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GroTe Spencer to Thomas Shaw, Ypsilanti. J1556 8usie and Am; Gla.5 to Irving Glas, Superior 1000 Samuel C. Andrews to Cha. L. Sanford, Aun Arbor 600 Clarlssa D. Ilarmon to Christian Mack, Ann Arbor 500 Genrge W. Inmann to Sarah C. Cole, Pittsfleld and YpMlantt 3000 Leonard Gruner to J. Geo. Haerz, Ann Arbor _ 195 Edward A. Gav to D. H. Fuller, Lima 6U0 Henry L. Wood to Danial H. Fuller, Chelsea 50 Alva Freer to Julia E. Fuller, Chelsea 60 Sarah A. Laflin to Thomas Shaw, Ypsilanti 1550 Wm. F. Sttmeon to Chas. F. Kayser, Ann Arbor 1575 Traphena Perkins to Keiia Perkins, Plttsfleld 444 Maria A. Thomas to Arthur L. Lyon, Scio. 500 William Wurton to Chloe M. Fisk, Manchester 200 8. D. and M. H. Fredenill to Ansou Wood, Mower & Reaper Co., Saline 169 Wm. Cheever (by heire) to O. R. L. Crozier, Ann Arbor 2400 Phebe Jane Lytle to Edgar II. and Mary L. Lamb, Ypsilanti _ 300 Rebecca Downerto Caroline S. O'Brien, Lima _ 100 DeWltt C. Andereon to Alfred C. Anderson, Pittsfleld and Ann Arbor 1069 J. W. Devereaux to L. A. Burdick, Northfleld 75 E. Fenn to Thomas Jcnsen, Chelsea 61.0