Real Estate Transfers
![Real Estate Transfers image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18890307-p02-14.jpg)
C. W. Raymond to Geo. C. Ravmond, Sharnn .'. '500 J. 1) Süruson lu i'rank F. Scott, Ai:u A'bi.r 1(;00 Willis U irton lo i-fu Benton. .tma suuu F I. 1'MiktT tos. (; Militr, nn Aihnr l (ík Bentmi to Willis Benion, bexter 4l(l Fidelia Cdy to E. & C. a. Ner. Yisi ÏM ö. W. Cariuuhael lo Ad.üe Cüimoie, autVISiK 1- Maria J. St. Ciair tu J. w. Tliompson, _ (!() 'öOO ('lins. 'Ihompson to Sarah A. '1'humps.on, Y..SÍ 100 H. ;. and D. 't. Hoag to Uilbtit & Noyes, Che Bea 15 Paulina VVidenmanu to Jacob andWni. Krn aiui Aibor S. u. Miller to Jacob and Wui. Kern, Ann Arbor 3600 Ricliaid Bag.ey lo Lmau B. Petiebone, ruperlor "03 Alfre.1 J. BuchdZtoNumaKeynioud, Aim A.bor 15500 Auditor General to Sarah P. Vaughan, Ann Arbor Mary K. Uorduu to Edwin Feldkamp, Saline 1000 Elmlna Fowlerto Edwin Feldkamp, Salii.e 1000 Anson Sherwood to Edwin Fe.dkamp. Salín,- 1000 Elizabeih Beaubeau to David ISuaubcan, Ypsi 1200
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
C. W. Raymond
George C. Raymond
J. D. Stimson
Frank F. Scott
Willis Benton
George Benton
Fidelia Cady
E. Near
C. A. Near
G. W. Carmichael
Addie Gilmore
Maria J. St. Clair
J. W. Thompson
Charles Thompson
Sarah A. Thompson
H. G. Hoag
D. C. Hoag
Paulina Widenmann
Jacob Kern
William Kern
Richard Bagley
Lyman B. Pettebone
Alfred J. Buchoz
Numa Reymond
Sarah F. Vaughan
Mary E. Gordon
Edwin Feldkamp
Elmina Fowler
Anson Sherwood
Elizabeth Beaubien
David Beaubien