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. "OD 0IJI33JS X.JIAS SHX ■ooijEoiiddE uo 33jj pairem ojooq sajqx s;s5SaiQ 'Aa'iiH jy A-luya 'KOincacaj t.o.C ssiApe [jim 'uieSe jno jjeajq pinoqs p.v. ÁnnajBddB si 'pue pajuaddEsip seq aacis s(p puu '-g -g ■ Jnox p3in a„g JfuiqDii pus uiïd panmjuoa Xq ipnra ja joq p3qr,cuj 5; sjbsX 9j jsud gqj SuunfT &JC3.Í Xjusavj jnoqs joj 3obj joq no 'ajo tnojaoura c qjun pajaiB sbm nug ano 10 jsquiaui jo jsqiotu sqx- uamapuar) ■VO 'ejuepv '-03 39!33dg yig aqj, 8881 'S8 aunf '-xax 'TLVSwésavj "nv.W. T; -H -suicnauoXu íapi uso nr -sjyj Xra p3AKS 3j .3m J0, auop scq j ,cijai joj noX 5aBqi oj Xjiunuoddo siqi sej j puc '3SK3sp sqj jo tunjai sqj 10 9.1U3PIA3 OU U33S 3AEq J Jnq 'OSE SJBSX 33JUJ JO 0.1A? scm reqx -iiaM pHE puños u:b XBp-oj pus 'eapjoq xis j[ooj j -josjja 3jBp3aiui ub OAEq oí pauísss supipam jno -g' -g -g 2ni -3(ei ntósq ! paauj b jo aoiApc aq? qSnojqj n3RX 'pooS ou m op pinoa 3q jcqj panoj 1 j-4un sstssjp sqj jo uoijdaoui sqj mojj QfpisXqd sip jo ju3uijB3a'a3puñ sbm I loejjuuD pire ipMS oj uEsq sspsnni Xm pnB paqas sauoq Xw 'uosiod poojq jo 3sbo pBq Xpui3J)X3 UB JDBJ4UO3 OJ SB 3JEUI1M0Ï Uil OS SBH I OSE EJÏ3X 3AIJ- USIU3[}U39 :-O 'ejuepv '-oD agpadg 5j;a,s 3tlx 8881 i'Xinf '-Míiaj, 'NAVOxsiaaoi' It is said that the undergarments of Alisa Drexel, now Mrs. Morrell, cost more than her fine gowns. Tbey were mainly of silk or crape, and in aíl colors, palé green, liiac and lemon being favorites. rvvv vv Of t5ie good things of tb3 V life are sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets rill cure Dyspepsia Indigestión and Constiüation; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by Johk Moork, Druggist. Let nothing be undone which ought to done. Was Completely Cnred. A dauffhter of my customer missed menstruation on arriving at puberty her health was completely wrecked. At my fluggestion she ued one bottle of Bradfields Female Regulator, w!-i"h cured her J. W. Hellums, Water Valley, Mis?. Write The Bradfield Reg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all druggists. Sanall profitg little risk; largo profits great ri.-ks. Wbat Am I To D? Tne symptoms of Biliousness are unhappily but too well known. They differ in different individuáis to some extent. A bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas he has an excellent appetite for liquors, but none for solids, of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspeotion at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The dipestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipation rnay be a sypmtom, or the two may alterante. There are often liemorrhoids or evet: I ss of blood. There may ba giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulcince nd tendernes in the pit of the sttunaoh. To correct all thip, if not effect a cure, rry Green's Augjst Flower; it costs but a trifle and thousands attest its efficacy. Miss Fanker, the wonderful invalid of Brooklyn, is vice-presidant of a cnmpany that manufactures sick room appluuiCf--. It issaid that she has given ihem valnnble suggestions for the business. Ihe Bestand Purest Medicine Lkkltwin drive the Humor fromyonrljl ij. Xtiyrttcin, and make yuur skin III 4o ? Lcle:in and Btnooth. Thoselll ■ b V3PimpleB and Blotches QV j, jLwluch mar your bcautypj . a, J ",Sare causea bylmpurejg UI "o e a% wfrblood, ana can toitl II f-n ■„ ?. u ftTr"(lml Inashortl I I VoM"" lf you arel I UI h, % ?a ■? , tbloodpu-J m The Dose liVV "V 4i K IN small-only a tea%,;V . A ff] llspooniul. Itistheïf. . ■% j'. II best and cheapeBtk 's tf V .! I II medicine. Try it, and;o, A A, I I you wUl be satisfled. SSo.S' I GetitofyourDrugglst. %VM IB DOS'TWAIT. GETITATONCEk H If yon are eufferlng from Kid II] ney Discase, and wish to live to ola age, use SULPHUR BITTEUS; Tbey uever íail to cure. Ijl Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Oichvay & Co., Boston, Jlaes., íor beet medical work publlshetl? n. Í4. Downs ' iKim: e.xerciser." ■IPIB ■■ For llrain-Worker and Sedentary Pcople; H .'A I Gentlemen, Ladies nnd Youths; S MU I the Athleteor Invaüd. A r.omI tVM I P'ele gymnasium. Takes up f' jrr"ÍHSl uut six inches íquare HoorLSjyeH ""pm ; tomething ncw, scien■ tifie, durable, coniprehensive, oheap. Indorsed by twcnty thousand Physicians, I.awyers, Clergymen Editors snd othere now usicg it. Send for illustratml circular, forty engravings. no charge Prof. D. L. Dowd. Pby&ical and Vocal Culture 9 E. 14th Str et, New-York. ftIARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine Srilem aflHemory Traininj. l'our ltaoka Ijearned in one readia. Mind wandering cureil. Every phild and adult rrall y benfltted. Oreat indaceinents to Ourreapondence Classes. Prospectns, irith opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, the world.fained Specialist in Mind Disease Daniel ■ rnl,n ƒ, tbeereat Psrcholojfist, J. M Bn.UI.-y, l.l:, editor oflhe Chrixtian Advocate, AF., Richard Proctor, the Stientiat. Hon. W. W. Autor, Jodite Kibxon, Judah P. Benjitmin. and otben, sent post free by Prof. A.1OISKTTK, 237 Fiflh Ave , N. T.


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