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'ïïm Th CMIML ss sssss I E E SSS xaonaBiiv 28KSSKS S SSSSS ai ai s nnsjdaaxa ■ dxa 'ooz.ibh I :oN4 i o -o ia pada-p0 -S-3 i "■=-"" tl r . f !Í g -Airea -JiH o; ; ij pajtran PUB oiq -■ -;c3u5 H i(iOAA8jj "'"' : : : ■ a :="-', totoral : : : a q :oio O "' 2 ss i s a 2 'uns Jdaoxa - ■' fc öiHf : : : o mtstsnn MM BK ungidaoxa ■ ■HH SSÏÏSSSS 3 883 jg iflOHHNWN N COCO" :d I : ï : : : : : ::::: w M ! M ! Í i IJ j PUB ■ ; o O ■ ■ td iO ií5 -O ssaidxa sa9w i i :' : :-io4cmo . : : :- : : io us ee :ö . 'SSaiaXT c-Mfluino n : -qi io irj 09PBJ a"SIHlOrl OT : : wo 'íiSaJdXJI o 'QOOQ t QL"tOñ ? -'íCOOO O OOOflI a l'nngjdaaxa fc _j fn" II? SptdBg p,L) =■ ;OH co xíaortOS u __a g -SSMdxa g_L :r-a=,oo L oSsOïqO Mr4 - cj : : :nh O ! .-■ si ' i 'nns idoDxo ■ t S ansidsaxa -i ei U8K : jgS? 8SSÍSSS3 é yijN hiijjj 1 s lilll j lililí O. W. EÜGGLES, H. W. IIAYSE G. P. & T, A., Chicago, Local Ajft, Aun Arbor. ToleaOjAnn Aríor & Nortü Michigan R'y Time Table going into effect Sunday. Jan. 6, '89. GpuigNorth. i i ing"south. 32 .. a. I STATIONS. 1. i 3. :{. iïï Pass. Mail Southern D.vlslon. Mafl pgJj A. M. p. m. ! a. m. Lv'El [ Abe i êTïr rtt. TU. 3 25 r 3i Toledo. ! 1 10 11 00 4 06 6 19;Monroe Junet'nll2 24 10 20 4 '5 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 ....... SI 6 6! Milán 12 00 9 50 4 52 7 0 Pittsfieid 11 40 9 32 .. . 7 30 5 07 7 20 ..Aun Arbor... 111 25 9 20 9 89 8 00 5 27 7 86 Leland's 11 10 9 05 9 10 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 50 5 52 7 6: Hambure 110 48 8 45 . 6 34 8 45 Howel' 1" 11 8 13 7 15 9 35 Durand 9 &5 7 30 8 55 10 5s ...East Saginaw... 7 55 5 5h A. M P. M. A. M. A. H. P. M.A. M. .NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. 7 30 9 861 Durand 9 351 7 16J '0 16 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant.,.1 6 48 4 asi 12 56 3 Cadillac I 4 15 2 oo! IA. M. P. M A M.P. M.[ All passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Connections at Toledo with rallroads divereii r At Manhattan Junetion with Wheeling i Lake Elle E. a. At Alexis Junetioi) witb V. C H fi L B K'y ana F & P M R. E A Monroe Jancoor' wun L. 8. . M. 8. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 S M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W., 8t. L. S P. Ry. At Pittsfieid with L. 8. & M. 8 R At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing and Norüi ern R. R.,and tí. T. Ry. H. W. ASHLKY, A. J. PAISLEY, Superintendent. Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, W. W. BETTS Agent, Ann Arbor. Traveling Pass. Ag't. At Ashley with the Toiedo Saginaw Xs Mus kegon railway. HighestAwards, London, New York, Boston New Orleans, "THE HA.-MMO.VI-TYPE-WRITER ! UNEXCELLED FOR SPÏED, PKEFKCT Alignment and Durability ! Tbe Edison Mlmeograpb. for duplicating copies, superior to all other methods. Type-Writer supplies en.; for Catalogue and Prlce List, Address W. A. CAMPBELL, AGT., Ann Arbor, Mich. Henry Richards, NO 9 DETROIT NT. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FENOB POSTS, etc, also all kinds of STONE AND CORD WOOD I ain also Agent for the celebrated CHAMPION BINDERS AND KOWERS, And Keep a Pull Line of Repairs for the Same. }ejípflf$T and c;fewr ÍzL)?'