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If any dealer aya he :ias tne W. fc. Dónelas hoe without name and prloe stamped on the bottoui, put hiui down as a fraud. W. L. DOUCLÁS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Best in the world. Examine his 5.00 GENUINE HANn-SfWKDSHOK. SU 00 HANI-SKWKI WELT .SHOK. 83 50 PÓLICE AM) FAKMK1WSHOE. B2.5O KXTliA VA MIK CALF SHOt. S2.25 WOKKINGMAN'S SHOE. -nva 8S.0O and 1.73 BOYS' SCHOOI. SHOES, All made In Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE lafd.res. Bet Material. Begt Style. Best Fitting. U ySSb-aföcKTOK. MAS3. WM. REINHARDT & CO , 43 . MAIX NTREF.r, Ann Atbor. EoVi rollón Root romnonn.-5oinpost of otto" Root. Tansy snd Pennyroval SwrrKKfuily uMut rtofihiv. Safe, Bffectmil, Ptonmmt.1 f I bv mail. or irunartdrcia PON? ! I ' CCMPAMV, (1 Wooilwird av LMttmlt Míen. Solden Ann Arbor by all drugglsts. raaYTTïöÖM isroa. 6 jjstjd e Washington Street, Ann Arbci Michigan. Have ilwaTvof hand a complete Stook of ! 'hiut il ■ cbu GROCERÏ LINE: Teas, Coffees and Sugan A.11 prime Artlcies boughi for Ca.sD and oud ft) atlow figures. Our requent large invoiees o Teas íb a sure slgn that we ;ive oarRainn In QUALITY AND PRIOS. Weroastour own cofleei ever) -i, i) fresh aud good. Our bakerj tuin out ihf ver. best of Bread, Cake mm crtcer, fan anc seeHF. _„___-- New Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATES AND SECT1ÜNS will bo ent on applicatiou - To 'thöse who want their advertisInR to pay, we can offer 110 better medium for thorougn and etl'eelive work than the vorioos sectioni of our Selert I,n I.Imi. UK. V HOWFI.f. A O.. Newspaper Advert.ting P.ure. iO Spruce ftreot. New ïoik. YELLOWSIGNS. YEL.OW TUBS Use "Peerless Brand BAI.TIMOKK FRESH RAW OYSSERS. Selectd and packed wllh cleanliness and care by C. H. PEARSON & CO., BALTIMORE, MD. The? in The Bit. Así vour üresssr .'er thm. WANTED ! Special-News ('OKKKSVOMX-IMM to represent leading English and America papers. Previous experience not absotuttly neceessary. Most liberal terras for good service. Addruss, with stamp, European-American Press Association, No. 7 Upton 8t., Bostos, Mas.. U. 8. A. Is tho oldent flnrt most ptpu!nr folenflflc cd nieehanICHl p.iper pnblished and has Ihe Isriteit circuladon of iny pnptr of lts clas n the wurla. Fnlly lllnmruted'. Best elass of Wnod KncraTln9. PnhlUhed weeklT. fend for pocimen copv. Prjce 13 n vnr. roor mnnthB' trlnl, fl. M L'N.N A ('O., PUDi.iSHKits, 3C1 Broadway N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scientific American. O A irreat auccew. Ï5ach issue contalna colored lithnt'raphic platcpnf country and city reftldences or public buiKlince. Nnnierous encravlnjri and full plan and pecIHcationa for tli ufe ol uchasciinleniphitebiiildlnil. PricefJMIa Tear, KctsTacopy. MUNN A CO., PUBL1SBSUS. DiOlÑTSill H 4(1 ypars evjwrience and have made 'T I l(D,'Of)U applK-ations for Amerirnn and rirflR fit;ii pntenf. Hond fnr Handbook. torrepondeucc étrietlj cnntidentinl. TRADE MARKS. In case yoiu is not recistpred In the Patnt Olflce. apply t. 1H XN A Co., and procur lmmedUte piutection. 