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Fiftieth Congress

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SENATE. ■Washington, Feb. 14. - In the Senate yesterday a bilí was introdnced providing that all citlzens of the United States having the qualifications requisito for electors shall be entitled and allowed to Tote at any election for Representative in the Congress of the United States without distinction of sex. ïfr. Evarts spoke in support of his resolution tnstructing the Committee on Elections to rerise the laws governing Congressional elections. The nomination of Norman J. Colman, of Missouri, to be Seoretary of Agriculture, was confirmed. Washington, Feb. 15. - A bilí was reported in the Sonate yesterday to amend the laws regarding the importation of alcoholio Bquors in the States. The nomination of Carroll D. Wright to be Commiasloner of Labor was conñrmed. Washington, Feb. In the Sonate yesterday a favorable report WM made on the blll to provide for the establishment of a Kaüonal Board of Health. The bill placing General liosecrans on the retired list was passed, also forty-one private penbíod bilis. A Mil was introducod to provide íor a National system of farmprs' institutos. Washington, Feb. 18.- A bill to place Major James Belger on the retired list as Colonel in the regu ar army was passed in the Senato on Saturday. The resolution conoeruing election outraires in Washington County, Tex., was considered. Washington, Feb. 19.- In the Senate yesterday speeches were made by Senator Palmer (Mich. ) and others over the nnvailtng of the sttitue of Lewis Cass, the pioneer Cevemor of Michigan, in the old Hall of Representativos. The Texas outrages resolntion was further coneidered. The House bilí toprovide for taking the eleventh and Bubeequent censuses was passed. Washington, Feb. 20.- A resolution was introducid in the Senate yesterday to ascertain whether in any State the election of members of the Firty flrst Congress was linpaired by violence, intimidation, fraud or ether crime. The Sundry Civil AppropriaUL' bilí was considered and several addiUeiK- were made. HOÜ3K. Washington, Feb. 14.- In the House yesterday the Judiciary Committee reported íavorablv a bilí to amend the naturalizaron lawa The South Carolina contest case was eettled by giving the seat to Eüiott, the sittlng member, by a vote of 143 to 126. Washington, Feb. 15. - A favorable report was made in the House yesterday on the Senate bill appropriatin $2."0,000 to jprotect American interests in the Isthmus of Panama. The bilí to divide a portion of the Sioux reservation iu Dakota into separate reservations and to secure relinquishment of the Indlan titles to the reniainder was passed. The bill for the admission of South Dakota as a State was amended bo as to provide for admission by proclamation of tho President, and that the proposed States of North Dakota, Montana and Washington ehall be admittcd in the same way. Washington, Feb. 16.- In the House yesterday Mr. Mills, trom the Committee on Ways and Means, reporttnl baak the Mills Tariff bill, with the Senate amendment, which he declared was unconstitutional. The Senate bil $2.'Ü,000 for the protection cf American iuterests in Panama was passed. The night ses;ion was devoted to Peneion bi 1. Washington, Feb. IX.- In the House Saturday thr; McJlillan Tatiff bill, patterned after the Jlills bill, which would reduce the revenues S72,0(M),00ü per year, and the Breckinridg-e Tariff bill, oarrying a reductdon of $40,(KKI,0üü, were reportxid. A favorable report vis made on the bill providing an enablinfr net for the admission of the Territory of Xew Mexico. A resolutlon was adopted calling on the Secretary of the Interior for iuformation as to the number cf clerkg appointed in hls departinent since March 1, 188r, without certification from the Civil-Service Commission. Washington, Feb. 19.- In the House yesterday, filibustering over the Sullivan and Telton contested election case from California oceupied the time. Washington, Feb. 30.- In the House yesterday Mr. Butterworth (O.) introduced a lesolutlon the President to invite Canadian officials and legislators to Tistt the United States about May 1. The Poet otlice Appropriation bill was diacussed' OTHEU NOTES. Washington, Feb. 16. - The President lias signed the commission of Norman J. Colman to be Secretary of Agricultura Washington, Feb. 19.- Judpje Edgerton, lately removed from the position of ClvllBerrice Commissioner, has addressed an open letter to President Cleveland, in whlch he criticifies the President severely for this aetion and says hls reasons for xnaking the lemoval were to raake a place for a friend and to pleane the mugwomps. Washinoton, Feb. 20.- After nmny hours' eonsu'tation the conf errees on the omnibus Territorial bi 1 reached a conclusión at 6 o'clock last evening, and Messrs. Platt and Springer are preparing the report to aocompany the' return of the bill to the two Iiouses to-day. The bill as agreed to by the conferrees fixes the names of the two Dakotas as Jiorth Dakota and South Dakota. The people of South Dakota ara to vote upon the adoption of the Sloux Falla constitution Hay 14, and the location of the capital ia to be nettled by election. On the samflT date the residentfi of North Dakota, WuRhingion and Montuna inay vote for the election of delegates to constitutionul conventions and for a f uil list of State cfflcers. On the first Tuesday in October the people may vote upon the constitutlons proposed by the conventions, and, If adopted, after the President's proclamaüon to that effect, the Governors of each rnay order an election of members of the Legislatura and of Representativos in Congress. The Leglslatures may meet and elect two 8enators each iu time to take their eats in the befrinningof the firt regular sension of the iltty-second Congress in December next, at which time the Representaüves ehall also be adniitted to seats. These provislons apply also to the Fnators and lïeptesentatives from South Dakota. Washington, Feb. 30.- The House mittee on Electlons has decided that it has no jurisdiction over the subject ralsed by the Grosvenor resolution in regard to appointing a coininittee of the next House to carry on the contest of Mr. Clayton against Mr. iSreckimïdge, of Arkansas. lt wül be remembered that Mr. Clayton was killed after he gave notice of contest and while he was takiug evidence to support hls c'nim. Washington, Feb. 30.- Just eighteen men are affected by the act recently passed by Congress und apju-oved by the President in"reasing the pension of those who have lost l)Oth hands to $HXI per nionth. Washington, Feb. !.- The President and Mts. Cleveland were entertained at dinner laat night by Secretary and Mrs. Yilaa. It was the laat of the Cabinet dlaners oL tho preeeut AUniinistiation.


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