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■Ah nu-" I siche'! PM, "Vm lireil ol living, Th wnrM ■ holliw. ambilion' vain. ' Ciimi-n.iw1'! said his thuui, "I kuow the symptoins; Ifsall ynurltver - Ihatvery plain. You ! en! not suffer, lor help is easy ; Hierw's ■ iïkIH in ihe plnee. 4 A IriiMiil l ihe bilions' I well niight cali them- There'hiiiilliiiiK bettcr; they'll suite y ur case." l'o U-cease'i hissinhiiu a d hoiiih' ihe "Pellet-s." Nu nu .re he urueth hs lmpless l..t ! His eheerful. hl henit is lihisome, His melucioly is )iiite fcirpit! C'id'd-iie ai W is iint;ti!i found this quolioti hefore hun: ' ilow tur is ihe iiiuoo fniiii ihe eartti ?'' His rcply waa iii : 'I don'i knovv t-xactly, but it so ar that it won'i ioflance me it I Let my BBoe." Popular KtlucntiOH. We pyrapath ze witti Ibe feeling rhioh ufien leds cniz-iiis to bl)at '.liat DO chlld mrn in ihis conrilry need grow 110 in ignorHtice, and et it is a f'ct m-'iiy people A-ho haVü lenrned to read and write have n-v.-r t'Uüh: iln-mst-lvei tu think. A man who euff.-ivd trom ca a'rh, consutantion, bronehi is, scrofula, or "liver c .mplaint," ■niili! reiid, till his eyt-a dropped out, how '■ese and m my ntbers d'Heans have been oured by D-. Piercna Qollvn M-dicil Usoovtrv, bu; f he had not inkm thf lson 10 himtwlf and test ilie virtus of tnia ({reit medicine, hú time would be thrown awy C ipt. Ati.tijn (oo-.uliirif! his players in a L'ain of ball at the base of the ereat EL'yptinn pyramidj- '' Forlv centurias looking down ou you, Williamson ! Btnir tiie uuiiing out oL herl" - Ctiicapo Tiiöuiie. ______ "Truih has a quiei Dirwti," says Avona bard, but wlien the breast is raokedwitha c ugti it can r.o'. be q'iiet. Tiy a bottle ot Dr Buli's Cuugh Srup. Thu cough it wilt fiUy, the soreness alliy, and youM [jless D . Ruil f " ma' v " Hhv. 25 cents. Amfrii'xu cío ka wno gu ubroad sav that the Fiench d. teaives are more stupid thiin triosn of eny oihcr Dation, and the Ensjlish the must untiring in fullowiDg up aclue. _______ The HandsooiKst Lady in Ann Arbor, remi.ked toa trirn'l the other day that she knew Kunj's Balntn for ihe Throat and Lungs was a superior retnedy, as it. aiopped her cough iiistantly when other oiuh rt medies Dad no effent wha!ever. S ) to prove this Bnd convinse you of ï te merit, any druijgist will give jou a Saaipli Boitle Free. La'g 50c and $1. The Augusta Chronicle sa.ys thbt the bustle is dpomed in the south, and that si uthern w'otnen must hereailer travel en their pi ráonal shape. Erzcma, IKIi.v, Scaly, Skin Tortures. The simple application of ''Swayne's OiNTMENT,"whithout any internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetier, S4t Rheum, Ririfíworm, Piles, Pimple?, Eczema all Sunly, Itchy Skin Eruption, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, ond cots but a trifU. An exchauge alL: Do women live longer tban men ? Widowa certiiioly live linper than the men wliose wives they CVíwvn.oWvíy. pleasant, ano V)OL.írC,.C,VS.V certain in theii Tesnlts, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta, liecummr nded by physiciana and endorsed by all who have used tliem. The best remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. hj .Iohn Mnnur, DiugglSt. Somervüle Juurnal : It is not always the man who looks the wisest who knows ihe isost, but mostpeople don't know this, so that t will pay you to look jnst bb wise as you possiblv can. The 'I..1I1.1 s iriiml. Not only shortens labor and lessens pain but greatly diminshes the danger to life oí both mother and child if used afew months before conBnement. Write to The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by hII druaeisto. I il l.:uls. There a-e some comvlaints to whlch womeu are peculiarly liable, and Irnm which they will suffer íngilrnt for yenrs, when they could be easily cured by thc use of Püineroy's Petroline Piasters, lts healitig and sootliing propertie-t have met, w th universal and uuqualirud cmmendation from all using tbem Lailies who have never used them will (ind it to their advantage to try them. If they once do to, tbey will never be without them again. For Sale by H. J. Brown, I Dist. Agt. for Aun Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Register