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i o n 11 il Dead. Lust pveoing n peron tfiving tbe name ■f Q R. Thompson reeistered at filmt' Hotel, aod desi red to be oalled n season to take the 12 p. m tra:,] 1 t ',. licaga. unahle to awaken him, the was entered by mesas of a ventilator over In; door, when the gentleman was fouad to he dead. He wa advenising Bgent for Sulpbur li.tters, irbicfa has an extensive sale. The corom-r returned a verdict of death from hert disease. lis bo !y wii] be ser,t east immediaf. ly.- Cic I mercial. A giil mBy nut see n;uch in lier si beau to laugh at, but his mu pretty sure to tickle her. Calarrh originates in BCrofuio ■ Hood's Sar-apanlla punfies thus peniiAuemly cares catarr!,. A ti:ne-'.8bls - The wateh ck-aier.-.' n li.-i. Salvation Oil, the greateat cure cm earth for pain, as au ftnodyne Iihs tio qual in 'he maiket. It kills pain v-ery I Price twenty-five cents. Sk'Íü] ])hilosopher - I marmge a uuure? P'urniture man - Orea t 8ootI'Na Ive made $3.000 tlns yc::r on babjr-coj alone. The lloinolicsl iliui in Aun Aibot A well a= the hand.-ome', ard otl are invited to cali nn aoy 'iruijgiat and free a irial bottle oi Kemp's Balsaai for ttte Throat and Lur, a rfmedy tliat is eiling entirely uüoii it? merits and is ;uaranUei! to leheve and cure uil Cbrsoie .and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Broocbfittt ana CoQxumption. Largc: botilrs 50 .ts. and $1. All the New York papers ure complaioiii tr ibat or gold i goint; abroad. I: probably ati'ord a trip. A Frlcml in .itfd. Carpentera, builders, laborera and in fact aK kinds of working men wlio areparticularlyliable to Rheumatisra, Neuralgia, Baokache, etc, shoul ahvay.s have close at hand a Pomeroy's Ptjtroliue Piaster. In nearly every case the result ioat:itaneous. There ih no remedy equal to tliem. For over Uve years they have beeD in general useaiid stood tne test of public oriticism, and are to da more firmly established than ever in public es'imation, and stuadily increased in fayor. There are few families who do not use them as a hoasehold neeessity. Beware of vouiiterfeitü. Iasi-M on having the genuine article. For Sale hr .1. R. Brown, Lnt Agt. for Ana Arbor. There promises to be a grt-at den! of back tiilk in the phonograph. vullend lor Si si Years. Wm s iffered si.x trom suppre.-sej meusiruat on. lis been t reatad bj tLe best phyuiuitns without b-neBt, Two botUe-i of Brtdáeld's Female liegula'or rclieved her. W. A. Simmon . MiNutf, 8. C. Write the Bradöeld Reg, C i., AtltDie, G-a. Soltl bf all tirijisN. Time never flies;so fast as when ven are playino; by the hour. VJVXW V DVtty, complaint of tkousands sufferin from Asthma, Cöüsumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever tiy Acker's English liemedy? It is the basi preparation known for all Lun g Tronbles, sold on a positive guarantee at 10c, 50a Johji Moore, DrugisL " John, you re iiot liiiRniD to on wor.l I ui ayintr." "Why, mydear, I m all t-Hvs." I you w, and that makea t all the rno-e provukiiif. ■' A Model Newspaper THE NEW YORK MAIL AND EIPRESS The Advocate of the Best Interest of the Home- Tho Knemy of the Saloon. The Frlend of American Labor. The Favorlte Newspaper of reople of Reflned Tastes Everywhere. The New Vork MAIL AND EXPRESS, the favorito American newspaper of inaiiy peopla of intelligent aud cultivated tastes, lias recent!y made some notewortby iinprovemonts, materiallyinereasingits general excellence. It 3 in tho broadest seuso A National Newspaper, most carefully cilited, and adapted to tho wants and tastes of intelligent readers throughout the entire country- Xorth, South, Eastand West. It is a thoroughly clean paper, freo from tho corrupting, sensatioual and demoralizinstrash.mlscaliea nows, wnicli deflles tho paes of too many city papers. OUR POLITICS. Via believe tho P.opnblican party to ba th true instrument of the POLITICA! PROCKESS of tho American people; and holding t liat tho honcst enforecment of its principies i tiio beat guarantee of tho national welfare, we (hall support thein with all our might; but vro shall always treat opposing partles with cousideration and fair play. AGAINST THE SALOON. The MAIL ASD EXPRESS la tlio rccognized National organof tho ereat Auti-Saloou Rapnblioan movemeut. It believc3 that the liqoortxafflo aalt exista to-day intho United St;ite8 ia the euemy oL society, a fruitful fnurce of corruption in politics, i!io ally of aniioiiy, a school of crime, aud, wlth ita avowed mirposo of sockiur to oorrnptly control electloaa aod leglclatloa, la i mamace i the pnbll welfare and deaerrei the oondemnatioii of all sood uien. Sendfor Sample Copij Thcy ure sent freetoall ichoappJi, Sl'HSCIIlnlOX r.AIES WJUMOT. per ycar. SI. 00; sis months, CO cents; threa uionthe, 30 oenra. Din.v, per year, SC.OO; eix months, $3.00; three iuontus, SI. 50; ona month, öO cents. VAJLÜABI.E PKEMITTil are gl vin to all subscribers aud affents. We want a good agent in every town and village where we liavo not one now atwork. Send for our special Circular ti Aganta aud see our liberal offers. You Can Make Money by accepting our C'uh Coimnission offers or vrorkinKÍoroi:r yaluable and popular premiums, ■ IlIL AND EXPRESS, New - ork City


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