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Chelsea is now existing under a new charter. The Milan schools began work again last wsek. The Methodists of Howell will erect a new $10,000 ohurch this year. The Baptists of Milan have a young people's bociety of Christian Endeavor. The Saline union school caught fire on the 6ih, bnt it was extinguished with but little damage. Saline has refurnished the lock-up in that village, and trampa are all Irying to reach these conafortable qnarters. The station agent ut Whiltaker talks of resigning as he does not have enough wot k to do to relieve the monotony. The Lima frnit growers' association have elected Horace B.ildwin, pres., I. Btorms, treas., and C. W. Bowen, sec'y. The annual meeting of the Chelsea recreation park association will be held atthetown hall, Chelsea, on Saturday, Feb. Kith. Frank Day, of Milan, will be more careful in future while loading his revolver. Hh is one finger short on his left hand now. The oilicers elect of the Livingston county agricultural society are Geo. Colemi-n, pres.; Isaac Slow, secret'.ry ; and Royal Barnum, treasurer. An exchange has found out the reason why a city is called she. It saya : "The anssver seems an easy one. There is more or less bustle about a. city. Be8Íde8, a city has outskirts." Heek & Hand, of Tecnmseh, have 500 chickens eight weeks old, 100 a few days old, and900 egas that they expect will hatch in a few days. They are getting ready for the early spring market, Geo. W. Edwards, of Milán, has been arrested for furnishing liquor to Fred. Lamkin, a habitual drunkard. Send him upto board with Sheriff" Dwyer for a while and he will learn to quit that kind of business. The spcond annual exhibition of the Eastern Michigan Poultry Breeder's association opent-d at Ypsilanti, Tuesday, entries being made trom the principal ?oultry breed.TS of Michigan, Ohio and Ilitiois. Amonsr the Urgest exhibitora are the Peninsular Poultry and Pet Stock association of Detroit, and the Saline pouliry farm, owned by Brother Kissley, of the Ouserver. Ypsilanti has a small-pox scare of its own now and everyhody is getting vaccinnted. It is Baid that they were exposed by Sherman Enis, a farmer living four miles south of Ypsilanti, who visited Azulia and was exposed there. The rumor that Euis is down with the disease bas set all Ypsilanti shaking, as he has been around that city forseveral dayn past. There will be plenty of sore arms there when the vaccinations begin to work. Following is a list of the officers elected by the Western Washtenaw and Eastern Jackson aaricultural society : Prest., J. V. N. Gregory, Dexter; lst vicepres., F. A. Nordman, Lima; 2nd vice-pref.. H. N. Twamley, Lyndon; secy., J. L. Gilbert, Chelsea; treas., H. 8. Holmes, Chelsea; directors for two years, J. H. Hubbard, Waterloo, James Kigirs, Sylvan, Jay Smitt, Dexter, C. L. Hall, Norvell ; George Rawson, Bridgewater, L. Babcock, Chelsea, Fred Eiseman, Freedom, Jacob Jedele, Dexter. Webster. Miss Cora Lyons was the guest of Jennie McColl over Sunday. Friends of the Rev. Lincoln and family from Highland, visited them over Sunday. The readingcirole to be held at Geo. Phelps next Saturday evenine wiU debate the following question: "Resolved, that woman sufl'rage would be a detriment to our country." Leader of affirinative, Jefsie Williams; leader of negative. ElizaSmith. Hilan. We have not seen a single horse in our village this winter which has been subjected to the inhuman practice of clipping. The Queen Esther cantata has again been postponed by reason of difficulty in 6ecuring costumes. It looks as if Milan had been asleep in this matter, as 01 her places have met with no such trouble. It now begins to look as if the outside world liad cometo know that Milan and East Milan ere two places. Our streets have assumed their wonted appearance; school bas started and peopie may go to churoh. Report says that the small-pox at East Milan is abating, The rig which Dr. Mesic visits thein in is enough to ecare most anything clear out of Michigan. But the moving power under that hideous garb is doing a noble work. Saline. Miss Edna Aldrich spent Sunday in Brooklyn. Albert Hamlin, of Manchester, was home over Sunday. Last Thursday a disgraceful street fight was the center of attraction. Query : Where is our mar-halï Herb. LincUley left Saline Monday for Washington Territory, where he expecte to remain several years. A donation visit for Rev. W. E. well will be given next Tuesday evening, at the Presbyterian parsonage. The donation for the benefit of Kev. D. H. Yokom, was held at the residentie of J. W. Huil, Wednesday, Feb. 13th. Fred. Gauntlett and Miss Rena Westfall were married last week Thurpday