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Ifany dealer saya he aas the W. i. Douglas Snoea without name anti price gtanipnlos the uottoui, put hiui down as a fraud. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHQC CENTLEMEN. Best in the world. Examine hifi SUS.OO GENDINE HAND-SKWEB SHOE. 84.00 HAND-8EWED WKLT SHOK. 83.50 PÓLICE AND FAKMEKS' .SHOE. 8U.50 EXTRA VAI.IIK CAI.I' SHOK. 2.35 WOBKINOMAN'S SHOK. 83.00 and 81.75 BOYS' .SCHOOL SHOES. Alt made la Congress, Buttou and Lace. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE LADRES. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. IÍ not sold by your dealer, wrlte V. L. DOUGLAS, BKÜCKTOS, MASS. WM. REIUHARDT&CO., 43 S. MAIN STREET, A II II Arbor. r"#nok' Totton Kont Compoiind.- CommaZÏ&iX? pos;d of ('otlon Root. Tansy and PennymQmmtS royal. SwrrMfullii v.'i-l motthh,: Safe, ■ zawV Kffoctnal. Plcasnnt. 1 lv mail, ordrufr f f pists. Soaied ïüi'tic l;ir '-' s'ünin. I-adies y YiaddreM rOND 1.1' " CCMPANY, W 13' w oodwird ara. Detroit. Jileo. Sold iu Ann Arbor by all dmgglsts. BIBSKY & SEABQL'. 1ÑTOS. 6 A-EsTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbc Michigan. Have alwavbon hand a complete Stock of cvpUiine 1) nt GROCERJ Iffii Teas, (Mees and Sugar; AU prime Arlicie bougtii for Cari and cn I atlow figures. Our irequent large lfiTOiel Teas is a míe tign that we Rive barj;iitis ir QUALITV AND PRIC" Weroasiour owu ooffee tvery m fresh and good. Our baütry turn out Ü best of Bread, Cako ml crackers. aii m.-see V, lew Ádvertísements TO ADVERTISERS AlistoflOfiO newspapcrs (lividecí into STATES AND SECl'JOXS will be seut ou appliralion - V1UEK. To those who want their advertisiiiR to pay, we can offer no better medium for ihnrougn and effective work than the various scetione of our feclec-l !.■ ;n I.Isi. CtKO. I ÜOWELI A .. Newspaper Advert.sing Bureor. 10 Spruce street. New York. YELLOW SÍGNS. YELLOVV TUBS Use "Peerless Brand" i:vi.i iuoim: FRESH RAW OYSSERS. Selectd and packed with cleanliness and ce. re by C. H. PEARSON & CO, BALTIMORE, MD. ThO7 iré Tic Bílt. Asi yoar Qroeeer for thea. WANTED ! Special-News 'OBRBSI'OMDKX'I'S lo represent leading Engllsh and American papers. I'rcvious experience not absolutely noccessary. JIost liberal tercns for gooJ service. AcMrcss, with stamp, European-Amcrican Press Association, No. 7 l'pton 8t, BORO, Mass., I', s. A. Is the oldest and mnst popular scieritlflc acd mechanical paper puïilishiMl and has the largeet piriMilation of any paper of lts olass in the wurld. Fully illtiKtrated. Best class of Wood Encravinirs. Publiwhed weekly. Send for specimen eopr. Priee W a year. Four nionths' trial, fl. MUiiN & CO., Pt'BLiSHEHs, 301 Broadway, N.r. ARCHiTEGTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. O A srroat success. Each Issue containa colored lithuKruphic platee of country and city residences or public builclinjig. Numeroua enjrraviriKS and full plans and speciflcations for the une ol fluchaa oontemplüto building. Price $2.50 a year, 25cta. acopy. MUNN & CO., i'UBLISHABS. ÊL ■H? MTwfif bto iïvKs Hi irf, A PV hava tiad ote ■ 40 years' experienee and have made ovei ■ lOO.fXK) npplications for American and For oIjím patantt. Béod tot Ilandbouk. Correapondence atrictly confldential. TRADE MARKS. In casO your mark is not registered in the Patent omce, apply to MDHH A Co., and procure lmmediate prutection. Send