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"jim, The Penman."

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A. M. Palmer' company in "Jim, The Penman," which comes to ns fchortly, iBaid to be a new departnre in Enyliah play writing, and matke what one kím eerely hopes will be a period of hi;li ariií-tic production among Englieh árttus atists. It is now fome jeare oince refitraint and rjaturaloeea were dcmunded n tbe art of actinír; but ihe play wrights were beliind in ])rojrns anl pre6erved the oíd stilted langnsfe and the forced Bituation whicb belonged to the era of artificiality. Here at last is g play wtaicb is melo-dramatic in eskeoce kltbongb clothed in the habilimenta ol high eomedy ; it is written in langaagf of fevery day use, wbich is jret bo han dled as to be pointed and effective; it depende for its power not apon tlie Work of the carpenter or pcenic artist, and it holds the interest by tbe ingenloua development of the plot and with no appeal to tbe morbid curiosity whicb is satisfled by the revelation of moral or material Blums. Take Wilkie Collins' Bkill in telling a slory of mystery. and snppose it transfrred to a dramatist, and one han before his niind's eye the qnality of talent displayed by Sir Charles Young in this great wok.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register