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Wright's Myrrh T oth Soap gives pear Iy white teeth, purifiea the braath, pre vents teeth from deoay. Sold by al drnggUts. OCR 23 (ii.M Ol.l II . Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be inserted three weeks lor 25 cent. WAKTEO. WANTED -To rent a house with 5 or 6 rooms convenient to the Court House Square. Ap ply to J. C. Miller al tliis ifflce. AFIRSTCLA.SS Book keeper will keep a seto Books while attending college. Price reason able. The best reierence can be given. Addies box 934. __ WANTED- By a student, a position in which I can pay for my board while attending school. Address Box 931, Ann Arbor, Mich Good references. WANTED- A man and wife to room ani board. Also workiugmen. 51 couth Divis ion-st. WANTED- Place to work for board and go to school by a bteady young man. Address box 1546. LOST.- REWARD- For recovery of Silk Um brella, lettered on inside G. Kittredge, 2 South División st., a liberal reward will be glven fok sai.i:. millinery and fancy goods for sale Extra bargains if sold soon. Address M. E Jlunyou, Kalkaska, Mich., Box 74. Kont reason able. NEW MILC'H COW FOR SALE- A 1, nve year old and fit for a Kegent. Price $40. C. ü. Osgood, 3 mlies south oí city. FOR SALE,- The Barton House and Barn.A bargain' Thomas Phillips, Ypsllantl, Mich. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE- House new, six rooms aud pantry; good Well.Cistern .(.'ellar and Woodnouse. Pleasaut location on Brooks st one lot from Miller Ave. Terms reasonable. Ad dress P. O. box lüOa, Ann Arbor, Mich. ___ tfOR SALE OR EXCHANüE FOR FARM.- 1 House and 24 City Lote.- Apply 48 South Main Mt . Ann Arbor. ,"ARM FOR SALE- A flrst class farm of 85 -F acres, 'l2 miles south of Ann Arbor. Building and fenues in good tondition. For furiher inlormalion inquire on the premises. L. H. Moses. BEACH BLOCK Stove Wood, Ï2.00 per cord (Green); 16-In. Ui op postal. Box 1420, city; FARM FOR SALE- The farm known as the Graut T. Perry farm of 200 Acres of tirstclass land.suuated in ihe township of Lodi. Inquire of Comstock F. Hill, Administrator. FOR SALE- Fruit Farm, 19 acres, at Ann Arbor. Michigan, for waie at a bargain. Only reason (or selling is unuble to tend to it. Choieest land, higtiest cultivation. 11 acres in raspberries and blackberries ; 4 in rapes, pears aud;peaches; 2 in grove pl:i tation two years old. Cash sales this year Í16O0. Abundaut water; House cost tö.i.OO. Elegant lawn, hedges and shade. One mile from Court-house. Teimseasy. J. H.Clough tfOR SALE.- House and lot No. 44 Washingtonst. Apply ol N. W. Oheever, No. 10 North 4thst. LARUE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lots. for sale or exchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be lor ient. J. P. Judsou, South Univeisity Ave. FOB BF.XT. J70R RENT.- Furnlshed rooms for light houser keeping, or the whole house. No. 14 S. Ingalls Street. THE new house, No. 37 Monroe street, (near E Univ. Ave.) for rent toon. Inquire at 44 Kast Univerbily Ave. FOR RENT- Office Room in Hamilton Block Steam heating included. First and Second Story. Apply to A. W. Hamilton. '■po RENT.- Asuit of lurnlshed rooms forone 1 dollar tor oi;e pereon centrally located. 62 E. Washington St. ONION AND CELERYland, for rent, or sale or exchinge lor hou-e and lot in Ann Arbor, 12}$ acres, with house and barn. Apply to J. L. P. MeAllaater, 55 Miller Ave. PART of a large House, suitable for taktng boarders, or lor small family, to rent low to good tenant. 5 N. State-st. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houseaaud lots valued from $1.000 to 36,000 and containing from one-fifth of an acre to iwenty acres- all in the city limita. Houses reuied un reasonable terms n central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSIONS, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Agent. Office over Express Office, Main St, Ann Arbor. ms( Ki.i. .i:oi m. MRS. E. R. CHAPÍN, Teacher of French. Thor ough instruction given In private lessons. No. 5 N. State St. rpHE second term of Miss Finley's School of JL Gymnastics and Elocutionwlll open Saturday, Feb. 9, in the Ladies Library. Address 46 South Ingalls St. GYMNASTP S.- For Ingle pupila four dollars for twenly le-sons; for class of twelve half price. Spei-ial rates for students. Address Miss Finley, 4fi S"iuh Ingalls. ONEY TO AN- Oood security. Address, A. D., bo 1127, Ann Arbor. SUBSCRIPTIoNS for American and Foreign Periodiö'b' handled with accuracy and despatch, at low. rates. W. W. Beman , 19 S. 5th-st.


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