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Somt' Foolish Peoplc AUow a cough to run until it geta bevond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wearaway," but in mosteases it wears thern away. Could they be induced to trv the succes?ful medicine callea Kemp's Balsam, which s sold on a foíitive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excfllent effect afler taking the first doso. Price 50c and $1. Trial sizs free. At all Druggists. Charles Gardner, te be hereafter known as Karl G.irdner, bas been conceded, the sweetest singer on the American stage. The pubhe have recognizd him as one of ths Itadiug Germán eomedians, He certainly is now at the head of his profesión. Gardter takes his firat trip to the Pacific Coas' tilia surnrner. güRDOCK gLOOD glTTERS, WHAT IS ITt A strictly vegetable preparation, composed of a ehoiee and skillful corabination of Nature's best remedies. The discoverer does not claim it a cure for all the Hls, but boldly warrants it cures every form of disease arising from a torpid liver, impure blood, disordered kidneys, and whero there is a broken down condition of the System, requiring a prompt and permanent tonic, it never fails to restore the sufferer. Such is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all druggists, who are authorlzed by the manufacturero to refund the price to any purchaser who is not beneflted by their use. phice, Oi.oo. FOSTER, MILBURN & CO., Props., BUFFALO. NEW yORg. S Si ■ ■ 5 Za JA L t S o f S ñ m p3 A -■ HÍ í o a o Q _. l S g tJ I Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plants, Pruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Qrapevlnes a Specialty. öyrups and Home-Made Wines. Mi Syrup of Raspbeny ; Bartlett Pear Syrup, Bone sett. Dandelion and Raspberry Wines and Shrubs for Liver and Kidney troubles; Sweet Red Concord and Martha White Winea, eepecially prepared lor Invalida. Order Trees and Plants early, as we get most of them from the best Nurseries cast. L. BACB, West lliirun St. %MLfulYltli Kods by9ample lOLbVIII Lillto the wbolcBLJIfalu :iiiii reiail trade. We are the largest 111:111 uf act uren In our Une. Endose twooent stamp. A permanent AArcc posltlon, Noattentlonpaldto jfcTlk Lí piMiulcartls. MoneyadvaHccdCQ t l"r w.'ikps, aitvertislnf;, rlr.Udill Ce.itcnnial Manufacturintr Co.. LCmcii ihio. PER BAY.


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Ann Arbor Register