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8EKATE. Washington, Jaa. 31.- Tho Senate yesterday resumed consideration of the Diplomatic and Consular Appropriation bill, the time being occupied in discuss ng tho amendtnentsaffocting the Kamoaa islands. Tho British extradition treaty was also considered. Washington, Feb. 1.- In the Senate yesterday tho House amendments to the bill to increase the pensions of ti.ose who havo lost both hands were concurred in. 'After tho passage of a few private bilis tho amendments to tho Onsular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill appropriating 500.0CO to proteut tho interests of the United States in Samoa and f '.00, 000 to construct and rmúntaiu a coaling station in the harbor of Pago Pago were adopted, the money to be immediately available. 1 WASHisaTON, Feb. 2- A message was received in the Senate yesterday from the iFresident votoing a bilí granting a pension ,to Mrs. Halen Hand. The House nmendments to the Seuate biLl for tUe admission 'of South Dakota as a State were non-concurred in. A resolution was adopted instructing the Committee on Foreign Relations to inquire tnto aftairs in the Sarooan Islands, and to report what mensures were necessary to protect the interests of American citizens therein. The British extradition treaty was rejected. Adjourned to the 4th. Washington, Feb. 6.- In the Senate yesterday the House bill for establishinga Territorial government in Oklahoma was presented and, after a lengthy discussion, was referred to the Gommittee on Territorios. A joint resolution for payment of $500,01 to the representativos of the late James K Eids was pas3ed. Senator Hawley (Conn.) offered an amendment to the Sundry Civ 1 bilí appropriating Í50.000 to Ibe raid to the widow oí General Shendan in recognition of the appreciation of the covntry of the valuable services rendcred it by her lamented husband. HOUSE. Washinotox, Jan. 31.- In the House yesteruay the timo was passed in di-xussing the Óklahoma bill, and amendments were adoptcd to protect the homeítead rights of hmorably-discharsed Union soldiers aud saüors, and providlng that no homestead entries shall be nüowed except to actual settlers. Washington, Feb. 1- In the House yestcrday mar.y pet tions were presented in iavor of the Sunday rest bill. The Oklahoma bill was further discussed. ■Wasbinuton. Feb. 2.- In the House yes trday the conference report on the bill to créate the Department of Agricnlture was agreed to. The bill making Óklahoma a rrêrritory was passed- yeas, 148; nays, 102. lAt the evening session twenty-üve private jicnsion billa were passed. "Washington, Feb. 4.- The Home Saturday passed the Naval Appropriation bill, ■with an amendment appropnating tlOO,000 ior tUe establishment of a coaling station at PaeoPaeo, tëamoa. There was considerable debate, in which several Congressmen expressed tueirtiewson the Samoan question and the nccessity of the United States having a first-class uavy to protect the iuterests of its cilizens in foreign lands. Washington", Feb. 5 - In the House yes iterday the Seuate amendments to the Diplomatic and Consular Appropriat on bill ■were non-coueurred in aDd a conference ordered. A bill was passed for the allottnent of lands in severalty to the Oneida Indiana in Wisconsin. At the evening ession the bil to divide the Sioux reservation discussed at length. This involves the relinquishment of over a million acres. Washington, Feb. 6.- In the Hous yesterday a favorable report was made on the Naturalization bilL The time was mostly occupied in discussing the Nicaragua Canal bill. Bills were favorably reponed appropriating Í6ÜO.00O for the erection of a public building at St. Paul, Hinn., and to authorize the States of Illinois, Indiana and Ohlo to prosecute suits against the ünitêd States in the Supreme Court of the United States. OTHEK NOTES. Washington, Feb. 2.- The Board of Indian Commiss;oner3 in their annual report I ask that the appropriation for educational I work amoug the Indians be iucreased to I J2 000,000 for the flrst year, $3,000,000 lor the second and 14,000,000 for the third year. Wasbisgtos, Feb. 8- Ttie reduction iu the public debt during January past amountea to tl2,216,284. The total debt now less cash in the Treasury amouuts to l,l2l,845.y73. The net cash or surplus in the Treasury is t64,93ú,943, against Í00,636,264 a montU ago. Washington, Feb. 4.- One of the amenamente agreed to in theconsiderationof the Leglslative Appropriation bilí by tho Senate Committe8 raíaos the salary of the private secretary of the fresident from 13,250 to $5,000. The committee was unanimous'.y n favor of this amendmeDt. Washinc.tos, Feb. 4.- The Oommission er of Pensions has ad visea tho Secretary of the Interior that there will bj a decicncy in tho amount necessary for tho payment of pensions for the fiscal year over and nbove existinp; appropriations of about 18,000,003, and asks that the sary steps be taken to secure tne i te consideration of the matter by I gress to prevent the Btoppags of the I ment of peusions. Wasuinoton, Feb. 5- Adjutant-Ueneral I Drüm's report on the strength of the I miUtia of varioU3 States and Territorios I gives the f olio wmg totals: Commissioned I offleer-, 8,397; enlisted men, 9S.1Ü9; I ber of men available but uot organized, I 8,104,fr!S. The number of tiie Illinois I militia is 4,219, which U only exceeüed by I Ohio, MassacUusetts, cw York and I Pennsylvania. Washinotoh, Feb. 6. - The President I sent to CoiiRross a message transmitting I n Bgreement with the Creck Indiaas, I Indian Territory, by which, for the I sideration of f3,280,857, paid by the United State?, the tribe cedes tho western I hall of tho Creéis resorvation. I There is to be paid in cash to I the treasuror of the Creek council Í280,SS7, and t3,0O0,0O0 is to be placed in the United States 'i'reasury to the credit of the Creek s, and to draw 5 per cent. interest The Indians, by the terms of the ureemcnt, bind themselves to use the interest on this fund for the education of their children and the promotion of civlluation among them. Washington, Feb. 0.- ïho Post says fresident-olect Uarrlson has leascd the Spencer cottage at Deer Park for a summer residence, and that nis family expect totako possession about tho lst of June. Thoproperty is owned by Hon. Henry G. Dvis. WA. visitor to Kingwood, N. J., reporta Kobert G.irrett to be in possess on of hls íaculties, but stül entirely unüt totransact tasines.


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