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Kcad the Death Koll Wbich the bilis of mortality of any large city may be fitly designated, and you wil! find that renal nnd vesical maladies, that is to say, those that affVct the kidneys or bladder, have a remarkable prominence - we had almost saiil - preponderance. Bright's disease and diabetes in the chronic stage are rarely c.ired, and gravel, catarrh of the bladder and enuresis, slay many. Yet at the outset, when the trouble merely inounts to iuactivity of the organs involved, the danger may be nullified bv that pleasant renal tonic and diuretic, Hostet'er's Stomach Bitterp, which imparts the requisite amount of tone to the organs, without over-exciting thetn, and the ne of which ia convenient, and involves no elabórate preparation. Dyspepsia, a usual corcomitant of renal complaitits, and debility, which they invariably produce, are remedied by it. So also are constipado!), malarial, rheumatic and nervous ailtnents. It is rather odd that neither the Davenport brothers nor the Fox sisters, oí oíd titne, have been tnentioned in connecticn wtth the Cabinet. She Tried and Knows. A lea'liiiG; chemist of New York gaya: "Nu piasters of such meril as the Ath-lo-pno-ros Piasters haveever before been produced." They aro a novelty because tliey are nut made simply to sell clieap, they are ilie best tliat science, skill and money can produce, and will do what is claimed for tbem. For spraios, aches, weakness, laraeness, etc, they are unequaled. 404 Fulton St., Sandusky.O , Mov. 81 W. The Athlophoroe Piaster acted liLe niawi( II is t!iu btít I ever ii'. il aiA I have ased maüy kinds. Our ihii J t suid "piasters an-all about the Haoïe" lnt I don't tfaink bo qow. Ispraipíd r and phonlder m .lny. aud it hu ! on painful aiace, but it doea nnt pui inuat ;ill now. Mrs. WlWJfl Mi.üILfk 49 Scnd 6 cents fhr the benutiflil colorcd ptetuM '■ Moori.-h Malden" THEHTHLOPHOROSrO 112 WallSt. N. ï. BUSINESS CARDS.ALEX. W. HAMILTON A lloriicy a t Law. Will practice Ín both State and United ■ Courte. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor oí the new brick bloclc. comer of Hurón and Fourti Streete, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Office over First National Bank.) Hoües: 10:30 to 12 m. beü 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Can be reached atresidence, West Huron-st., a the "Prof. Nichol place"; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. 1 E. WILLIAMS, Attorncy nt Lan, Hilan, TI ícli. Money.;ioaned for outside partios. All legal business given prompt attention. C. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEQÏL Office in Masonic Block, ÉO0M 4. Telepbone Coiincctions, Ann Arbor. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Court House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalizad Air. tRTJE'TTJI-lIC ! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜS8. Spiral Spring with gradea presure 1 to 6 pounds. Woru day aiu' nightby an Imam a week oM adult ot 80 yeara. L&dius' Trusas. a speciaiiy. Eneiosö stampa 10: Testimoniáis of Cures, iaeasnrements, etc. EGAN'S I.Vfl'KRIAi TRUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor.Mlch. WM. BIGGS. Contrastor I Mier Anti all kiutls of work in fomiectioti illi Ido aít e rsuijlly excciilfii. J-.Sliop Cor. of Church-st and Univcrsity iive. Telephone 9 ; I'. o. Box HU. ' Hl l'll . ; FRESCO PAINTING: A SriíCULTY, AT OS( Alt o. éOBGPB, DEALER IN All Painter's Supplies; 70 B. M:iii SI. Plans for Frescoirip furnished on applicuiion. 9n,añ BSTABUSaiD 185I. Merrill tiUrSylireS!; Detroit, Mier. 1 Block. Ai The Regular Old-Establlshed aMÉiPHYSIClAN AND SURGEOH gP' mtjgJ Is stlll Treatlng wlth the Greatest IMiiSKILL and SÜCCESS Cñronic, Nervous ana Private Diseases. JF-NERVOUS DEBILITY, Lost Manhood, Failing Memory, Exhausting Drains, Terrible Dreams, Head and Back Ache and all the effects leading to early dccay and perhaps Consumption 01 "sanity, treated scientifically by ncw methods with nevcr-fniüng success. - &L- S YPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dia. cases permanently cured. -KIDNEVandURINARYcomplaints.GIcet, Gonorrhoea, Strictu re, Varicocele and all diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without injury toStomach, Kidneys or other Organs. S" No experiments. Age andexperience lm portant. Consultation free and sacred. Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works qq Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female, cach iS cents, both 25 cents (stamps). Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or cali may save future sufferJ'JSaiidshame.and add golden years tolife. -Boolc "Life's (Secret) Errors," 50 cents (stamps). Medicine and writings sent everywhere, secure from cxpoaurc Hours, 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE, M. D., 1 Wírrill Block, DETROIT, MIOH., '


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