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LEGALS. An Ordinance Relntlve to IlncU or Omnibus Drlvers. [Passed February 5th. 1889.1 Be it Ordalned by the ' ayor, Recorder, and Aldennen of the City of Ann Arbor: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any hack carriage or omnibus driver, or any otber peraon solicTting pas.eugers or travele at the Michigan Central depüt, in the city of Ann Arbor, to solicit passengere or travelere, except at the sieps of tlu-ir epective vehicles, Jocated at the South ride of the Michigan Central depot at such place as fhall be detignated by the station ageut ofTaid depot, et wh1Ch location all persons 6O soltciling are hereb requirrd to be at tneir respective hacks, carr'ages or omnibuses on the arr'val of passenger trains, and there to njmain during the Biay of sald enger traína at said I ,„a fr ih nprind of two minutes alt-r thedéparlure of said passenger trains from tatd depot No person nuall act or engage iu the business of a public porter or runner for any hotel in the city of Ann Arbor nor sball any omnibus agent, or any omnibus, hack or carriage driver, or drivers of baggage wagons act as porter or runner for any hotel in said city Sec 2 It hall be unlawful for any person or persons driving a baggage wagon, or anyoue accompanying the same, to soliclt passengere or travelers when at said passender depot, or where poisenger trains may be standing Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons sMi' iting passengere or travelers to do mina boiaterous or noisy manner, or treat them I in any other way than civlily and gentlemanly. sic 4. Any person or persons violating any I of the provisionB of this ordinauce. or faillng to 1 I comply v-ith the provisión and requirements of the same, shall. on conviction. be puuished by a I fme, not exceeding twenty-Rve dollars, to be reI coveredbe'oreanyjusticeofthepeaceofthecity of Ann Arbor. and In tno unpotnuon 01 anysucn fmethciusliceof thepeace may makea further order tbat In default of the payment of said fine within the tlaie tobe fued by the justice in nis senteiue, the offender bhall be oommitted to the county jail of Washttnaw county, for a period of I time not cxeeeding thlrty dayj. I Sec 5. An ordinance of snid city entitled "an orrtlnance relatWe to hack or omnibus I driven.'1 made and passed September 20th, 1875, I s herebv repealcd. Sfx;. 6. This ordinance shall take effect from I and after lefal publication. S. W. BEAKES, JA?. K. BACH. Mayor. Recorder. Real Enlate lur Sal. STATE OK MICHIGAN,) _ COCNTY OF WaBHTENAW. f Mi In the matter of the estáte of Norman Dwight, I deceased. Notice ie hereby iven, That in pursuance of an order (jranted to the utidersned dministrator of the Estáte of said dece sed bythe Hon. Judwe of Probate for the County of Washienaw. on the fourth day of February, A. D. 18S9, there will be Boldat l'üblic Vendue, to the hinhestbiddtr, at the late residence of said deceased on the premises below described. in the township of Seio, in the Oou ity of Washtenaw in said Staie, on Saturday. the twenty-third (23rd) day ot March A. D. 1889. at ten o'clock in the iorenoon of that day (BUbject to all encuraberances by mortgage or otherwis existing at tlic time of the death of saiddeceased, lbo fo:i..winBdcscribe( IReal Estáte Ki wit' A certaln piece or parcel of land biiw &dMlL the Unshtp .of "?■L i ounty, fiichigan, described as foUnw: ""; ninsatlhe Qnaner puní, standing In .hecent.c of the South ilne ol ction Kleven, in said town hip, running thence North thtongn oenterof mid eeiion E even, twn hundred rods, thence W u ó luie fuunin, North and Bouth {tana the centre. f the West halt of said 8ecUon. then.e South alón the said line ranutng toK the West half of aid 8eoUon toüïe 8outh line of wirl Seclton. thence East along the South une of Faid Section to the place of besrinning, coutaiiniig onehuudred Acres mo enr k-ss_ ffm Adniin strator of Sald Estáte. Dated February 4th, 1889. Probutp trUer. STATE OF MICHIHAN. jss TaI2eS,SAorSeSP?o-blte(Srt fortho Cou.yy of WaMueuaw, holden at the Pp.bate oBice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monda , the 8th day of