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On THKseeond page The Register this week has the first installment of a long artiele in regard to pensions and hounties and how to secure them. The latest informiition on that subject has been compiled, and this article is believed to contain all that can be learned about it. All interested in the subject should not fail to secure all the numbers of The Registek for a few week?. Wright's Myrrh Tooth S.iap gives pearly white teeth, puriöes the breath, pre vent3 teeth trom decay. Sold by al 1 dnigsjHts. OIIR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exeeeding three liues, can be insurted three weeks lor 2.1 n-uis. WANTED. WAN I'ED. 5,000 people to come and see the Piano, Organ, ewing Machine, and other anieles we are gomgtogiveaway. Alv.n Wilsey, 25 South Fourth-st. WANTKD. A girl to do general house-work. Apply at 12 Pa kardst. WANTKD. A firstclassstarGher and good shirt i:oner at Excelsior Laundry, 20 E. Huron. WANTED. Dishwasher and eook. Iuquireat 2 E. William-st. WANTED -To rent a house with 5 or 6 rooms, couvenient to the Court House Square. Apply to .). C. Miller al this office, WAN iEL - Place lo woik ior board and o to school by a bteady youug man. Address box 1546 KOK SAI.E. FOR SALE.- Kive orsix octave Estey - good, second hand, IS2". and $i. A I-o new orgmiH at J4. Prices (nt. See onr Eicgaut premiums - '2b South 4th St. Alvin Wilsey. trOR. SALE.- Farm of 40 acres Jí miles tenia city ou LHxooro road. Iitquireal E. B. Norris, or Mrs. lliillaud, No. 5 N. Stille ol. J'ARM FOR SALE. 60 aerea, good soil build] 1 ings, welk, orclmrd andsmail uuiL-, etc , 1% miles from Aun Arbor cuy on Ypsilanti road, Terms easy. J. D. Y illiams. ÍpOR SALE. Two Pianos in good repair. Prlce 1 of one Ï.40.0U, the other ÏSu.OO. Aduress, Box X612. i __ Ihave had a house placfd in my hands for sale atiignat burgain. lt is lre, well lucatei, kuitable for roomers and boarders, or nicely arrangcd for two families. W, W. Whedon. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOOD-i FOR SALE Extra bargams if isold soon. Address W. E. Munj'on, Kalkaska, Mich., IJox 74. Keut reasouabk-. I?OR SALE,- The Baa. n Houke and Ham. A JU bargaiir Thomns Phillips, Ypsilauti, Midi. . OUSE AND LOT FORSALE- House new, slx I 1 rooms and paniry;good Wfll.Cistern .cellar, and Woodiioue. Plu&saiit location on Bmoks st, one lot from Miller Ave. Term rea-ouable. Adilr.-. l'. O. box tU3, Ann Arbor, Miuh pOR SALE OR EXCHANUË FOK FARM.- 1 House and 24 City Lots.- Apply 48 South Main Ut . Ann Arbor. 1;AKM Foli SALE- A fint elan iarin of bö . acres, '! miles south ol Ann Arbor. Iiuildings and ftneea in good londuiou. For funher inlormalion inquire on the premises. L. H. Mosed. BBACH BLOOK Stove Wood, 82.00 per cord (Green); 16-ln. D;op postal. Box MS, cuy; FARM FOfi SALE- The farm known as the Urant T. Purry farm of 200 Acres of lirstclass land, suuRted ia iho townsliipof Lodi. Inquire of Comstock K. Hill, Administrator. FOR SALE- Fruit Farm. 13 acres, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, for sa. e at a bargaiu. Only reaoon for wllmg is unable to tend to it. Choicest land. highest cultivalion. 11 acres in raspberries and black berries; 4 in rapes, pears aud;peaches 2 in grove pla' tation two yeas old. Cash sales this year Ï1600. AOundaut water; House cott Ï5.I.0O. Elegant lawn, hedges and simde. One mile from Courthouse. Teimseasy. J. H. Clough trOR SALE.- House and lot So. 44 Washington1 st Apply ol N. W. Cheever, No. 10 Nortü 4thst ; LARGE NEW HOUSE, with one or two lots, for sale or exchange for smaller propeity, If not sold, will be for jent. J. P. Judsou, South University Ave ; also 4 Acres on same FOK BEKT. " OOD ROOMS and board for laboring men at VJT No. 18 South University ave. FOR RENT.- Desirable house on E. Uuiverslly Ave, near Campus at reasonable rate to good tenant. Inqnlreat KeglslerO t.ce. ONION AND CELERY land for rent. or sale or exchange for house and ,ot in Ann Arbor, 12J4 acres, with house aud barn. Apply to J. L. P. McAll.-ter, ftft Miller Ave. FOR RENT. Thirty acres of marsii laud for onions. four milts south of Ann Arbor, town shlp of PitMictd, twenty acres ready lor spring work. For (uriher informatiun address Miss ü. Phillips, PitU-lu ld P. O , Midi., or cali at Squires' Iarin. Good onion crib. ITOR RENT- ï'urnished rooms fnr llght houseV keeping, or the whole house. No. 11 S. lugalls Street. rpHE new house. Nu. 87 Momoe street, (ntar E JL Univ. Ave.) fur rent inquire at 44 East Dnlverfclly Ave. REAL ESTÁTE FOK S. NT.- Housesand lotsvalued from f 1.000 to iti.uOu and containlug from one rlfth ol an acre to i,wfnty acres- ali in tlie city limits. Houses rci'tad on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged lor city property. Ëuquire of J. Q. A.SESSIONS, 632tl Attoniey and Real Eslate Agent. Office over Expicss Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. MISCEI.IAJNEOCW. LOST. From E. Orleans-st, a young buil pup, clear white. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Richard Jewell PARTIES building in the Spring, withing to Bell their old house, may fiud purchaser by addressing l'„ Recistsk Office. IiXCELLENT FÜRNACE, water up stairs and 'j down. house new, warm. light, cheerful, an economie house for unall iamlly. 37 Muuroe-st., ncar E. Univertity ave. MRS. E. R. CHAPÍN, Teacher of Frencb. Thor ough instruction given iu private lessons. Ni). 5 N. State St; ONËY fó Good securlty. Address, 1)., box 1127, Ann Arbor. SUBSCRIPTION8 for American and Forcign Periodicals handled with accuracy and despatch, at low rates. W. W. Beman, 19 S. Sth-st.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register