at the M. E. parsonage, by Rev. Yukoui. Wilbur E. Valentine, who returned home from California a few months ago, died last Wednesday, aged 27years. Cort. Blanchard.who has been away for three years, eame home last Thursday to visit his parents; he will remain here a month. The first of a series of afternoon socials to be given by the Presbyterian ladies, was held at R. W. Mills', Tuesday afternoon. At a business meeting held in the Presbyterian church, Feböth, a cali was extended to the pastor, Rev. W. E.Caldwell, to 8tay another year. The last Farmers' club meeting was held at Serene Basselt's, Fridny. There was a large atlendance. The next meeting will be at the house of Egbert Harper. Tpsllanti. Miss Miles, of Detroit, is guest of Mrs. Riukey. The Cleary Business College has 220 studente. Miss Etta Grey, of Grosse Isle, was the guest of Mrs. D. C. B.itchelder, the first of the week. Doctor Post has returned from a Florida visit. Russell Spencer, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with his parents. Miss Agnes Walter, of Clarkston, is visiting Misses Lee and Bellows. Messrs Hutnpherys and Haynes of Kalamazoo, are visiting frien.Js in the city. Our streets have been lively with sleighing and coasting parties, this week. Sherman Enos, living a short distance from the city, is said to be down with small-pox. T. C. Owen lives in fond hopes of storing ten or twelve tons of ice before the May thaw. Rev. M. S. Woodruff held Episcopal services at Belleville, last Sunday ; Prof. Sill supplied li is place at St. Luke's. Messrs J. M. B. Sill, Samuel Post and Henry McCormick, were deleaates (rom this city to the Episcopal Convention, at Detroit. The Conservatory has a fine male quartette, composed of M. J. Pease, L. B. Nichols, J. A. Miller and E. B. Spauldiiifi. Fred. Williams, recently with P. C. Sherwood, will soon go to Chicago to take charge of a new supply store, in the subnrbs. The "Chicken Phow" is very well attended, but if exhibitors would only raake one half the noise their feathered chargps do, there'd be considerable enthusiasm aroused. Cbclsen. The ice erop is all secured. Jas. L. Gilbert is in Detroit. Will Emmert, once of the Chelsea Herald, was in town Monday, prospecting. Five ardent Republicans from this township attended the conventiou at Ann Arbor yesterday. Rev. T. Robinson had a fall in bis barn one day last week that nearly disabled him for last Sunday's services. A. F. Freeman, E-q , of Manchester, passed throuah Clielsea, Wednesday, on bis way to the county convention at Ann Arbor. Mrs. James McLaren returned Monday from Plymouih where she bas spent the last th'ee wt-eks nursing a very sick daughterin-law. Rev. J. E. Reilly and Rev. T. Holmes have been chosen to represent the Congregational chureb in a oouncil at Ovid, called to ordain Itev. J. W. Carson. Pittfifli-ld. David De Pue celebrated his 81st birthday on Monday ast. His dauuhter and grandchild from Detroit were present, together witba number of aged friends, who like hiuiself, are nearing bound of life. Tlrrty or more of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Warner surprised them on Thursday evening last. Frank and Fred Hanford received a nuraber of friends at their liome on Monday evening last, the occasion being their twenty first birthday. Hnnry Paul wil] remain on his farm, though the hind is leased to several of his neigtibors, and farin impleinents will be disposed of at auction some time next montb. About six dollars worth of groceries were stolen from the culterof Lester Warner, on Statest., last Friday Detroit, Míen., Peb. 11, 1889. The Commercial Tiavelers' R publcan League have completad arrange menta tor one of tho finest excursions to Washington eyer offend to the people of Michigan, and are now hb!e to give the public the outside oogt of a Reven dayg'journey to, and from, the cspiiol, in fi'st clasa palace carg, iuclnding meáis and lodging en route and at Washington. Bclovv wiíl be f,,und an itemizeil schedule of ratea, which includes the entire eot to eaoh person. Tlie ro'i't; w:ll be over the Michigan Central lo BuHalo; over the Erie to Waverlv; Lhigh Valley to Bfthlehem ; Phil. & Readuig to Philadlphia ; ihence to Washington ovtr the B. & O. Rí;hvay Transportation $11.25 Berths for two persons eu-roule 4 (H) Meáis n-route 4.50 Mi iLls ín HSllíllgtOn 4.ñ0 Berths la Washington l ño Total 428 75 When one pifison oceupifs whole berth, add $ó.5O lo kbove figures, rtnkine ihe entire cost, incladiug Whole bertb, $34.25. All wi.o wish to go wiih us must secure their berths this week F r inforrtiatin aj:plv to F. T. Coilver, Sec'y. lili Woodward Ave., üftroit. Mich.


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