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"the Road To Heaven."

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The Road to Heaven, a golden casket of uniquo, brilliant and beautiful christian treasure, gathered from the richest mines of religión, soience and philosophy; sumptuously illustrated with a magnificent galaxy of royal steel plate engravings. No other book of modern times deals with such ft living subject, displays such a genuine genius, has such a significant and attractive tille as this new book po;sesses. It ccntains the essence of a thousand tomeB boiled into one, and explores every field of human experience, that can engage, fascínate and charm both the highly cultured and the unlearned, the christian and the man of the world. In the opening pages of this unparal'.ed work the majusty of God is unveiled with a pomp of language iricredibly gorgaous, and yet simple enough to reach the mind of a ohild. Science is called to testify, how God sees and hears us and how the elementa serve Him in Ris watchful care of man. New light is throwrn upan the holy bible. The eecrets of the human heart are laid bare, every passion, affection, virtue and vice of man ia boldly touch - ed by the author's wizard pen. The book is a minor in which all may see themselves, and it the advice of Sócrates, '!Know ttiysclf," can ever be followed, this magnificent volume certainly affords the means. The book is elegantly embellished with a beautiful galaxy of royal steel píate 1lnstrations, by artists of world-renown. The most eniraucing scènes are reproduced in thss charming puges, forming a magrúficent picture gallery. The work contains over 700 massive octavo pages and is prinied from large, elear, new type, suited to every degree of visión, on extra fina paper of admirable finich. It is ismed by the Globe Bible Publishing Co., of Philadelpbia, Pa., and is sold by subscription ODly. Mr. G-eo. N. Mitcheil, who Í8 the authorized agent fbr thÏB sention is now canvassing tor it. We heartily recommend this book to our readers.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register