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Sföui earthquake shocks were feit on uesday in Attola, Ala. King Otto, of Bavaiia, has been deelared éo be hopelessly insano. Tuesday inorning Meivin Feall wns found irozen to dcath uear Warrensburg, 111. Miss Stanley won the ladies' bicyclo race At New York. Her record was ti-Ti müosin the bis liay.-i. Prof. Joscpli Meraner, a talented muslciaa, died at Austin, Tcx., on Tuesday, in the 'Xth year of hiR age. Lewis Croeker and Frank Layton were burned to death on Saturday in a lumber shanty at Lopez, Pa. A foundry and a grain elevator at Montreal. Can., were burned on Saturday, causingalossof $100,000. It is saiil that Patti has signed a contract to sing at thirty performances of opera in New York next December. The cotton palace constructed under direction of the Ladies' Charitable Aid Association at New Orleans oiened on Monday. T. B. JiaiTy, the labor affitator, claims that nis new brotherhood now comprimes ninetysir aKsemblies, and more are being organzed. Aden advices state that the Itussian flag has been hoisted on terrifcory which under art Anrlo-French agreement belongs to Trance. Five chiklren of August Penmann, of Phlladelphia, Pa., were poisoned by eating Vienna sausage. Two have died and one is aying. The United States ghip Galena, with RearAdrairal Gherardi on board, sailed f rom Key West, Fla., on Monday for Port au Prince, Hayti Frank McDougal, a school-boy of Parkersóurg, W. Va., committed suicide Saturday because his parents threatened to send him to school. Excite inent is high at Purcell, I. T., over ihe disoovery of oíd placer mines rich with iold two miles east of Purcell, in the Choctaw nation. Mrs. Eva McKell, a middle-aged milliner of Eau Claire, Wis,, feil dead in a restaurant Sunday. Heart-disease ia supposed to have been the cause. AtColumbus, Ind., Tuesday, James Robbins was sentenced to two years iu the penitentiary for stealing two chickens valued at thirty cents. Hatt'e B. Stevenson, clerk in the postofflce ai Wellsville, 0., was arrestedon Monday for robbiug the mails of $ÖÜO, and confessed her guilt. Two express trains on the Grand Trunk road were in collision on Tueivlay near Ste. Hyacinthe, Que., resulting in heavy damage to rolling stock. Walton's Opera-House, the Farmers' Bank ind two atores were destroyed by lire Suuday morning at Butler, Mo. Loss, $(i.',000; partially Insured. Two Mormon elders at Barnett, Ga,, were taken into the Street on Monday and given 100 lashes each, after which they were told to leavo the community. Baron LI Yen Pang, said to be worth $40,■000,000, and one of the rlchest men in China, --arrived in Now York on Monday. He is making a trip around the world. H. W. Van Dyke, proprietor of the Mlnnie tougla8 Opera Company, now traveling through Iowa, feil heir Monday to $140,000 by the death of his uncle. A sheep whlch was imprisoned for sixtysix days in an ovorturnod straw-stack on the farm of William Howe, uear Tuscola, 111., was released alive Tuesday. The Government has decided ogainst the Stlnson claiin, involving fourteen quarter seclions of land at Oíd and West Superior, Wis., worth about 2,0J0,0UÜ. At the seventh annual session in Boston sn Tuesday of the Citizen' Law and Order League of the United States C. G. Bonney, of Chicago, was elected president. A silver mine has been found sixty miles northeaet of Chatfcanooga, Tenn., iu North Georgia, which w as very rich. The quartz yielded $30 to the ton of pure silver. Frank Jobe shot dead Joe Krown at Argentine, Kan., 8unday night. The men were oar-cleaners in the Union Pacific shcps. The shooting grew out of an oíd grudge. John Bingham, 15 years oíd. of Canon, O., was found dead Monday, having been thrown and stamped on by a horse which had just been piven hiin by his únele. Clarenco P. Baker, who some time ago ran through a fortune of $3Ü,XX) at Lafayette, Ind. , by drinkinfr, has recently been taken to that city from Lomlon, 0., insane. John Shannon, a Frenohman living at Bradenville, Pa., was so badly frightened by threat made by White Caps that he made his wiU aud shot hiiuself dead on Monday. It is sfcitd that the withdrawal of Booth and Barrelt froui the support of the movement to excludo foreipn actors from the United States has virtually euded the agitatlon. Mra. Oliver E. Frieud, William H. Howard and three others, charged with conspiracy in the Electric Sugar-lïefining Company frauds, have been arrested at Ann Arbor, Mich. Heavy, sentences are being imposed npon liquor-dealers in Independence, la., and the agente of the express companies are to be enjoined from bringing liquor into the ■ ïown. Albert Johnson and David Fleming, aged nine and ten years respectively, jumped trom a rapidly-moving train on Tuesday at Molden, Mass., and both were instantly killed. Hon. Jesse Calhoun, a. prominent planter of Pike County, Ark., oomraitted suicide Monday. The deed was causod by shame, nis Bon haviug been arrested in Texas for murder. John Dooker, a farmer liviiijr near Franklin, Ind., was arrestedon Tuesday for selllng diseased dressed beef to the bntchers of the town. Oreat indignation was feit by the Tesideut. Josejh Hooston; a farmer noar HodgenTÜlë,- Ky. , was found murdered Monday. He 'had recently come into ]iossession of $3,000; and the object of the murder Is supposed to have been robbery.


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