January in the year oue theusaud eight hnpnu"dWlSSBD BAB8ITT. Judge of Prob!iIn' the matter of the estáte of George Sutton, 2l?edKWickPDean. the Guardian of said ward, into curt ai d rei re-ent that he is now prepared torender his 19th annual account as bUThereuponaHisordered,that Monday the 25!h day of hebruary ten o'clock in the forenoonbeasMiiiied forexaminiugand aHwinKsuch account, and that the. nexl of kin of said war 1 . and all other persons in terested in taid estáte, are renuired t" apnear at a sesión nfsaidCourt tnen tobe holden atthe Probate OfficeintheCity of Ann Arbor, in said county. and show cau-e ïf any there be, why the said account should not beallowed. And it is further ordered. that faid üuardian give noticetothe perso s intere-ted msaid estáte of the pendency ot said account and the hearing thereof, by cau-ing a copy of this order to be pub lihed in the Ann Arbor Registee, a newspaner printed and circulatlng in said cciuuty, three succiveweekspreiouswaiddyof hearing. [ A truc copy.] Judge of l'robate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register. Probnte Order STATE OF MICHIGAN.) COUNTY OF WASHTENAW.J Atasession of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tighth day of January in the year one thousand eighthundredandeiKhtynine. Present J Willard Babbiit. Judtte of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Norman Dwight, On readingand fillng the petltion duly verined. of James W. Win. Admiinstrator, with the wi 1 annexed praying tbat he may be liceused to,seli the Keal Estáte whereof said deceased died Thereurxm it I Ordercd. That Monday, the 4ih day of February nezt. at ten o'elock a Ihe forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said pi-tition. and that the devisets, legatees, and heil at law of eaid deceafed. aud all olher i.ersons iulerested in snid eMate. are rcquired to appear at a sesion of said Court, then to be holden at ihe Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in sairi eounty. and thow cause, if ai y bere be. why Ihe prayer of the petilioner should not be eranted : And il is furtlier ovdered. that said petitiuner give nolice to the persons interesled in said estáte, ol pendency 01 said petition, and the heariüs thereif, by cauMng acopy ol this order to bepublishuii in tne Ann Arbor Rei,itek, anewspape.- prinied and ctrculated ' aid county. thrie successive weeks previous to said duy of hearÍngJ.WILLARDBXKBITT. [A true copy.] Jndfte 0Í Probate. WM. G. DO1 Y, Probate Résister. Probate Wotice. State or Michigan, j - COUNTY OF WASHTKNAW ( ' At a sesión of the Prubale Court for the Countv of Washte aw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Tuesdiy, the tight day of Jinuiry. in the year one Ihuusand eight hundred and eighty nirie. fresent J. Willard Babbitt, Judge f Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Oliver Kimberly. Johnson Backus.the administrator of said estáte, comes into court and re presen ts, that he is now prepared to render bis riüal account as such admiuistrator. , ... Thereupon it is ordcred.thst Monday, the 4th day o) Februaiy ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and aliowing cuch account, ad that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons in tertsted iu said estáte are requiredto appear at a session of said Court, then to be holdeu at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Oounty, and i-how cause.if any there be, why the said account should uot be allowed: Anditis further ordered that eaid Administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann akbor Kecistf.b, a newspaper printed and circnlating in said County, three successive week prcvious u 6aÍddayOthCarÍJlgWILLRD BABBITT. [ A trae copy.] Judge of Proba!e. Wm. J. Doty. Probate Register. Morií;' hale. Whereas William A. Masón and Elizíbcth Jlnson, bis wife, oí Kotthfteld, in Washtenaw County Michigan, cxecuud a mortgage to Edward Treadwell and Ñoah W. Cheever, execuiors of the will of Hiram Arnold. deceased, to secure the paymeut oi eertain principal and interest therein meationed.which mort(age bearsdate January25th, 1886 and was recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigau, on the "5ÜI day of January. 