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A ;! Invrstmeut is t!,at which yiflds large returns from msll outUv. Reader, the way is cl-jar! No specuflatiou, co chance, big returns! Ifyon im; hiii: most all ra au kind you li fhera weakneoa - doot teel at i.l' times juts you'd like to - he.adache to dy, baekacbea to-morrow, down Mck next week - all beca ne your blood is out of order. A sma'.l oull 1 and what larga returns 1 You invest in Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery aodsoon pure, Iresh i 1 iod coupes throuch your vti" :, and yoa are another heingl A sarew-driver - The. engine cf a iteamfthip. Sonic Foolisli People Allovv a cuugh to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wearaway," but in mosteases it wears them away. Could they be indneed to irv Ebe suecessftll medicine Callea Kmp's Balsam, which is soW on a positive gua-an'ee to cure, they wonld immeriiately see the excellent effect aftcr taking the ürst dosc. Priee 50c at.d $1. Trial sizj free. At all Druggi'f-. Tie phonosraph shows ihat a man's voice r as not the lame sound to himself that it hs to others, thus finally explaici g why some people periist in singing. LEGALS. l'robnte Order, STATE OF MICHIGAN.! COL'NTY OF WASHTENAW. J SS. At a session of the Probate Court lor the Couiity of Washtenaw, holileu at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, theeighth day ofJanuary in the year one thousand eight liunared anii elghty-nine. Present .1. Willard Babbiit. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Norman Dwight, deceased. On readingand filing thepetition dnly verified, of James VV. Wiuiï. Adminltmtor, with the will annexed praying that lie may be licenserl to sell the Keal Ebtate whereof said deceased died Belzed, Thereupon it te Ordered. That Monday, the 4th day of Fubruary next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be aïsigned for the hearing of said petltion, and that the devisees, legaiees, aud heim at luw of said deceased. and all other persons iiuerested In ssid etate. are required to appear at a BeÑdon of Kaid Conrt, then to be holden at Ihe Hrobnte Offloe, in tlie i;ity ufAnn Arbor, in saiö conuty, and show cause, if ai y iherebe, why the prayer of tliu petltloner shouM not be granted : ADa ii Is fnrther ordered. that said petitioner givenolice to tlie persons interesled in said estáte, of ibe pendency oi said petition, and the hoar'üM thereof, by causing aoopy oi this order to bii publtshed in the Aun Arbor EtBuInTEB, a news[■a.- rinied and olrculated in said county. thrce successive wocks previous to said day of hearing. .). WILLARD BABBITT. f A true copy] Judge tf Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Reiister. Probate IOlic'. State of Michigan. j COl'KTY OF VVAMITENAW ( ' At a session of the Probate Court for tlie Oounty of Washte aw, hoiiJen at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor. on Tuesdiy, the eight day of Jiinuiry. in the year one thuusaud eight hundred and eighty nine. r-resent. J. Wlllard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Oliver Kimberly, deceased. J. luisón Backin.the administrator of said estáte, comes into court and represents, that heis now prepared to reudr his ti:ial account as such adrainistrator. Thoreuponit is ordered, that Monday, the 4th day ol Fubruaiy ten o'elock iu the forenoon, be assigned for txamining and aliowing such account. a"d that the heirs at law of said deceased, nni all other personsinUirt'Sted in said estáte are requiredto appear at a session of said Conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Ari,or. in ,-aiii County, and show any theru be, wliv the said account shonld not be alïovred: Anditla further ordered that said AdminlBtrator give notice to the persons intcrested D eald estáte, oí tho pendency of said .account, and the hearing thercof, by causlng a copy of this order to be published in the Ann arbor K1...1-1KK, n Dewspaper prmted and circulating in said County, three sucecssive weeks previous to Baid day oi heariog J. WILLáKD BABBITT. [A traeoopy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. i. DÓTY, Probate Register. Wfiereaa, Willlam A. Masón and Elixibeth .Masin, bis wife. of Noithficld, in Washtenaw Couuty, Michigan, execubd a moitgage to Edward Treadwell and Noab W. Cheever, execuiors of the will of Hlram Arnold, deceased, to secure the paymeiitol oer tai n principal and lDterefittbereÍDmeationvd, wMeh rnortage bearsdate January_5th, 1886. and was recorded in the office ot the Regisier of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the 26tb dav ot Jaimary. 