Thomas Stone, a teamster at Fall River, Mass., died on Saturday of hydrohobia. He was bitten by a dog last sriug. In a collis. on on the Pitt,burgh & Western railroad near Carbon, Pa., featurday, five men were senouhly injured. John Patterson, of bhullsburg, Wis., was gored to death Tuesduy by an angry buil which he was leading tu tbe barn. The greut strike am ng New York carpet workers fur a rotoration of wiges in effent prior to Lecember lTbegan Tuesday. Colonel Kobert P. Pepper, of Cincinnati, has liought of Senator Leiand tan ford the bay horse Norval, by Electiuneer, for Í15,000. Four hundied conversions were reported as the result of an eight weeka' religious rev val linished on Monday at Marión, Ind. Tue great strike am ng New York carpet workers for a restoration of wages in effect prior to December 17 began on Tuesday. J.,hn M. Lingle, postmaster at Webb City, Mo., committed suicide on Baturdaj by shooting. He was short in his accounts. James Robinson, a young farmer living near Columbus, In J., k. lied himself with poison on Saturday on account of unrequited love. Will Kennedy, a butcher at Columbus, Ind., has received a letter si?ned "Wuite Caps" advising him to take better care of his children. A storm of sleet on Monday in Jcfferson and bt. .Lawrence couDt es, K. Y.. ruined thousands of valuable fruit, shada and forest trees. Wallace Cour.ty, Kan., was organized SaturJay by Governor Martin, it beingthe twenty-fourth county to come under hs admimstrat on. I During a quarrel on Suuday William Mann, an artist in New York, shot and killed his niece, Carrie Jones, and then committed suicide. A company has been organizod at Muskegon, Micb., with a paid c pital stock of Í240,000, for the manufacture of Chemical fire extinguishers. Two Cninamen arrived at Spring Valley, Ui., on Monday intending to lócate a laundry, but they were literally stoned out of town by a mobof mmers. Miss Lucy A. Noi es, who sued the Chicago City Railway Company ter Í20,000 íor injuries reeeived, recovered $12,000 in Judge Grtsham's court. The will of the late Captain William S. Adams, of Kingston. Mass., gives $125,U00 to the Boston Marine Society and 460,000 to the Boston Pilot Society. An Italian who from motives of revenge blew up the house of Georare Bodayala at G lman, W. T., with dynamite, was taken from jail and lynched on Monday. The new Cineinnati división of the Chesapeake & Ohio r dlroad 8 now open for traffio. lt extends from Cincinnati up tha south side of tlie Ohio river to Huntington. Harry G. Oabaugh .cashierior a Cleveland (O.) insurancj firm, was ob Monday found to be a defaulter to the extent of Í8,0O0l Gambl ng and drink was the cause. Two men cl iming to be Hormon have been presenting their peculiar doctrines among the peí pie of Harrison Countj', Iud. Muny converts have been made. Terrible distress is said to exist among the crofters on the island of Lewis, Kcotland. Crops are exhau ted, and in soma districts people are on the brink of starvation. The large stock barn owned by George H. Rix, near Lawton, Mich., was destroyed by fireon Tuesday, and twelve head of fine blooded cattle were among the uroperty burned. James W. Goldmith, of Stone Mount ain, Ga., oneof the leading uien in business and politics in that State, committed suicid ■ on Monday. Financial trouble was the causo. At Louisville an unkiiown man swindled W. M. Ho, lis, a boy.out of Í200, givinghim in change a bogus check for il, 750. The lad had saved the money to attend a com mercial college. The slaugliter-house of J. S. Gilmore and the ice-house of George Lambert at Rock Island, Iil., were destroyed by flre Monday. The loss is placed at $12,000, with $11,000 insurance. It i estimated that the total output of tlie gold, silver, lead and copper mines of Montana for the last year was between t35,000.000 and Í40.000.000, au increase of $10,000.000 over 1887. Attorney John Lu Ta lor, of Chicago, who was convicted of recoiving illegal fees for obtuining pensions, was sentenced on Tuesday bi' Judge Blodgett to one.vcar in the penitentiary. Dispatches say that Mr. Mackensie, the agent of the Uritish E ist African Coinpany at Zanzíbar, on New Year's Day presented hundreds of 9laves with papers givirig them their freedom. An industrial school for orpüan cliildren is to be ereoted near Bpir t Like, Ia., by Mr. Daniel Pearce, of Bycamore, 111 It will cost föü.OaO, and a like amount is to be invested for its maintenauce. Five hundred employés in H. W. Davi' carriage factory at Cineiunati submitted a new scale of wages on Monda.y and were discharsed. The flrm offered to troat with them iudividually, but not as a body. Jacob Bir 1, serving a life sentence at Stillwater, Minn., for murder, has been released after an imprisonment of tea year, his brother having coufessod, on nis death-bed, thathe was the guilty man. Christopher Jaeger, of Hoboken, N. J., took a gun to bed with him Mouday morning, and pulling the trigger with oneof his toes, blew off the front part of his hoad. He was a carpentor, and loavcs a widow and throo ch Uren. United States Minister Btrauu reporta from Turkev that he has obtained permission for the Bible House at Constantinople to print in Turkish 35.000 Bible tracts, consisting of the Psalms, Proverbs, tho four Gospels and tho Acta. Charles H. I. Taylor, a colored lawyer, defended a elient in the criminal court of Fulton County, Ga., Tuesday. It is the first time in the history of the court that a colored lawyer has pleaded a case. Taylor made a good impression. i Mr. Francia Murphy went to a saloon in Terre Haute, Ind., Monday to invite tho. frequenters to attend his temperance meetings. Wbile there a disDute aróse between a white gambler and a coiored man, during which the latter was shot.


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