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Real Estate Transfers

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Henry B. Jones (by adm.) to Helen Burr Scio _ $353 Perry C. Depew to Thomas S. Sears, Sylvan „ 450 M. S. Cadwell to Foster Litchfield, Webster 400 John Koch to Sarah P. Koch, A. A. city... 800 Sam'l Casey (by will) to Lucinda Casey Sara'l Harder (guardianito J. N. Wallace, Vpsl. city 2,000 Jno. Minnis to J. N, WaflRcn, Vpsi. city 1 Jno. Koepke to Henricka Koepka. A Á 1'. Himny (by p. c.) to Mary A. Duffy (decree of assignment) Mll Hosanna (by p. c.) to Mary A. Duffy (decree of assignment E. B. Conde (by will) to Lydia T. Conde Wm. Rheinfrank (by p. c.) to M. Rheinfrftnk Ahbie J. Camp to Anna Brundage, NorthTield „ 125 Anna Maria ïeufel vs. Jacob Baliinger, Sylvan, sherüPs certiflcate of sale Jennle Ij Palmer to Dan R. and Ida K. ShierYpsi. ciiy i D. R. and I. K. tahier to Jennie L. Palmer. Vpsi. city i Wm. Millard to Elsie Millard, Ypsi. city... Charles Young (by heire) to Geo. A. Young Sylvan -- 3 200 Charles Young (by heire) to Ruth J. Brooks Sylvan 1000 Charles Young (By heirs) to Elizabeth D. Cobb. Sylvan 1200 Kmily J. Whalin to Mariha A.ülenn, Dexter village . 500 Julia E. Krapf to Frank Vandawaker, A. 1,200 Mary E. Winans (by sheriff) to Sarah E. Reed, Chelscavill „ 730 Catharine Dwyer to Michael Walsh, Dexter 775