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The man with the mos ■ooomplilhmoi tl ofieii accomp'is'ifs - nnthine. After diphtheria, earlet fever, or pneumonía, Hood'g Sar-iapnrilla will sivr strengih to the gymera, and expel all poison frcm the blood. When a servant maid finds nine greofc peas in one pod she lays t on the window sill, and the first min who enters will bt her "beau " The Hand-iomsst Lady in Ann Arbcc, rem.ked to a friend the other dav th8he knew Kemp'a BaUatn foi iha ThroRt and Lungs was a superior remdy, as it atopped her cotigh inarantlv when other couijh rr medien haii no effent whatcver. So to prove this and convinje you of iu merit. any druegi-"t will give you a SirapW Bottïe Free. Larg 50c and $1. A clever slight of hand perlormer- Tr.e ccquette. Pierc,;'sPleasnt Purgaiive Pelleis Ponteas Powerful Po'ency, Pasa Painle=ly, Promote Pnvsal Pr gperiiy. Miraculous powers are supposft! tobe possessed by the ferenth dnup;hter, but, s uual in the case of omen, it kas nu occult power. A high moral tone- ''C" above the .-.taff in "Rock of Ages." A Model Newspaper THE NEW YORK MAIL AND EXPRESS The Advocate of the Best Interest of th Home-The Knomy of the Saloon. The Frlond of American Labor. The Favorlte Newspaper of reople of Refiued Taste Everywhere. The Xew York MAIL AND EXPRESS, tae favorite American newspapcr of many people ot iutolligent and cultivatediastes, Las recently made somo uoteworthy iinprovemonts, materiallyincreasingits general cxcelleaco. H is in the broadcst seuso A National Newspaper, most carefully cdited, ana rulapted to the wants amltastes of iiitolllgentreadersthronghont the entire country- North. South, Eastaml West. It Í8 a thoroughly clcaa paper, freo frora tha corrupting, sensational and demoraliziug trash, inlscaüed news, wñicli deflles the pages of too many city papers. OUR POLITICS. We bellere tho Eepublican party to ba the ti-ue instrument of tho POLITICA1, PBOGKESS of tho American people; and holdin? t!ic honcst enf orcoment of lts principies Is tho best gunrantce of tho national wolfare, wc sli.ill support thom with all our inlght; botv ■ballaiwaystreat opposing partlea wlfh rousideratlon andiairplay. ACAINSf THE SALOON. The ?TAIL AHD EXPRESS is the recognlzed Natlonftl organof the preat Auti-Saloon Ri]iu:)licau niovoment. It believes tliat tbc licuor trafflo as it exista to-dayinthe United States ia the cnemy of society, a fruitful sourco of corruption in politics, tho nlly of aurirony, a schooi of crime, and, -vith its avovred ]nir]iose of seekiuir to corruptly rootml cloctions and leglslatiou, is n monaee to tlie pabilo welfare and deservos tue sondemnot ion oí all ;ood men. Se iid f or Sample Coptj Thcy a re sent. f ree to all who apphi. srHSCIUPTIOJT HATES WBKKLT, por year, 81.00; sis months, 60 cents; thrce ïnmiths, 30 cents. Daily, ier year, S0.O0; ïuonths, S3.00; three montns, 81.50; ono month, öO cents. VALÜABtE PREMIUMS are given to Bil suuscribers and nirouts. Wo want a good :iscnt in every town and village wbere we h.ivo not ono now atwork. Send for our !ri;il rircu"ar to -Acnts and SCO OUr übcr.ii offer. You Can Make Money hy aceeptins our Ca.ï Commission offers or worbing for our valuable and popular premi110)9. AdtlrcRatl )Li;,AXDr:xi1EE'is,Xcw v i


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