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l)o Vu ? Wrjicr) 10 dílNZEjS uOLD MOfiESTY Qenuinefasa r(ED H tintagon cVery plug. OLD HONESTYisacKnowledged to be tte purest and TTiost lasting piece of Standard Chewing Tobacco on themarKet.Trxlng it is a better test thanany talK aboat it. Giveitafair trial. Yoar dealer has t. JÍK). FIMER & BROS., Louisville, Ky INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Partles desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wiU flud itto their advantage to cali on me. I represent the followlng flrst-class Flre Insurance Coropañíes, havlng an aggregate capital of over 8,000.000: The rand ai!i!s Fire Ins. Co., 'l'he tlilo l'tiriiirr's Ins. Co., (usure only dwelIinicN). The Monnnn tire 1 ns. Co., The Concordia I'lrc I ns. Co., The ■ iiíai'iis" Flre Ins. Co., 'I Wertchetttcr Flre Ins. Co., The Slilwaukee iMecliauic'H Mutual Flre Ins. Co., The New llamp.shire Flre Iiin. Co., The Auiazon Fire Ins. Co. Ratea Low. Lomes llberally adjusted nd Dromptly pald. I also issue Life and Investment Folíeles Ín tht Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. As■ets 155,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly Policies written for them or Ttaveler's Coupon Insurance Ticket lnned at Low Kates in the Standard Accident Insurance Compam of North America. Mouey to Loan at Rates. Office bour from 8 a. m. to 12m. itllJ 2 ■■ . M. AiBX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block Bf KftfL. VQC GOLD WiTCHfaa PJfe MM ■■ rnoSdNÖ tor stoooi, F I 'fotfaf&Kla tl! lu B"1 ■ w C !■ ■■ I ÜBttiïSjl&n tcb i . tb worl-i. Fr 1 III É% svf&iljIL. ffps. f9Ct ttm" ' I Ikla f jW5iSiWjTfcPr. !; QÉBvJjSjiMr íyiuftrvalue.o'ÍKPi;Hsíni ■■WSS -""TulÜ! liifach locality cn acore om K. aiimiÜliWMfl ■r--E. llowls thlapoflnlble? I V ? 55555 We anBwer - w vut on perI JTTf ano la eacb local i ty, to kep la thslr homei,Dd iiow to '2aote who cali, a complot Un of oor ▼ltiAbl nd very laefrj HOUNEUOLII NAHPLES. Theia tamplea.aB well a ■ tb watch, wanend fr,an1 fier yon bar kept ttn-ra In jronr home Tor fi mootba and sbowD tbem Co thoie who Diay hava c alled.t hey bftroms yonr own proprty; It la powlbie to maka I.hia grcat ofTer, seadlnti tba hOUU COLD watcband COSTï aamplea fr-e, as tboahowlngof tba umples !n auy loc.llty, always raaalta in a larfn trailo for a;aftrooraanipIeabiTbeD In local it y Tora inonthortwo wo uaiiatly fet from # tOOO to Sr.OÜO lu trade Trom tb inrr.mudine country. Thla, the Daoflt womierful offer erar made in order tbat our aampief ciay ba placvd at oooa wher they can be aeeoM aJI over America. Wrlie at our, and tnakeare of the chance. Reader It wlli bebardlf any troubl for yoa toshow theaamlM to tboae whoinaycallat yoorbom and your reward wiJI t moat aatlafactory. A postal card oo wbich to wrlteiucoiU bat 1 cnt an.l atter yoakaowall.lf yoo 4o nol care to go furtber, wbyoobarm Is done. B ut If yoa do aod your addreia at oí toé. 70a cao tocar FBCE one of tb bst ü-lld „ld watha In tb world and oor larn line of tOWXI.Y 8AHP1.BN. We pay all ipreai, trtlght, etc 4ddraM OSa STUtBOM CO. , Box 811, PUHTLAN D, MAiMK LUliBEB LTJMBERI Z.UMBER! If you contémplate cali at FJ5RDON IM Mil Comer Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumber and ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS lis n cali . ii. I ■ u III iimke II o our Inlcrcxt. :is oiir largre nuil well icrmled -rovk lully niiiIuíii our nssor(Ion. JAMES TOLBKK1, Prop. T. J. KlSEGH. Smit. 'FTTTfl VAPTTTJ iwl ronnn on n Le t Gen. - aotiact tw be maOo tor lt iit aïT 1UUK.


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