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A Sad Accident

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Esganaba, M oh., Jan. 22- The rear coaoh of a train uu the Wutursuieet diyi ion of te Northwestern roa wa-cerailed at 1:30 Sulurda afternoon at EltnWoo.i. James H. MacDonald, oí EsCinaba JUüiitenuut-Gnverii rof thisSiatiu Hor ce B ïuttie, the grout roa manufacturar ol Cleveland, au i V. Cucuir 11 ■. tn-a-urer of lbo Coc ing C ' ti i p ny, of tliis city, wen instantly kiilecl. E. P. F ster superiiitea ent of the Mmqueile Ore C m1 nv, un.1 a resideiit oí lrou Mounlain, 1 ich., received very daagcruuB injuries. C nJuctjr Menry ArmstroiiK ís cul no ut tue he.iJ aud lias d ngcruus iot mal injuritíi lis, JlcCluro, UUíílitor ut tlie b.iga-'e-niaster vt tue trula, wa-. bad. y hurt. Thrte othera are ierioutly Injured au I i tiumbb-r of tlie oiher i aseners recuiv d uigbt iujunes. Conduutur Arm6iruii!í 1 ut .il au ea;t-bouud train and wil r.'ina.n n lrnnw i d fur treatment [Jamas H. IlacDeuald, L i-ute; ant-Covernor of iins Si. ne, was born a bcotlinU n 184.', aud lias i'frti a resident of ibis Sla e tor lveuiylive ye rs. Hls home wus ín Bsoaoaba. Ho was loimorly ro dm.isier un the C. tengo & Noribwesieni, but lliree ye rj 8K0 lie r. t rud, h:ivin,' realized h indsomely on minina i vestuiuti. He was twice elect'd L. eute'ian.-Guvuruor and was setvnig his secoml ii-im wnuu t-t . 1 1 ■ ■ i i . lie wili be suuceeded iu offioe by the President pro tem. of tiie Sonate nuw i i ses-iiou ín L.insing. He le.ivi-s a wiclow, a son aed ï5 and a dammer aed 0. H.s eslate n vulued at from t00J,.X) to i7."',0OJ.) Mr. Tutue was a member of the firm of Tuttle, Oglesby & O .a prom netit ir.)n house of Cl v lai.a, anü superintendent of the Comm mweuth Mining Company. and exiens ve m.iiinfí inioresls in the Goebio range. He leaves a wife and one or two cliildrea at Clevelun-l. Mr. Cochrane was treasuror of the Cochrane Millin Cimpany and a irom nent c.tizen of L icaoaba. K. P. Poster, of Iron Mount.tin, is a promineiu miinng man whose operatons 'ziend over the Maiquelle, Mënommee and Gogebio ranges.]


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