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anA QÍevT t1 - r 0BCCO . TTpleasanicW 1 Lastrij Qjv iCood öuajfy 0 t narief in only one siae3XX- ul lóozjblu fye most" conenenf fo cut for bocQet or to carry WÍjole. Insisf on lya'mq tfie Genuine wiffi 1he red H tin tag , made only by, John 'finzer%Bro'snLouisill!,Kjt INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamllton Blook. Parties desiring to buy or sell Real Est&te wil! flnd ltto their advanta?e to cali on me. I reprtent the followlng flret-class Fire Insurance Oompanles, havlrg an aggregate capital of over $8,100.000 : The rand Rapil Ure Ins. Co., 'Ihr oiii. Farmer's Ins. Co., (limaren Ollly llwrllillltH!. The criiiuii Ure ln. Co., uMli Pire Iiih. ., 'l'lirCliln-nn' Piro Ins. Co, Tui1 Wi'i'lclicsh'r l'ii-; Iiin. Co., The Milwnukee Mectamiic's Mntnal Iiih. Co., The New HnmpHhire Fire Ins. Co., The Aniazon Fire in. Co. Rates Low. Loases liberal] y adjosted an oromptly pald. I also Issue Life and Investment Pollcies In the Comí. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A iets 56,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insuiance, can have yearly Pollcies writtcn for tbem oi l'raveler's Coupon Insurance Ticket israed at Low Rates In the Standard Accident Insurance Compaña of North America. Money to Loan at Curren i Ratee. Office hou re f rom 8 x. M. to 12m. nd2tc m ALEX. W. KAMILTON, Hamllton Bloc CDrC rflQk POCt (ÏOT.n WATfH ■■■%■■■■ i yíoHi) ""ct ' th "'''■ r XB ïï-iilÜMr Ineiirli lociillty can 8tir on T&SMllUlüUnfcf) '■'!: HowlsthlapollIlbM f SE tr5r We ftnswer - w0 want one per "TTTyr bod hl ech lorkllty, to keep la thlr hornet. uil utiuw tu '.note who ra]), rompiste Hneofonr nlablend ray usef. a IIOISEIIIII.I NA.nPI.ES. Thete well ■ t the wstch, wp send free.tnd fier yon btT kept tbem IQ youi home for IC moatlis nJ tliowo them to thote who muy hvr ftlted.thry birnmn yonr own property; It It pottlble to mtke t.hlt Krett offer. Rendios the NULII) COI. VAtch tod CSTVwmpletfree, ftt thelhowinsof the IKmplet lo dj loo.llty, tways repullo in largetrtd for ot after oor tanplet hitrvbeeo ia local Ity tor mootbortwo we ataatly tet from tooo to SSOOO lo traje frora tbe ■nrrnundlDK country., the most wotl'lerful offer ver known.le made In order thatonr atmpleltoay bu placed ftt ODO wberatbeycan be teeo,. ll over America. Wrlle at ODOt, tod nake tor of th cbaoca . Beaderttwlll he bardlyaoy troob) for you to abow tbcsam) tta to thoce who may cali at yonr bom nd yonr reward wlll moal aatitractory. A postal card on vhlcb to wiite &t coatt bot 1 centand aflor j-ooknow all, ir yon éo oot care to (o furtb r, why no hann la done. Bul If yon do Mnd your addreaa at 01 io, yon canaecare F RE E one of tbe beat aolld gold walen, t In tbe world and onr Uree line of COITH MAMPI.BS. We pey all epreae. rr.lghl, etc Ulntl OSO. STISSUJt eCO.,Boilll,rOttTLAHD,IUIIiK LÜMBER LUMBER! 1UMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON LUMBER YARD ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds of LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumber and Tuarantee VERY LOW PRIOES ■Ivc ns a cal 1 nnd we wlll niake II .. our ïuierem, as our lárice and wel] It'Wlrll Í1IOCK Illllj HUHtaluN OUT !■ uou. JAMES TOE.BEBT, Prop. T. J . KKEIU, Stapt. f rfTTQ T) A TÏT?TJ may Te ronnri on me at Qv A illO i: illrlllXt p. ftoweUit Oo'a Newspope ídTertlglnKBuroaudOSprnccSt.vwhoro'Xl'Ttt'nna lootnctt maj b mad tgr it IBÍ MJBWXOSK.


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