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Minor News Items For Week Ended January 23

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i A firo on Tue day at Uu.ouviUe. lío., Ciítr, yoJ eighi oí tue fiuoat atures iu lúe I. I ïha BU Lawrence r ver roe noarly flf(teeu feot Tuesday iu tüa vic uity oí MourcuL Rjbert Seyniour, United Statos ViceÍCon ul at Qaeeiitiuwn, diedon Malurday ul i A ure on Mouduy in tho drug store oí K. ":. id ükuian, ul Puilndelpulu, ouusumed 12.ÜJU iQ Oaah. 'Ihiee huiidrod weredoilroyed iu lie sarub ..i vahey, AsiaMiuur, Mouduy by Dea. UiqllakO. An earlbquake accompanied by a v oleut g . e uvcurred ai Atneu, Megara and Ar.ova, 11 Ureece. A pos. e ot'uuzens in Ti) tonville, Tenn., ..nged Uiree mju on b,itunl..y wüo were gu ny oí murder. J. O. Iselin-, oL Calboun, G.i., wason S.itarday í..uiiit to be u bisanual five times ver. He was in jail. ïtie tcliuol Boaid at Louisville, Ky., has ílec ded to minué Ibe Uiacu ug oL JGenmu in the i-ublic &ch. oís. i Ira M Northrui', a weii-known mer, anloi Müwuukeo, d Oppld deaj muís ipi.icü ol bu mess on M uday. j A sbock o. i'iirtiiijua.kO wat felt on Fri#y in a pi rtmn oí lúe L,-it.i vuiluy aud Wtisfcrii Eúnburgh, te tlaud. Uo rué aud VVilliaui Kepler, proprietors f Ke, ler's U tel, at Ci.cniuali, ti ve asijgued, with liab.l.tia, uí ,3ü.0uü. , Tbe repulís of a uta 11 pux -! .di-mir in uver aud Pueblo, C-l., ure posiliveiy de■ibJ by tbe .utlu.ritie. of ihoe uiUM. [ Thomas Pott-rs, a prom.neut faruier of ]% ksua towuship, lud., was tbrowu iniíu j bucg, oo Monduy aud iusiautly kuled. Tb M. I.ou.b creu.ntory was dostruyed fty flre on I w s o, enod u lor i on of doad hum n bo íes lust May. At a ineetQK ueld Mouday afteinoon tho Jirectors of tbe Iud.anapolis Base-Ball Ciubdecided to surreuder tlie elub frnj lhe bodies of two sailors were fnund )cug tl.e boach 'iuesday at Scituite, 5IH.1SS. The heads of botu bodies were (Bis ting. ; Brady Hanson fell 100 feet down a mine rfbufl iieur Helena, Jl. T., .mi iba oí 4 Iujury received was a cut on tLe briuge of kis aose. , l.idenout, twtoe convicted of murder nd seiiten. ed to be liang d at W incliesler, T.i., wa Friday acquiLted by a jury un 11 s ■Uiir.l trUl. The lii(.'li-sohool buildinfr it Waukepan, 111., v;is burned Jlund..y night. caOBiog a Sois .f i25,0.Jd Woa saved from loo bu Iding. A c Bvenlion w s ho d :it Knoxvillo, jTenn.ïueiday to memorlalizj Cougr h to íl-v te ;5üO,lKJU to tbo iminvvemeiil ol tliei lenue see river. R ibeit and Gertio B rry, of Williamsuri;, N Y., who wero warr.eJ ia 18ÏÜ d4ovured . a Saturday that they were hiolheraiul sister. Jiwepa Flemlnn, a prominent drusrgist f Pin,burgli, P,i., was sen! to Jail for Mi ree months on ilunday forsoiluib' iiqu r wituout a üclmiso. The Biii,u b.u-k Sibel, wli oh left New Yrk June 15 for Bangor wiili a e.irgu of il, 1.1.8 lie mi yivon U for lost. Káa c .rried aciew of Iwenlymeu. H n. Cliuilos L 1 roo ka, u B iston lawytT, shot, himnlf tbroug tlie heud on Mo.iday. 111 healln and money lussus ■wei e .8 d to h.ive b en tlie cause. ür. K. G. Wallace .. at ManSe d, U., whllB pu ing ,1 patient's tooln. n Alondiiy Ir n pea in an apup o. tío lit snd dk-d ai hi.ur laior. Ho was C5 years 1 eld. Mear Iu líDrt, Ind.. while three boy "ere huiilmgon kjaturluy ihi'.v dut into noldl'.' ..itera rabbUaal d Suovered a ipot of rciH cuins. Tue treasure couuted ul i4 (100 i Bu.t against aoverul notorlous divote per. neir Eao Clttlre, Wis, have been 4eLun in the Wisc nsiu o. urLs. 'i ho pr se are eieim ned to r d the placo of that o ass nf cit ten: ISeveial mu ders similar to those rommtiei in the Wlutic i el district. Londin. havo re. ent. y . eourred nearEnigsti ti, Jam., ca. and t i be .eved Ihai "Jack tue Elprer" is iperat rijthere. Rob Tt M. Adiims, Ihe assistant bookt'ci r of a Ui-ir.dt clot! ing merobant, i on beinu loid tli. t his service, wiro no lonxer r quien. l. emi tin ( the cusli diawer f i 0..8 au I went to Canuda. Kev Mr. [jonkwxod ol Fairfisld, N. J., wliile vi'ient'.y ins nc un Hund y malí' un H' m t to bura his f nüiy by kndlinga 4re n tuo center of e.vch room iu his 'tou e, bul t, ey were s v I b f i-ien .s. A short ige of 7u,(K)O ï',19 repurted on flutur luy ti ave beeu U, e vered in the cc unt i uf th laie Hoi y P. Marshall, whii wai for Iwe ity years cuBhler 1 f the Beam n' Bank for is v.ngin N w York. Early Kunday m rning, near Sh mong Ftat.nn, N J.. J.ihn MoNe 11 sint and killed his brotlior-in law, Jeunes Dellett, Jr . mistiikinp: him for an emis ary of Wh te Cup, who had throateued to pay tui a visit. W. D Rnctsamen, eed 6" yeara, a re tóred bunker, sluit and kil e 1 liims U in his fctime al Hobi k ,n. N. J., on Tuesd y. while irsane; n l at Newton, Ma s., Rev. Thom t Marcy, ged 72 years, committed su.cide ia the tira ■ maiiner. In a colisión betwi'en two freight trains n hr day on tlio New Yur, Pennvylvania & Ohio railr iad at Kent O., buth eng nes and ten cars of merchandise were iwreckod and E'igineer Washner, of (i.illHl, O., waa killed.


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