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The King Harness Company oL Cleveland, O., has failcd for Í12R,000. The Durdette Oran Company of Erie, Pa., has decided to quit business. Judge Harvey "Warner, oí Coldwater, Mich., died Tuesday, aged 80 yeare. Nine uersons were drowned in a wreek in the English channel near Rnisterre Saturday. Judge Linchan has granted permanent injunctions againat forty-sevcn saloons in Dubuque, Ia. Henry Woods, Son & Co., varnish and color makers at Boston, have failett. with heavy liabiiities. The shoe-factory of Smith. Pratt fc Herriek, of Albany, N. Y., was burned on Saturday. Loss, $100,000. AtMarietta, O., Wüliam Weitzel, aged Kiyears, sliot Ueorge Farnsworlhon Tuesday, killing him instantly. John W. Wright, an aged riti::en of Piper County, Ga., claims to have been suddenly cured of blindness by prayer. In a fit of jealousy on Sunday James Dutcher, of Toledo, O., fatally shot nis wife and then killed himself. Mrs. Cüi-oline Sharkey was found mardered in her bed at Eaton, O., on fSaturday. The murderer was not known. Stephen Russell and nis son, while fishing through the ice at Sandy Creek, near Oswego, N. Y., were drowned. John Morris, acolored barber, confessed on Saturday to the killing of William Kmrich at Ada, O., eight years ago. The estímate was made on Monday that the loss to property caused by the recent tornado in Keading, Pa., was about Í150,ÍX. Gitting's Seminary at La Harpe, 111. was burned Sunday night, causing a loss of $20, 001). The fire was of incendiary origin. An explosión of dynamite at Duluth j Monday wrecked one building, damaged I others, and causad one womao to lose her reasou. William Chapman, of Springfield, Mo., had both e.vos blown out on Monday by a powder explosión and was otherwise badly injured. Ueorge Jleadows, the negro wha recent. ly assaulted Mrs. Keilam near Pratt Mines, Ala., was hanged by a mob on ïuesday. Fire destroyed a number of frame stables on Sixth street east of First avenue, New York. early Sunday morning. Ten horses were burned. Abraham Miller, of Peru, Ind., a largo stouk breeder, was compelled on Monday to shoot flve valuable horses suffering with the glanders. Gila Benita, a cowboy in Montana, while dressed as an Apache Indian attacked a party of Mexican herders, killing five and wounding one. Great activity exist3 among a community of Latter Day Saints near Chase, Mich. An exodus to Uah is expected in the near future. Alvin B. Taylor, well known throughout the country as an inventor and manufacturer of printing presses, died at Mewark, N. J., on Friday. Ira D. Sankey, famous for his "Gospel songs," was a passenger on the Britannica which arrived in New York on Sunday from LiverpooL Rev. Dr. George CgNoyes. for twenty years pastor of the Evanston (111.) Presbyterian church, died on Monday of pneumonía, aged 57 years. Gila Benita, a cowboy in Montana, while dressed as an Apache Indian on ïuesday attacked a party of Mexican herders, killing five and wounding one. The attorney for the Law and Order League at Sioux City, Ia., received a letter on Saturday from alleged White Caps orderlng him to leave the city. Diplomatic circles in England are a itated over the Samoan situation. which is regarded as promising a possible ruptura betweeu Gormauy and America. Mrs. Einma Thompson brought suit in Cincinnati on Tuesday for divoroe, charging that her husband, John I. Thompson, had wives living in six different cities. The new Cincinnati división of the Unesapeake & ühio railroad is now open for trame, lt extends from Cincinnati up the south side of the Ohio river to Huntington. Two men claiming to be Mormon mi9sionaries have been presenting their peculiar doctrines among the people of Harrison Count3', Ind. Many oonverts havo been made. In the repair shops of the Maine Central road at Walerville Mouday James G. Blaine, Jr. , began his apprenticeship to the trade of locomotive building and repairing. The National Dairy Fair A9sociaton of America was organized Tuesday at Spriugfleld, Hl The purpose of the incorporators is to give exhibitions of dairy products. Allen Campbell, proprietor of a bank at Evart, Mico., has skipped to ('anadawith about $10,000 of the funds, leaving his wife a bilí of salo of the fixtures and some other property. J. J. Clark and SIrs. M. J. Wriirht, clairvoyants, were arrested in 'mv Haren, Conti., on Tucsday under an old blue law, which provides for the punishment of fortune-tellers. Indianapolis detectives have succeeded ia breaking up a gang of thieves which has been operating on the Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis railroad for several months. The report that the British Government will not appoint a Minister to Washington to succeed Lord Sackville until after the inauguration of President Harrison is virtually confirmed. Mrs. Carrie B. Kilgore. of Philadclphia, wason Monday appointed master to take the testimony in a divorce suit. This was the first time a womau was everappointed to such a j)osition. Hon. Cornelius Donahue, a well-known Irish patriot, died in his home at Buffalo Tuesday whüe the funeral services over the remaius of his wife were being conducted in tlie church. At London the court has granted a do cree in favor of tho plaintiff in tho suit for divorce bvought by Mrs. Houcicault (Ag-, nes Kobertson) against Dion Boucicault,' the author and actor. Mrs. J. ÍS. Kellan, the vvife of a mechanio of Pratt Mills, Ala., and her son Willie, 9 years old, werc murdered by an unknown negro recently. The murdcrur is bein pursued by bloodhounds. A bulletin issued by the American Irou & Steel Association shows a decrease in the production of Bessemer steel rails dur ing tho year just pased of 70Í, 140 net tons, as compared with 1887. The order has gono forth on the Iowa división of the Chicago & Northwestern that all operators of the Telegraphers' Brotherhood must rosign from that organization or quit the euiploy of the Northwestern. In the New York Supreme Court Tuesday S. C. Kauff. a lawyer, was given a judffment for ïlüti.OOO Bgalnst A. G üuon, of California, for professional services rendered in orffanUing the Bti ui ru Gold & Bllver Company.


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