for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for book, chart, mapa. etc., quickly procured. Address 9IUNN Jt CO., Palent Solicitara. Genehal Ofvice: 301 Broadwat. N. r OALL O3ST W. B. WARNER, 24 ETA?" fiT. NEIfc-STÖflE Nn better pluee in the city to biiy your GROOBRIES Business uondnctej on CASH basis. No iold mi credit to anyone, bnt prices are low euongh lo make it an object Air jou to trade with li in... Telephone Conne ctiona. All doods dehvered. Üftfe PENNYROYAL WAFERS MÉËrZ, Are snrcossfully uso(! ii' iithly by over lO.OfKI EJ -"Liiciics. Are Sa f t: and Pleanaiit. il # _ƒ I'r lox hy mail, or at dmggists. Sealed PurM J iicilii-2pii!-üii.'e sUlmps. Addrpss f Til] KniKKA CHK.MICAL COMPJINV, Fisher Elock. );tl Woodward ave., Detroit, Mícb. l.r JOH IWOOKE. 1 LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! lili .rem Jnxl 11 l'rrkcrliilidii will restore that 1 .ft Vitniity and a RucRed Healtby Cwnd tion fullow lm Huy m your dniKfr'sr's.oiie parkaifc.ïl ; sis tor EURLKA ( llr.MICAI. CO., Detroit. Mich Sol.l h.v JOHN notlllK. " CHICAGO TRUSS." t ir gpiral Spring Truns. Hará Rubber Pad.; rlean, É Durable, Chvap. pproved t.y the hfxiu'st Medica] AuMioniy. W,,rn d.iy and night iy m I ti faut a -eek old or uu Afinlt wi year. Ecixity i' tnetla alj forma i - 'ia! K rnioni!. Inguinal t'mblli.-a] flortiia, in '■■'i.. Iiirum. m,n Adults. """ SiitisfacUou enaranteed in all cvios. Any d IriihlH rewure nbtained. If yonr dmgrixt doe noi k,, mi Tu-s cloce Biamps aud addro.-, CII'CAKII TlttSS .. OFFICE IA3 FITTIXH .iii'i;'"'"""" IH' ï B. Handitliih si . T. V. ! IYNR MaN.IOI i:. SdM by Anti Artxn uruj MI& rAa -aver N W. AYER dSONaourauUiurizeduteat& themarch"of progresst OUR LATESTIMPROVEMENTS "Comp'ittlonlsthclifeoftrads"and1fyoii have not seen our latest iniproved goods, you cannot imagine how lively tnule is, or how hanl our couipetitors have to work to keep within sinht of usAak your retailer for the James Mcans1 $3 Shoe, or the James Means' $4 Shoe1 aecording to your needs. Positively none gpnuine unless having our namo and price stamped plainly on the soJes. Yoar retailer wiU supply you with shoca so stamped If you insisC upon his doing so; if you do not insist, some retailers ■will coax you into boylng iiiiuriur slioea upuu wbJch tliey makc a largor pruilt. FfJANÍES MEANS' Y ■%.--■$ 3 -SHOE LC0H&f.t;''bWUNE:XCEI-LED IN lk,STYLE UNEfJUALLEa M' EjNDURABILIjr r-rfAt Sperfectíoh JAMES JiiEARS'fi ar $4 SHOE .'■ f' CANNOT .FAIL"'.ai Buch has been the recent progresa ín onr branch of ïmlustry that we are now able to aflirm that the James Mcana' $4 sh# is in every respect equal to the shoea which only a few years ago were retaileU at eight or ten dollars. Jf you will try on a pair you wili be convinced that we do not exagérate. Ours are the original $ 3 and $ 4 shoes, and those who Imítate onr systein of btisineBS are unablü to competa witïi ds in quality of factory products. In on r lines we are the largest manufacturers in the United States. Shoes from ourcelebrated factory are gold bywide-anake retailers in all part a of the country. Wc will place them easily within your reach in any state or territory if you will invest one cent in a postal card and write to us. James Mean e Ü6 Co., 41 Lincoln St, Boston, Mai. Ij. ■ r;i ïb ei'. Anti Arlor. MOiNTHLY SICKNESg. stfiKBHADFIELD REGULATOR (fÖ., " RPAisYfj Hh jrjyM


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