1886 at S% o'clock, p. m., in Liber 6'J of Mortgiecs (.11 page 74 au i whcicas default bas been.made for more than sixty days in the payinent of an inMailinent of interest wliiih became due thereon on the 2ñth day of January, 1887 as ellas the sueeetding !■ siallment of interest wblch berame due thereon Jauuarv 26tb, 18B8, and by reason thereof and pursuauttoihe tcrms of sa d mortgage, tbe principal sum unpald 01 said mortüaüc of tenty-one hundred and ten dollars wilh all the arrearage ol inlerest thereon, at the option of haid mortgagees became due and payable immediately thereaiter and the power of ale contained in said mortgflKe became op rative, and the said mortg gees do herehy declare ittheir option an 1 do hereby elect to have the principal ram of said mortgage and all inte; est thcicon beeorne now due and payable. And whereas there is now claimed to be due and payabie os aforesaid upon said mortgage and the note secured the' eby at the date of this notice ihe mm of two thousand four hundred and tifty üve dollars .S'2.4.r6 00) in additi'.n to all other Ie gal costs. and no uuitor procecding in law or tquity having been inRtituted to recover the debt racaied by said mortgage or any part thereof, No ■ tice is therefore hereby given that said mortgace will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein described or f-ome part thert-of, to-wil: All of the following described land situated in the township of Washtenaw County, Michi jan, viz: The Nrth-i;ast quarter of the South-Wet quarter of Section No. Thiny one .31) in township No.One South, in Range No. Six, East; also the South seventeen 1 17) acres of the West half of the North-East quarter of said Section No. '1 tiirty one, it being divisions No one, two, three. four, and one acre oft" of the south sirte of divisinn No. Five in the partition of the otate of Putrick JIcMshon, deceased, as appears by the report of the commissioners on file in the bale Office tor Washleuaw County, all in township one south, in range six east. and containing in all sixty-eicht acres of land, more or lees, at public vendue on the twenty third day of February, 18S9, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Hurón strect entrance tí) the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, that belng the place of holding the Circu t Court in said ( "ounty. Dated. November 25th, 1888. Edwahd Trf.adwkli. and NOAII W. CHBEVEB, Exeeutors of the will of Iliram Arnold, deccased. Iortií;iK'o Sale. Defaulthaving been made in the conditions .if a Mortgage exccuted by Jefl'erson Lewis and Kachel Lewls, lus wife, to Adelia C. Cheever bearln? dte Octobet 21, 1S8G. and recorded In the office of the Register of needs for Washtenaw , Michigan, 'Ctober 21. 1886, in Liber67 of Mortgages, on page 102, whiuh Mortgage was assignod by faid Adelia C. Cheever to Le Roy C. Noble by deed of asslgnment. dated December 6. 18 7. and rteorded in said Fegister's office, in Moer 9. of assignments of mongages. on page 893, by which default the power of sale contained in Baid Mortsage became operative, and no suit or prwecding in law or equity having boen instituted to recover the debt i-ecured by Bald Mortgago or any part thereof, and the sum of two hundrcd and thirty-three and 50-100 dollars (Í233.50) being now claimed to be due upon aaid IMorlgage. Notioe is therefore hereby given that Kaid Mortgagc will be foreclosed by a sale ot the Mortgaged premises therein detcrib"1 or some part thereof, to wit: All the following deseribed land situated in the City of Ann Arbor Michigan, viz : Lot No. Three in Block No. Five North of Hnron Btreet in Range No. Fourteen East according to the recorded plat of Ibe Eastern ddition tosaid city, at public vendue on the Sixteenth day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forencoon, at the Ilumn street entrance to the Court House, in the City of Ann Arhor in eaid County of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in said County. Dated August 1-lth, 1888. Le Koy C. Koble, Asigncc. N. W. CHEEVER, Attorn. .


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Ann Arbor Register