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SOTATK. Tl 'jiMiiN., vos. Jan. ia- The Senate yesfcerday voted to non-concnr in the Hous6 amendments to the Nicaraugua Canal bilL The Tariff biü was furtucr diseussod. Washington, Jan. 11. - DiscUBSlon oc the Tariff bill occupied the time of the Senate yestcrday, nearl.y twelve pages being disposed of. Washington-, Jan. 12 -The ïarift bill wasfurthcr discusMd in the Senate yesterday, and after a long debate over putting iresh fisli on the free list fish was placed on the dutiable list at half a cent per pound. Leatber, old scraps, mica and mica was'i were Btruck out ol the free list. Washington, Jan. 14.- Ia the United States Senate SaturJay the reading of the Tariff bill was finished. A bill to provide for regimental bands was introJuced and beveral Presidential nominations were jonfirmed. Washington, Jan. 15 concurrent resolution ivas introduce l in the Senate yester&ay providing for tiic counting of the votes for President on February 13 next. The Tariff bill was further disca9sed. A bilí was introduced to divide the bioux reservation in Dakota. Th? nomination of Thomas C. Andorson, of lows, to bc Associate Justice of the Su preme Court of the of Utah was received. WaJHISOTOS, Jan. 16. - Fresulent Infalls laid fcefore the Senato yesterday a asemorial from the Legislature of Idaho protesting against the proposed admission ef Utah, and askinf? that a legislative eommission be created for the government of the Territory. The Tariff bill was again discussed. The appointment of Walter t'. Newberry as postmaster at ;agp iras confirmed. HOUSE. Wasimmiov, Jan. 10.- In the House j-esterday the time was passed in fil busterlne over the Oklahoraa bill. WJABIXOTOH, Jan. 11.- In the House yesterday the time was again passed in üü- busterlng over the Oklahoma bill. Waph;kgton, Jan. 12. - The House yes torday spent most of the time in lilibustcring. A stroug cffort was made to transact business, but Mr. Wever (la ) continued to interpusedil.itory motion. ( onference reports on the büls for public buildings at itUwaukee, Wis., and Omaha, Neb., were agrced to. Washington, Jan. 14. - In llie Houso Saturday the biu to revive the grade oL ■enant-General of the anny was iai 'aWy reponed. In discussing tho Diplonati'j bill Mr. McAdoo (N. J.) advocated abolishin;,' United SUUs Ministers abroad, said the interests of tho United States Tirould not suffer if Ministers were not sent abroad. and said the system was absolutely unhtted to the charaeter of a freo ountry. The Ponsion, Military Academy &nd Consular and Diplom Appropria Ion billa were passed, Wismsi.TON. Jan. 15. -In the House yes'irday bllls were introduced to punish the buying and selline of votes; for the establishment of a National military and naval museum in Washington; to refund the interest-bearing debt of the United States; for the free coinage of Bil ver; to alter the rsirulations resarding tho election of Congressmen ; for the construction f a lighthouse and steam fog signal on sh enter breakwater at Chicago; to prevent iangertoocoan, lake or river navigaion by rafts pi logs, and to repeal the tojacco tax. Washington, Jan. Ift -In the House yesnibuB Territorial bil!, which .roposes the .idmission of Morth and South ■?a, 'Washington, Montana and New ico as States, was oonsidered. OTIIEIl NOTJ -. WismxoTos, Jan. 13.- The President Ing beoome oonrlnced thai hewasunnecessarily harsb in rwnovlng WiHiaift A. Vincent f rom the office oí Chïef-Justiie of New Mexic-o, and that lic had dono that gentleman ae injustice, has oflered liim the vacant place at the hcad of the prome Court ,0! Montana. Owing to the fact thathis intercsts are all in New Mexico, Judgc Vincent is eompelled to declino the honor. Tf.iJan, I!. ïhe National Department of Agrieulture estimules last year's wheat erop oí tliis country at 414,S38,000 bushels, valued at {381,030,0001 Tho corn erop of tho ycar is csthnutcd at l.'JST,f90,000 bushels, valued at $077,561,580. Washington, Jan. 13. - The Secretary of the Kav.v has issued lnslructions to RearAdmiralKimberly,commanding the Pacific station, to proceed in the linitctl States steamer Trenton to Bamoa for the purposo of protecting Amfrican lnterests on that island. WAfcnjNüToN, Jan. ld- The iiuestion of tademntt.v for the scizure of the steamer Hayticn Kcpublic has been scttled. The imount agroed upon is Yl:M,0ü0, and about SöQOOO '.vas handed over to the owners of the steamer, the balance to be paid in in■stalli -


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