1886. at 8% o'clock, p. m inLiber69ofMortg.ces(.npage74 andwhercas'default has been.made for more than sixty days in the payment of an inhtailment of interest which became due thereon on the 25th day of January 1S87 as wellasthe succetding iistallment of interest whieh became due thereon January 25th. 188, and by reason thereof and pnrsuantiothe termsof sad mortRage, the principal sum unpald ol Baid morteaee of twenty-one hundred and len dollars with all the arrearage of interest thereon, at th option of Faid mortgagees became due and payable immediately therealtcr and the power of sale contained in said mortgace became op rative, and the said mortg gees do heret'y declare ittbeir option an 1 do hereby elect to have the principal sum of said mortgage and all interest theieon become now due and payabic. And whereas there is now claimed to be due and payable as aforesaid upou said mortgage and the note secured theteby at the date of this notice tlie mm of two thousand four hundred and fifty five dollars f2.l55.0U) In addition to allotherle gal costs. and uo buit or procceding in law or touity having been instituted to recover the debt Fecured by Baid mortgage or any part thereot, No tice is therefore hereby given that said mortgase will be foreclosed by a sale ol tne mortgagea premiseB thcrtiu described or fomepart thereol, to wlf All of the following described land situated in the township of NorthDeld.iu Washtenaw County, Michigan, viz: The Ne nh East quarter of the South-We-t quarter of Sectton No. Thlrty one ,81) In township No. One South, In Range No. Six East' also the South seventeen ( 17) acres of tho'west half of the Nortb-East quarter of said Section No. '1 hirty one, it being divisions No one, two. three. four, aud one acre off of the south side'of división No. Five in the partition of the estáte of Patrick McMBhon. deceased, as appean by the report of the commissioners on file in the Pr, bate Uffice lor Washtenaw County, all in township one soutli, in range six east, and containinic in all Bixty-eipht acres of land, more or less at public vendue on the twenty third day of Feb'ruary. 1889, at ten o'clock in the forcnoon, at the Huron Street entrance to the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County of Wa-shtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circu t Court in paifl i 'ounty. Dated, November 25th, 1888. KDWAEI TRHADWKl.Land Noah W". Cheever, Executors (if the will f Hiram Aruold, deccated. Mortnee Sale. Defaultliavlng been made in the c.onditlons of a Mortgage cxecuted by Jefferson Lewis and Kachel Lewis, his wife. to Adelia C. Cheever bearinu date Octobcr 21, 1886. and rccorded iu the office of the Register of Peeds for Washtenaw Count', Michigan, ictober 21, 1886, in Liber67 of Mortgages, on page 102, vhit:h Mortgajce was assisneil by uid Adelia C. Cheever to Le Roy C. Noble by deed of assignment. dated December 6. 18 7. and rtcorded iu said Pegister's office, in Libcr 9, of assignments of mortgages, on page 398, by which default the power of sale containert in êaid Mortfcage became operative, and no suit or proceeding in law or equity having been instituted to recover the dcbt kecured by eaiii MorlgagO or any part thereof, and the sum o I two hundred ana thirtythree and 50-100 dollars ($'233 50) belni? now claimed lo be due upon saic Mortgage. Notice is therefore hereby given tha said Mortgage will bc foreclosed by a sale o the Mortgaged premises therein dotcribod o Bome pan thereof. to wit: All the followlng described land situated in the City of Ann Arbo Michigan, viz: Lot No. Three iu Block No. Kiv North of Huron Street in Range No. Fourteen East aCLOrding to the recorded plat of th Eastcrn Addition to said city, at public vendue on the Sixteenth day of November next, at te o'clock in theforencoon, at the Huron Street en trance to the Court House, in the City of An I Arbor. ins-aid County of Washtenaw, that bein the place of holding tho Circuit Court in sai I County. Dated August 14th. 1888. Le Roy C. Noble, Asigne 1 N. W. CHEEVER, Attorney.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register