$ tyoMRTy O BfCCO TTpleasanfev J IGood qndJíitu Oï] te n]ar(ef in 3x ful 16 O7jb% tfe Knost conenenf to cut for boeket or fo carry víole. Insist n f]ang tfie G-enuine Wiih 1e. red H tin tag , made onjy by, 3bhn "fínzer fíBrDJjouisVlíe,! INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AQENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON OiBces, No. 1 and 2, First Ploor, Hamilton Blook. Parties deBiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll findlttotheiradvantagre tocall onme. I represent the followlng firet-class Flre Ingurance Compañíes, having an aggregate capital of oyer ÍS.TOO.OOO: Ttio Oraud Rápida Fire lus. Co., The Olilo t'nriner'H Ins. Co.. (Insnres only (iui'lüiiïs . The Merman Fire lui. o.. ('ohK'onltii Fire Ins. Co., The Citlsra' Fire Ins. Co., Tne Wertcïhewter Fire lus. Co.The .Ililivmikee Mecnanlc'8 Mudinl Fire Iiik. Co., The Sr If impKliire Fire Ins. Co., The Amazon I re in. Co. Rates Low. Loases Uburally adjusted asi oromptly paiil. I aleo issue Life ajiil Investment Policies lu the Conn. Mutual Life Iusurance Company. Asets 55,000,000. Persona desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly PoticieB written for them 01 rraveler's Coupou Insurance Ticket istued at Low Rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Compuiy of North America. Moneyto Loan at Oumgn Rites. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12m. nnd2n . m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Mamllton Bloei l "jfáMiiSh """-'- B" s I K ■■ I fíSZWSlIíña w"='1 ' llworld. Fr- 1 1 _ T6ámi.iiiilÜilW&Ü KltliK. How lathlspOMlblaT : S rSsír We OBWer - we wnt on perthelr hon]e3,auj Hbuw to Cnofle who edil, complot Hnaofoar lablend ver; nsefrj SAnl'LES Tbue lamples.Ai well A ■ tb watch,we sen J free,Dd (ter 79a hve kept them Id your borne for e raontliB od Hhown them tothoie whomay bkTecmlled.they become your own proprty, tt !■ poMlble to malee t.hit great offer, sendlng the NOI.II) 6OLD wateband COSTY ampies fren, as theahowlnjtot tbe eamplea In any loci.Uty, alwaya resnlte Ín a largetrmda for lu; after oar samples huve bpn Ina localfty fors. montbortwo osoally Rut from # ÍOOO to S&OOO lo trade from tb ■ aTTOQDdlDg coautry. Tbls, the mout wonilerful oRer ever known,u made In order that oar samples may be placed at one wheretheycao be seen,, all over America. Wrlte at once, in i make'sareof tbe chance. Reader it wlll bebardlyany troubU for yon tosbow tbe samples lo those who may cali at your bom and your reward wlll fc most satlsfactory. A postal card ou wblcb to writeuscosts bot 1 centaDd afleryoubDowall,if yoa do Bot care lo go furtba r, wh j no barm Is done. But If you do snd your address at or ice, yon can secare FHEE oua of tbe best solld gold watehes Ín tbe World and oor Urce lloe M CO8TLV NA.nri.ES. We pay all eipreas, frelgM, etc. tJdríHUKÜ. STISSUS 00., Box U, P0BTLAND, MAIHS LUMBBS LX7MBER! LUMBEB! If you contémplate building cali at FERDON LU YARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get oxir figures for all kinds of LITMBEK We manufacture our own Lumber and qruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES ♦-(Jivo uk n callnud we will makt II o your Interefit, a oar lare and well irriuiril stock fnlly mum uins our osser ■ Hou. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J. HKMH, gupt. ialo ra-CXilX y. owell& Coa Nevropape Advertl3ingIïureau(10SprnceSt.j, wheroadvcrtíMna ' outracumaj lie made tor ltlBt HEW XOBIU


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