8end for liaaaboolc. CKPVEHülTS for nooks, ctaarts, map, etc., quickly proeured. Address MUSN ifc CO., Pnient Solicltor. OïNEHAI OKKHE: Sil DllOADWAT, N. Y call oirsr W. B. WARNER, 21 STATE ST. MFMfSTimF No better place in the city to buy your GROCERIES C Business conducted on CASH basis. No Goods told on credit to nnyone, but prieta are low enoiijjh to make it an object for you to trade with hitn. Telephone Connecliotis. AU Goods delivered. &. PFNNYROYAL WAFERS tRÏ Aro successfully used niithly Iiy over ÏOIW 1 BI,mllfs. Art! sae. Efftvt iil umi Pteasaiit. (1 I J fper x by mail, or at driutglsu. Stalei Par. f r ticulnra 2noMlji4ie stampa. Address 9 THE hl'HKkA (.'MKM1CAL COMP'KV, f Ftahnr Block. 131 Woodward are., Detroit, SUcli. by JOH MIHIKR. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENFS' 'I In' rvHi I ik I 'sli l'refcfriplHtn w'U restore il Ht 1 t Vna'lty and Hiifed, Health) lHnltiim follow lis uw. Buy at youi druitesi'e. out packaKe.fl; six fort5 HUKEKA CHEMICAI. CO., KfTHorr. Mich Sll by JOHN nilUHK. "CHICAGO TRUSS." f. Neu'SpimlSyrinii Trust. Hard Ruhlnir Peul; Iwm. . . _ Durable, (tap. Approved jC i, , ny the htcht%l MimIicmI An Ihonty. Woin day and nlght t'_ Dy au Infanta week old or ■ f-.' an Adiilt ff) yeaiv. EaHttt aPb ( adjtwted. It maets all forma Lj P 4 olSerotil Fermoral, Inguinal r1 - i anrt Umblllial Henil, In , -itrboth InCuite inil Adulto. ïf?NHtisfaction prutrsnteed to all ce."Any deBirable prewure obtalned. If your druggist dots not keep this Tiuxs, eoclooe btamps and arirtress, 11 A;O TICl'SN O.. rhiengo, III. OFFICE AND FITTING ROOM , 12! E. nandnlph St , T. Y. KaVNE. Manager. Sold by Ann Arbor iirugglste. N. W. AVER 8ON, our authorlzed ageat 0n"JVlQTfiERS' $N FR I END" 01MINISHES b7 j)ANGEH tdLIFK or KOTHK)1CHILÏ. ,gRADFlf,U). REGULATOR CO," Jak fy Ul Jnyys,e.JlTZAJVTA tfA. 't NEW 8TRIPED ROSE. iHJ TUK GBEATE8T NOVEI.TT Rfl ji IX HAKUÏ UUK3 EVKRwl lm-:.r. Utf r.J fr.imnt; cnl-r nflroitlnj P1' ' ' I$jj SSÍ&kí LO R At : 'C U I D E0 KjtT 188, Ihe r-,r SMCnlKlní'ií'í Al."',r':u"'""H]l IH ''■"' r'u-I'i!íl.'ii!'l'1W.1ló1l riBltmQI' WJL sulm n IlluitniUoii r( InoipUoii o' ew.r '"f"BI ■tjj'.-vui' f.ffrr. 'rot Mir Nov.-)rii-i In KlnwrM n-i Vc ITJ. fj3' i ,-. ., -I f, r tVtun"Jnt " Si-, 10 thatjy lf1 Jtv Mik. sr,..T-..v. i;n"litrr, N. TW Well ünlling IVIactiinery SOLDON TRIAL, r No Cash P&yznent- or aettlement of any ƒ kind - until after & ■ , SATISFACTORY TEST. f Machlnery and Tool ml Guaranteed to make Wells ml anywhere, ijl j and at the rat of 3 ft. toovery 3 ft. i7 byanyother machino, or no Bale, v I THE BEST'IWy ƒ, THE CHEAPEST. II I Empire Well Auger Co.. ithaca, n. y.


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