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Ihfl inii iiiiiM That si-is iiiikf.i tMii: iw n-q'.ivt-ring. is i ot fi li ly the wealihy v.. lt-ttutui na;. indo r, i ut hol ll the Coveiii fi thni. cm' be pilwi -ti lis warm b. d, nor all the fuiíia. e li. Mt 'h'i an'bracite 'au furrish. will w m ma r w wheti chills a tl fever uns U8 i y finter hIoi g his gpinal oolumi . H Sc m ch Bit era 1tbe hnn; i) ifiluoi ne wanntti ioto hi chili d Miid t.'iii-h .reme, to remedy thr fier e lf e aim 'Xhausiint; swests hic'' alten i hi e wuh the cliiM. D nnh ajiue afiu cnkf, billiua rettiiMent - in shon, evt-ri k owij ti nn i f m larial di-ease, 's su' ju '(f I hy "'s p'ient, aml at ti.e gan e tllD, wil lií-mne ;"id teniil meiii cine. B l''U iji ss. co i ![itun,dv8fiei a eieh adaodeH, [iimi f appetlte "lid -lenp, kidney inuhtf, rh' nmati-m and dt-hility are hI-o ren e-ti il U u. U-e it with persÍ8teiice 'O effe t a h r ug i cure. Lniik i o' i L111 'i ibo in mouth, but keer ur t-v n tmd tt ■■ f. MuriliT wil' on , ' nil ihe niurderer gt out i' tic lawver kno ■ bi hnsine-. i THÏY DD IT. Whatf Cuivd nmong others the füllowins;. Theywrite: 849 Central' Ave., Cinciniiat:, O., Januari 4th. lf8. { Atblopbirüs Pilis hiive ciired nierf livcr ooiiiplaint aud dyt pepia. I fa e ten of th' l ÏUh t, a friend wbo is troubled with iiuliurcstiou and he has iiaproved wontieiililly. F. H. liOWEKAMP. 16 Rosette St, New Haven. Ct., ( Fibruary lüth, 1888. Athlmrtioros Pilis worked woMers in my carftiof dyapi-psia. Emma L. Clark. Atli-l-lio-ns Pilis are sniall iind pleusant to take, yet wnnderfully effect i ye. Invaliialile for kitlnoy and liver complaints, dyspepsia, indiiiestinn, constlpation, headache, etc. They'll take away that tired teelini frivins; ew lift and strength. 49-Scnd 6 cents for thp beautiful colored picture, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt. N. Y. BUSINESS CAEDS. ALKX W. HAMILTON %ltrlie ut liHVk. Wlli practiee in bfith State ami üuite" Stati t Oourt. Office Room. one and two. UI Hoor the new brick block corner of Huron anrt Fo'Jrt Streets, Aira Arbor. Michigan. (Offiieover First National Bank.j Horip. 10:3i 12 mm. 2-3(1 o 3:30 PM. Cbn he refbed 81 leí-itrií e. V f st IlutOD-Rt., a the 'Itol. Mihol plme"; ly lelepfaone No. 97 and will riply lo c11b in the eveuing. rt R. WILLIAMS, AHoriK y Itt i.itn. '■! il:i:i. 71ili. Money loaned for outside parües. All legal business given prompt attcution. O. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGE02T. Office in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Telvphoiie Coini"ctlons, Anii Arfoor. WM. W. NICaüLS, DINTAL PAELORS over Savinsrs Bank opposite Oourt House Squaie. Teeth extrwoted without pain by use of Gas ur Vitalized Air. H RU PTTJ RE ! jk EHAN'rt IMPERIAL TRUSS. r_ WÊ0 spirl Stiring wiih gradea urer 3 sare 1 tf 6 pKUiirts. Woru dy anC niiflit o y au imam a week old aima='m adult oi HO yeare. Ludles' Trusse i a Kieciaiiy. tuclose stamp' io (r aS restlmomals ol Cures, measurt ■E ments, etc. EGAN's IMFKKIA TKÜÖS ;O„ Hamiltou Block, Ann Arbor, Mlcb. WM. BIGGS. ÍDÉactsr i Builier And all klurts of worfc in ionnecllon nilli llio :" vi' pri.mplly ex' ciitiil. 4VShop Cr. of rhurch-st and ünirersity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. o. Box 1243. JJ IL ; FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY, AT OSCAR O. SOIM.'W. DHAI.KK IN All Painter's Suplios 70 S. Miiin SI. Plans for Frescoini; funiiliel on appitciitioii. j _ ! Kil n ñ.,,,11 STABLIB8ÏD 1B5L i Merrill f Detroit, Miert. I Block. ÉEie Regular Old-Es tabllshed IPHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is stlll Treatlng wlth the Greatest SKILL and SÜCCESS Clironic, Nervons ani Mate Diseases. S-NERVOUS DEBILITY, Lost Manhood, Failing Memory, Exhausting Drains, Terrible Dreams, Head and Back Ache and all the elïects leading to carly decay and perhaps Consumption oi Insanity, treated scicntifically by ncw methods witb ccver-fauing success. SY PHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Diseases permanently cured. KIDNEYandURINARYcompIaints.Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Strictu re, Varicocele and all diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured prompüy without injury to Stomach, Kidneys or other Organs. No experiments. Age and experience lm portant. Consultatioa free and sacred. 4Send 4 cents postage for Celcbrated Works 00 Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. jftSThose contemplating Marriage send for Dr. Clarke's celcbrated guide Male and Female, each 15 cents, both 23 cents (stamps). Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or cali may save future suffer ing and shame, and add golden years to life. 49"Book 'JLife's (Secret) Errors," socents(stamps). Medicina ür:d writings sent everywhere, secure from expoöurc Hooit, 8 to 8. Sundayso, to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE, M. D., ' rjrriil Block, DETROIT, MICH..


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Ann Arbor Register